'..Black Voters Don't Like Bernie Sanders'


Well-Known Member
Just imagine being married to that and having 4 kids by her. Suicide is not an option
please learn the meaning of doxxing. You are coming off as ignorant, stupid @st0wandgrow , and a bit asinine. Do you think me calling you an low info woman voter is doxxing? All is true but it is not
if you start now, you get get those 40 mental health visits grandfathered in before trumpcare takes place.


Well-Known Member
That has already been done. Guy even took out a restraining order. She represented herself in a Bernie suit custom. Judge sided with husband in less than 3 minutes.
maybe i'll just give your wife a call at the hospital..leave a message for when she gets out of surgery? let her know what kind of husband she has..a husband who's obsessed with another woman.


Well-Known Member
maybe i'll just give your wife a call at the hospital..leave a message for when she gets out of surgery? let her know what kind of husband she has..a husband who's obsessed with another woman.
My wife knows what type of husband she has. You are not Asian, you are pretty much broke, and you talk too damn much about shit you know nothing about. My wife would know that you are lying and not a threat, just based on this info. Case would be closed once I let her read your post. Especially about how the nurses were acting at the doctors office you visited and your non-craving for fried chicken and watermelon.


Well-Known Member
My wife knows what type of husband she has. You are not Asian, you are pretty much broke, and you talk too damn much about shit you know nothing about. My wife would know that you are lying and not a threat, just based on this info. Case would be closed once I let her read your post. Especially about how the nurses were acting at the doctors office you visited and your non-craving for fried chicken and watermelon.
Now I want fried chicken...am I black to her now too?

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Bernie is our trump. Out of step, out of touch, and dangerously incompetant. He would get mauled and spit out in a national election, even against the turd.

Pick a real candidate. Not a person responible in a large way for trump. Voters will remember his traitorous ways and stay home.

It's time for a fresh candidate. Not a traitor.


Well-Known Member
Bernie is our trump. Out of step, out of touch, and dangerously incompetant. He would get mauled and spit out in a national election, even against the turd.

Pick a real candidate. Not a person responible in a large way for trump. Voters will remember his traitorous ways and stay home.

It's time for a fresh candidate. Not a traitor.
Lots of up and coming, talented, fresh faces in the Democrats.

Gimme a Harris/Booker ticket or either of them individually.


Well-Known Member
Bernie is our trump. Out of step, out of touch, and dangerously incompetant. He would get mauled and spit out in a national election, even against the turd.

Pick a real candidate. Not a person responible in a large way for trump. Voters will remember his traitorous ways and stay home.

It's time for a fresh candidate. Not a traitor.
Sanders did a great job of getting some great ideas out there. The problem came that he not only didn't know when to leave the stage, he and his followers fucked over the only option to get those ideas implemented.
Sanders supporters like Shuylaar are one of the reasons We got Trump.
That is a fact.