If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened


Well-Known Member
It only lives through the courts, IMO it is unamendable.
Unamendable? Explain prohibition, the bill of rights, and all of the other amendments.

Article V of the Constitution:

"The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."

This is why right wing anti-intellectualism is a problem.
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Well-Known Member
Wow you think and talk about pedophelia 24 hrs a day.

I was just messing with you because your online personality is an asshole.

You disgust me new dad. Good thing your baby can't read huh?
Why? Because he condemns pedophilia and anti-semitism? How many child porn links have you seen in your life like tampee? How many times have you posted anti-semitic depictions of Jews like arctice granite? You are low to twist the truth, hopefully you don't have kids.


Well-Known Member
seeing link=visiting child porn site?
condemns pedophilia and anti-semitism=accuses everyone who doesnt feel like him of being a pedophile and a jew hater racist?

lets be clear.
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Well-Known Member
seeing link=visiting child porn site?
condemns pedophilia and anti-semitism=accuses everyone who doesnt feel like him of being a pedophile and a jew hater racist?

lets be clear.
Tell me, be honest, how many child porn links have you seen? My guess is zero. Let's be clear.

UB has only accused people with evidence. Be honest, have you seen the anti-semitic posts by @ArcticGranite? I can post them if you wish and explain why they are anti-semitic. Let's be clear.


Well-Known Member
Why? Because he condemns pedophilia and anti-semitism? How many child porn links have you seen in your life like tampee? How many times have you posted anti-semitic depictions of Jews like arctice granite? You are low to twist the truth, hopefully you don't have kids.

I am just calling them as I read them.

You sound as silly and desperate as buck.

No one is twisting any truth. You are making yours up.


Well-Known Member
I am just calling them as I read them.

You sound as silly and desperate as buck.

No one is twisting any truth. You are making yours up.
Have you seen the evidence? Or do you care?

Seems like you have your mind made up about who to believe. If you had dealt with these cowards spewing hate and never owning up to it, maybe you would think differently. Arctic deserves the label of anti-semitic, dude has crossed the line 3 times by my count. Tampee probably isn't an actual pedo but admitted to seeing child porn links on the dark web. I don't often flick him shit about it, but when I do it's because he is a serial bullshitter and is deplorable in his debate tactics. That's just to show him what low blows and fallacy are like to debate with.


Well-Known Member
Tell me, be honest, how many child porn links have you seen? My guess is zero. Let's be clear.

UB has only accused people with evidence. Be honest, have you seen the anti-semitic posts by @ArcticGranite? I can post them if you wish and explain why they are anti-semitic. Let's be clear.
I get what you’re saying, but I think you’re missing the point. Nobody is saying that hateful comments should be ignored, but what UB employs here is far beyond that. He takes one comment that he deems offensive, and then uses that comment to club someone over the head with over, and over, and over again in an attempt to discredit anything that person ever has to say. I’ve seen one example (maybe there’s more?) of a post in poor taste from Arctic Granite, which he said that he did not fully realize why it was so offensive prior to posting it, and then appologized for posting it after it was pointed out to him....yet here we are months later, and he gets his nose rubbed in it every single time he posts something. It’s ridiculous and childish.

Racism, sexism, anti Semitism, etc are learned behaviors. That means that they can be unlearned. I would think that someone that was invested in trying to curb prejudiced behavior would know this, and would appeal to those people using reason and logic. Calling out someone for offensive language is fine, but berating them months, sometimes years after the fact only serves to divide people and contribute to the problem. It rings especially hollow when you see women that UB disagrees with who he objectifies by shaming them over being fat and ugly. Is that really any better?

I consider myself to be very liberal, but if I’m being honest here I see more shitty behavior from the left on this site than I do the right. I just don’t see the point in carrying on like this. Every single thread gets derailed in to a shit show of name calling and insults, which is getting really old imo. Some ball busting here and there is fine, but it would be nice to actually have some adult conversations. We might all be surprised with the common ground that can be found. I wish he would cut it out, because he knows his stuff, is well spoken, and could change some minds if he wanted to...


