What did you accomplish today?

Anxiously waiting to see if the fire moves closer to my other pad. It might as well burn down now(not). The girls have been without power for 2 nights now. I’m sure it’s gonna take them a very long time to fix the problem. FML.
Fires fucking suuuuuuckkkkkk!
Oh jeez Aero I am so sorry! I hope you and yours stay safe through this miserable shit.
You're safe though?
Yes, thank you ;-)
A fire tried to get me where I'm sitting right now typing this, but appears they got it under control, but my buddy and my dog Rex are at my other pad that a big fire is close by. He has about 3 ways out, so we're feeling pretty good about that. he's gonna be coming over here as soon as he's done chopping down a crop. Lol. :-(

The good news is, that the smell coming out of his truck(buds will be in bins) will not be noticed. :-)
I got woken up at 2:00am by my grow partner banging on my trailer door..."Fire!"
went outside & into 70mph winds and an orange glow off in the distance, couldn't see 20ft for the smoke & dust.....hell of a night
God damn bro!

Rudy has no cell service and the landline doesn't work. Only update i get is when he drives to my buddies in Forbestown. The same buddys house who's outdoor was dangerously close to getting wiped out a little while back. Fuck.