

Well-Known Member
Hi everybody...

As most of you know from my thread "I need a lawyer" I'm fighting my employer for my legal right to use medical marijuana. Many of you, as well as many friends, suggested I start a GoFundMe page and so I have.


If you can spare a few bucks... I'd really appreciate it. After all, this isn't only my fight. There are many others who can't afford to or will not be able to afford to when the time comes... and hopefully success in my fight will help you in yours, if you end up down this road.

Thanks all!
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Hey, too bad you have to go this way but employers need to get with the program, well worth the fight. It's started off, good luck with the donations!

Thanks! Greatly appreciated!

Although human rights are guarunteed in this country that is only if you can afford to defend them when violated. Not much of a guaruntee.... lol

And really... i owe many thanks to those who fought before me to make my fight possible... so thanks to all those pioneers
An interesting development... a long-forgotten friend got a hold of me and suggested that I get a hold of one of his friends who happens to be the minister of Labour for Alberta. So I sent an email to her pleading my case and hopefully something will come from that.

But more importantly... I have been wondering why my employer completely ignored my prescription and the acmpr registration. It was my thought that they must have some some trick up their sleeve and I found out what that is...

In Alberta employers have been getting around the Discrimination complaint by claiming that marijuana is not a legal drug because it does not have a drug identification number attached to it. But for that to work it must be stated in the company's drug and alcohol policy and that only prescriptions with a drug identification number are legitimate. The policy must also state that cannabis use weather for medical or recreational purposes is forbidden.

My company's policy has no such statements. So if that's their trick I think it will fail...
An interesting development... a long-forgotten friend got a hold of me and suggested that I get a hold of one of his friends who happens to be the minister of Labour for Alberta. So I sent an email to her pleading my case and hopefully something will come from that.

But more importantly... I have been wondering why my employer completely ignored my prescription and the acmpr registration. It was my thought that they must have some some trick up their sleeve and I found out what that is...

In Alberta employers have been getting around the Discrimination complaint by claiming that marijuana is not a legal drug because it does not have a drug identification number attached to it. But for that to work it must be stated in the company's drug and alcohol policy and that only prescriptions with a drug identification number are legitimate. The policy must also state that cannabis use weather for medical or recreational purposes is forbidden.

My company's policy has no such statements. So if that's their trick I think it will fail...
Some good developments, having an in never hurts. If their plan is to screw you as much as they can and hang you out to dry, throw everything you have at them, scumbags.

I just love these corporations and HR departments always playing up how important their employees are and how they are such good citizens, until there's anything out of the norm where they should/could step up to actually treat (specially sick) employees properly, not just pay lip service to some bull-shit HR/marketing crap.
just donated what I could and shared on Facebook so maybe it will bring in a little more I am on disability permanently so do not have to worry about that for my self but I stand with you on this fight.
every little bit helps and I certainly don't expect anything from anybody if they can't afford it... ensuring that link is very important
Thank you
Some good developments, having an in never hurts. If their plan is to screw you as much as they can and hang you out to dry, throw everything you have at them, scumbags.

I just love these corporations and HR departments always playing up how important their employees are and how they are such good citizens, until there's anything out of the norm where they should/could step up to actually treat (specially sick) employees properly, not just pay lip service to some bull-shit HR/marketing crap.

Yes yes we here at XYz Corp care about our employees. By the way we're clawing back on your benefits you're not getting a raise and we can afford the Christmas party this year....
In Alberta employers have been getting around the Discrimination complaint by claiming that marijuana is not a legal drug because it does not have a drug identification number attached to it. But for that to work it must be stated in the company's drug and alcohol policy and that only prescriptions with a drug identification number are legitimate. The policy must also state that cannabis use weather for medical or recreational purposes is forbidden.

My company's policy has no such statements. So if that's their trick I think it will fail...
That ' not a legal drug' argument won't fly. You have a prescription by a doctor and soon to have the registration with HC. It is as legal as any other medication within Canada. MMJ patients have already fought for and won that. Your employer has no more right to tell you what medications you can use than it does telling you what you can eat for supper. They fucked up, they know it and they are hoping you will just go away. If you look at the criteria for employee drug testing below, they didn't even come close to respecting your human rights. There should be vacancies in management and HR shortly at an Edmonton warehouse.
This is Ontario's policy 2016 - probably very similar to AB

A drug and alcohol testing policy that respects human rights and may be justifiable under the Code is one that:

  • Is based on a rational connection between the purpose of testing (minimizing the risk of impairment to ensure safety) and job performance
  • Shows that testing is necessary to achieve workplace safety
  • Is put in place after alternative, less intrusive methods for detecting impairment and increasing workplace safety have been explored
  • Is used only in limited circumstances, such as for-cause, post-incident or post-reinstatement situations
  • Does not apply automatic consequences following positive tests
  • Does not conflate substance use with substance addiction
  • Is used as part of a larger assessment of drug or alcohol addiction (for example, employee assistance programs, drug education and awareness programs and a broader medical assessment by a professional with expertise in substance use disorders or physician that provides a process for inquiring into possible disability)
  • Provides individualized accommodation for people with addictions who test positive, to the point of undue hardship
  • Uses testing methods that are highly accurate, able to measure current impairment, are minimally intrusive and provide rapid results
  • Uses reputable procedures for analysis, and
  • Ensures confidentiality of medical information and the dignity of the person throughout the process.