Aussie Growers Thread

lol more?...lmao

Good vid to where the market may be for us later.

That dude Kevin Jodrey is THE MAN I’ve read and watched everything that guy has online he is unbelievable,the most knowledgeable guy in cannabis in my opinion and one of the most humble. Just now he has offered to guard anyone’s genetics they fear losing because of the fires over there free of charge and given his word that nothing will be lost,stolen,or given away. Absolute Legend
That dude Kevin Jodrey is THE MAN I’ve read and watched everything that guy has online he is unbelievable,the most knowledgeable guy in cannabis in my opinion and one of the most humble. Just now he has offered to guard anyone’s genetics they fear losing because of the fires over there free of charge and given his word that nothing will be lost,stolen,or given away. Absolute Legend
Check out ,that place is my Disneyland think I’d dead set break down in tears if I ever go there
lol well fuck it if youre gunna be over the 50 moontang whats in that fuck me theres probably a hole forrest of weed growing now cuse os cocoloco forgot a few plants dude holy shit man one day im tryng youre weed not like u wont have enough lol hope thay all go good man gro hard brother
gunna check thos links out but first i think im gunna have coffie number fucked if i know im gunna google aussie driving shit to study my ass of i could go for the ps test now but iv only driven 10 hours years ago fuck it tho its not that hard dont crash and follow the rules fuck if i can get that job ill be fucken cheering all it is is spraying the carpet anf using one of tnose waxing type things if i can learn to drive i can learn one of tnose fuck it lol
lol well fuck it if youre gunna be over the 50 moontang whats in that fuck me theres probably a hole forrest of weed growing now cuse os cocoloco forgot a few plants dude holy shit man one day im tryng youre weed not like u wont have enough lol hope thay all go good man gro hard brother
These are for my personal grow I’ve been wanting to do a run of Bodhi gear for a couple of years,this is the first time in quite a while I’m actually excited about what I’ll find amongst them. Don’t worry bro I’m going to go as hard with this lot as I’ve ever gone I’m not going to be happy unless I get as close to perfect as I can this year even if it kills me doing it
That dude Kevin Jodrey is THE MAN I’ve read and watched everything that guy has online he is unbelievable,the most knowledgeable guy in cannabis in my opinion and one of the most humble. Just now he has offered to guard anyone’s genetics they fear losing because of the fires over there free of charge and given his word that nothing will be lost,stolen,or given away. Absolute Legend
I leant so much in 40 mins. Ive never herd of him before.