I'm not judging those who want to use those type of lights, I'm arguing with someone who's spent the last few days ridiculing valid information and the people who have more experience than him and suggesting because those of us who offer advice regarding better lighting and point out the flaws in the advertising we are on "the take" from advertisers on here.
Folk come on here every day and ask "is this light as good as it claims" the answer 99% of the time is no unfortunately. So if we are collectively not in favour of blurple its for valid reasons. But yes they will grow weed and yes the price point is a good starting point for some folks.
If I came across as judgmental on those who want to use a blurple then that was not my intention. But after spending the last few days reading that guys posts he prompted me to say something. For what its worth that's the first time in the 6 and a half years I have been on here I have felt the need to criticise or even come close to arguing with another member on here.