My thoughts on the Las Vegas massacre

It's back a few pages. It's just a pic of me kayaking from the picture of me thread with his repeated words photoshopped in.

I am impressed. He had to really care to take the time to flirt with me like that. I sure wouldn't waste any more time on him.

who you calling a kayak ?:P
1) funny how you excerpt half of a question and label it a statement, all of the traits of a self loathing asshole right?

2) stale, need new bait

can you please clarify why you think i "hate my own race", please?

also, why did you try to insult my "mixed race jew kids"?

can you please post a picture of your elbow to prove you are not white as well?

thanks, neo-nazi.
do you think thatanyone at all is fooled by your act anymore?

you kinda came out as full nazi yesterday.


full nazi eh? I have no act. I grow marijuana. I find annoying you occasionally to balance your absurd existence here. glad I occupy your head rent free, even those hours you wait up late for you wife to return from the card game
Again I was a young man at the time. I was also a connected dealer and never usually went there like that.

I did do volume business during the day there often. But inside an apartment in a building with a parking lot.

My girlfriend was jonesing that night and we were out. I went alone. And yes they were doing a round up like you say.

I am telling you that there was an ordinance targeting white people. That was the point. It happens. I never said it happens more.

I was continually mis quoted and run around while they tried to trip me up. I told this story in response to a comment.

Your argument is not really what I was saying in my original post about this.

I understand I have not posted in this forum often. And I get hazing. But you are all a deterrent to discussing any topic that comes up and I was posting to tell buck how bad he has become with this about 3 nights ago

I have been answering alerts ever since.

Mostly the comments were ignorant I answered to. Only a couple were actually conversing with me this whole time.

This place is more of a fraternity than a forum of discussion. A click even.

For posting here I am now a Jew hater. A Nazi sympathizer. A crack head. And buck seems to have a pretty hard crush on me. He even posted my picture with a love note.

Does it matter that I am a drug free hard working Medical growing white Jewish man who has been physically disabled out of his career for over a decade and has not filed for permanent disability?

I am also a tax paying homeowner again after drugs and then health destroyed my life.

I seem to be welcome in the growing community here.

I only get in fights with 2 idiots that deserve it on the Grow forums.

Oh well. No open discussions here I guess. Just preaching and complaining mostly.
You were a crack head. One night you were arrested for buying crack whilst being white. Glad to see and hear you are off crack. That shit does nothing for ya. and the Karma selling that shit
I see now you are having a bit of trouble getting off the Buck. seems to be fucking with your head.
perhaps you should ask the people who made and/or participated in the HBO documentary?
I watch a lot of shit I disagree with. Just because you saw it on the HBO. Does not make it true. People need to stop making others feel ashamed of their name. People should not be ashamed of their name. Your statement says that you agree with this bullshit on name requirements. Their are plenty people world wide with names other than Amy or Todd, that are beautiful and meaningful. Stop with your simple minded thinking.
For fuck sake get out of the country and go travel, maybe that will open that tiny little head of yours.
IFor fuck sake get out of the country and go travel, maybe that will open that tiny little head of yours.

It is, contrary to popular belief, a very large, very beautiful world full of interesting, intelligent and beautiful people.

That's another part of why Americans are, by and large, so stupid and narrow minded: they never go anywhere, do anything or experience other cultures.

I tell you, you just haven't really lived until you've been to a full on Russian birthday party. It is a singular enjoyable experience beyond anything we have in this country. It's like Thanksgiving, Marti Gras and New Years Eve all rolled into one.
why do you think i laughed at you every time you claimed to not be white, nazi boi?

so much for white pride, eh?

because you knew you saw it posted over and over but couldnt find it. I almost pm'd it to you but didnt want you take that
as a hug. lol
never had pride, white or otherwise, just survival and then really good choices. I'm different races btw, you wouldnt call me white if you saw me, but whatever, white friends as well as black friends, one mexirican friend too, have affirmed this to my face. white was on my bc so that was my story. I'm a mixed race kid, like yours even. nazi's chew me up at first site no questions
because you knew you saw it posted over and over but couldnt find it. I almost pm'd it to you but didnt want you take that
as a hug. lol
never had pride, white or otherwise, just survival and then really good choices. I'm different races btw, you wouldnt call me white if you saw me, but whatever, white friends as well as black friends, one mexirican friend too, have affirmed this to my face. white was on my bc so that was my story. I'm a mixed race kid, like yours even. nazi's chew me up at first site no questions

nice meltdown, you worthless white nazi bitch.