Well-Known Member
I saw Nick's TED talk years ago, and he's as right today as he was then.The pitchforks will be coming......Once the uneducated become aware of how they are losing out vs. Big Business profits and the increasing control of Big Business over the Fed.
Then again it's been "written on the wall" for years.
Never was a fan of Reagan but, he did remove all the loopholes from the tax's for Big Business. All that was overturned in less then the first 2 years of HW......
As long as business has congress, and now the president, in it's pocket. "Fair wages" are not going to happen.
How does a corporation, that dbls it's profit from 300 million a year, for the next 3 years in a row. Actually get away with telling it's employee's that they can't afford to provide even a cost of living increase?
The uneducated, simple minded majority of the workforce, signed off on a new contract by the corporation adding another $500 to the signing bonus! How does $500 now, trump over 2K in a year? Not to mention over the years of the new contact?
$40+ dollars a week doesn't look like much but, why can't people do the math? There are things you can do with that amount (and have more left over) that increase that simple amount to real deal life time returns!
I always send in at least $50 a month more to my mortgage. Principle only payment! Why? Because that 50 bucks, over the course of the 30 year note. Reduce's the total cost by over $80,000 dollars and shortens the length of the loan by 8 years!
This doesn't even include investing returns..... Sell out for $500 now? Stupid as all hell!
The lack of ability for many "everyday american's" to see truth. Is sadly lacking!
Listen to this guy too! @ttystikk Bet you saw this one too!
Nick Hanauer TED talk "Beware fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming."
► 20:22
Trump = unrepenting narcissistic asshole.
NeoCons and NeoLibs have the same ideas about the economy, and unfortunately it's all bad news for the middle class. It's taken a long time for them to wake up to how badly they're being fucked.
Reagan did the middle class no favors at all. It was under his watch that American wages stopped rising in step with productivity gains.