What did you accomplish today?

That's all I ever do. Rough cut. I try to make it look pretty but I'm not going to the trouble of dispensary type trimming.

I don't sell. It wouldn't be hard st all. Its all bad weed here. The good stuff is so expensive. A person could sell it for a premium with sugar leaf on it here.

I actually like a little sugar leaf in mine. Knock the fans off and trim flush with the bud.

I like a nice tight trim .......on bud to
I'm sorry to hear of your brothers passing, my condolences.
Glad to hear of your upcoming new family member.
We have 7 ourselves - they keep you on your toes, that's for sure. :wink:

The mom is 17 weeks now. Baby is due in March . I felt like it was a girl from the time they told us but my wife was saying boy , now I'm doing the happy dance , but really I don't care what it is I'm just happy that the ultrasound was good and everything looked normal.
Congratulations Grandpa - pic's at term or it didn't happen. :wink:
Had to get up at 4:30 to drive some friends into the airport, tried going back to sleep but I can't and now I feel dead, but I still have shit to do...bleh. One good thing, I stopped at the grocery store and had to wait a few minutes for them to open. When i walked in the smell of fresh baked doughnuts filled the store, I never realized they had a in-house bakery, I'm usually going in there after 5pm. I walked out with a dozen of the best damn doughnuts I've had in years. Only other doughnut places I know of are chains, Dunkin Doughnuts or Honeydew Doughnuts, and their doughnuts suck. Almost worth getting up early for. Nothing like fresh glazed doughnuts.....Mmmmmmmm.
Had to get up at 4:30 to drive some friends into the airport, tried going back to sleep but I can't and now I feel dead, but I still have shit to do...bleh. One good thing, I stopped at the grocery store and had to wait a few minutes for them to open. When i walked in the smell of fresh baked doughnuts filled the store, I never realized they had a in-house bakery, I'm usually going in there after 5pm. I walked out with a dozen of the best damn doughnuts I've had in years. Only other doughnut places I know of are chains, Dunkin Doughnuts or Honeydew Doughnuts, and their doughnuts suck. Almost worth getting up early for. Nothing like fresh glazed doughnuts.....Mmmmmmmm.

The finest doughnuts in all the land.