If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened

No, like saying the anti semitic and nazi things that you do (see my sig), or posting ultra-racialized jews defaced with Hitler's star of david (you have never condemned him once for that), or visiting child pornography websites.

Will you ever apologize for or condemn any of that?
why should I apologize for others? is that a value you hold dear and want to force on me?

why should I condemn someone I beleive just because you don't beleive them? didn't you give Robert Byrd the a-ok?
Not according to the right. Accordig to them, the well-regulated part only applies to the militia. That's why they say 2A requires no regulations on domestic ownership of guns; the right of the people "shall not be infringed."

That fits originalism, just as my argument about technology does. I personally believe the Constitution is a living document that is amendable for a reason.
It only lives through the courts, IMO it is unamendable.
i meant apologize for your own anti-semitic remarks. i know you are too spineless to condemn others. even pedophiles.

the NAACP gave him a 100% rating.

i know that upsets you since you are a racist and hate "purples".

I don't think you're jewish, my requirement is that you know their god and maybe went to their school, and I posess no hate for you or your fake religion.

can you define antisemitism?
hey, a nazi is calling me a fake jew.

how odd.
I think you are faking agnosticism as well....you have used the spaghetti monster argument which implies you know. have you changed to a position of not being able to know?

you claim no faith, nor disbelief; yet you joined a faith.....

the important thing to note about you and your religion is that here in America no-one gives a flying shit.
If you want to ban guns, start with the biggest killers. Or are you one of them who thinks "collateral damage" ISN'T murder ?

Not sure what you mean, but my point wasn't to ban guns. You righties love your straw man arguments.