Well-Known Member
I get what you’re saying, but I think you’re missing the point. Nobody is saying that hateful comments should be ignored, but what UB employs here is far beyond that. He takes one comment that he deems offensive, and then uses that comment to club someone over the head with over, and over, and over again in an attempt to discredit anything that person ever has to say. I’ve seen one example (maybe there’s more?) of a post in poor taste from Arctic Granite, which he said that he did not fully realize why it was so offensive prior to posting it, and then appologized for posting it after it was pointed out to him....yet here we are months later, and he gets his nose rubbed in it every single time he posts something. It’s ridiculous and childish.

Racism, sexism, anti Semitism, etc are learned behaviors. That means that they can be unlearned. I would think that someone that was invested in trying to curb prejudiced behavior would know this, and would appeal to those people using reason and logic. Calling out someone for offensive language is fine, but berating them months, sometimes years after the fact only serves to divide people and contribute to the problem. It rings especially hollow when you see women that UB disagrees with who he objectifies by shaming them over being fat and ugly. Is that really any better?

I consider myself to be very liberal, but if I’m being honest here I see more shitty behavior from the left on this site than I do the right. I just don’t see the point in carrying on like this. Every single thread gets derailed in to a shit show of name calling and insults, which is getting really old imo. Some ball busting here and there is fine, but it would be nice to actually have some adult conversations. We might all be surprised with the common ground that can be found. I wish he would cut it out, because he knows his stuff, is well spoken, and could change some minds if he wanted to...
I think you missed my point: it has become useless trying to reason with these assholes. I don't enjoy it, I doubt UB really does, though it may feel cathartic sometimes. It's sinking to their level of disingenuousness. I agree it's not a great debate tactic but this isn't even really a debate with these hypocrites. Litetally everything they post is a fallacy that has been spoon fed to them by right wing media.

I can let things go, if they own up to it. Tampee isn't guilty of pedophilia in my book, I can let that go when he shows some intellectual integrity. But it wasn't just one time with edit:budman111, sorry arctic. He posted 3 different memes and has posted his 'fact' source of smoloko.com which is hugely anti-semitic. I won't turn a blind eye to that, nor will I debate him until he owns up to it, which he continually refuses to do.

I've said stupid shit. I've been racist. I still exhibit subconciously racist behavior sometimes for whatever inexcusable reason. Is that so hard to admit? Own it, move on, have an honest discussion. I don't know if these guys are capable.
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Well-Known Member
Wow you think and talk about pedophelia 24 hrs a day.

I was just messing with you because your online personality is an asshole.

You disgust me new dad. Good thing your baby can't read huh?
if you jew hating shitbags would simply condemn pedophiles like tampee and rob roy and run them off the site then you wouldn't hear a peep.

pedophiles like them linger here because anti-semite fucktards like you coddle and welcome them.


Well-Known Member
I think you missed my point: it has become useless trying to reason with these assholes. I don't enjoy it, I doubt UB really does, though it may feel cathartic sometimes. It's sinking to their level of disingenuousness. I agree it's not a great debate tactic but this isn't even really a debate with these hypocrites. Litetally everything they post is a fallacy that has been spoon fed to them by right wing media.

I can let things go, if they own up to it. Tampee isn't guilty of pedophilia in my book, I can let that go when he shows some intellectual integrity. But it wasn't just one time with Arctic. He posted 3 different memes and has posted his 'fact' source of smoloko.com which is hugely anti-semitic. I won't turn a blind eye to that, nor will I debate him until he owns up to it, which he continually refuses to do.

I've said stupid shit. I've been racist. I still exhibit subconciously racist behavior sometimes for whatever inexcusable reason. Is that so hard to admit? Own it, move on, have an honest discussion. I don't know if these guys are capable.
There is nothing wrong with calling out misinformation and citations from bogus websites. Rock on with that. But does it have to be followed up with “you fat, flaccid, pedophile cuck” EVERY single time they post something??

I’m not saying that everyone is redeemable either. There are some knuckleheads that will never change their hateful views. I don’t believe that everyone falls in to that category though. Maybe I’ve missed it, but I haven’t seen much of an effort from the left here to stake out a moral high ground and stick to the facts. You’d be hard pressed to find a thread that hasn’t devolved in to juvenile name calling. I’m sorry, but it’s beyond ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
No, it's your job to side with anti-semitics and spread the worst stupidity known to man. I have to say, you are doing a great job!
im not siding with any antisemitism here. my post history is clear on that if you care to look. if I don't see someone call bunk a kike then your position is I am siding with something I didn't see.....got a screen of me liking anything with "kike" in it?

thought not.


Well-Known Member
I get what you’re saying, but I think you’re missing the point. Nobody is saying that hateful comments should be ignored, but what UB employs here is far beyond that. He takes one comment that he deems offensive, and then uses that comment to club someone over the head with over, and over, and over again in an attempt to discredit anything that person ever has to say. I’ve seen one example (maybe there’s more?) of a post in poor taste from Arctic Granite, which he said that he did not fully realize why it was so offensive prior to posting it, and then appologized for posting it after it was pointed out to him....yet here we are months later, and he gets his nose rubbed in it every single time he posts something. It’s ridiculous and childish.

Racism, sexism, anti Semitism, etc are learned behaviors. That means that they can be unlearned. I would think that someone that was invested in trying to curb prejudiced behavior would know this, and would appeal to those people using reason and logic. Calling out someone for offensive language is fine, but berating them months, sometimes years after the fact only serves to divide people and contribute to the problem. It rings especially hollow when you see women that UB disagrees with who he objectifies by shaming them over being fat and ugly. Is that really any better?

I consider myself to be very liberal, but if I’m being honest here I see more shitty behavior from the left on this site than I do the right. I just don’t see the point in carrying on like this. Every single thread gets derailed in to a shit show of name calling and insults, which is getting really old imo. Some ball busting here and there is fine, but it would be nice to actually have some adult conversations. We might all be surprised with the common ground that can be found. I wish he would cut it out, because he knows his stuff, is well spoken, and could change some minds if he wanted to...
right? he said he didn't fully realize the star of David, then apologised like an adult. the main point of his though was bunks use of the word "goy" which he just used the other day.

only democrats like Robert Byrd are worthy of believability and forgiveness though lmao.


Well-Known Member
I get what you’re saying, but I think you’re missing the point. Nobody is saying that hateful comments should be ignored, but what UB employs here is far beyond that. He takes one comment that he deems offensive, and then uses that comment to club someone over the head with over, and over, and over again in an attempt to discredit anything that person ever has to say. I’ve seen one example (maybe there’s more?) of a post in poor taste from Arctic Granite, which he said that he did not fully realize why it was so offensive prior to posting it, and then appologized for posting it after it was pointed out to him....yet here we are months later, and he gets his nose rubbed in it every single time he posts something. It’s ridiculous and childish.

Racism, sexism, anti Semitism, etc are learned behaviors. That means that they can be unlearned. I would think that someone that was invested in trying to curb prejudiced behavior would know this, and would appeal to those people using reason and logic. Calling out someone for offensive language is fine, but berating them months, sometimes years after the fact only serves to divide people and contribute to the problem. It rings especially hollow when you see women that UB disagrees with who he objectifies by shaming them over being fat and ugly. Is that really any better?

I consider myself to be very liberal, but if I’m being honest here I see more shitty behavior from the left on this site than I do the right. I just don’t see the point in carrying on like this. Every single thread gets derailed in to a shit show of name calling and insults, which is getting really old imo. Some ball busting here and there is fine, but it would be nice to actually have some adult conversations. We might all be surprised with the common ground that can be found. I wish he would cut it out, because he knows his stuff, is well spoken, and could change some minds if he wanted to...
It's not a debate when fake news and alternative facts are repeated over and over again. Simply put, @tampee and the many right wing puppets like Flaming Pie repeat odious lies. It doesn't stop when the lies are pointed out, which is done again and again as well.

I think it's completely fair and in bounds to reply to repetitive racist, bigoted lies and right wing propaganda with whatever the mods will allow.

Same goes with you Sanders supporters who advocate tolerance of systemic racism. It's vile, it's been pointed out to you that that's what you and Sanders in effect advocate and yet you continue to do so.

I still want to know how not talking about racism will solve even part of the problem. What does that even mean, anyway?