Hows she looking.


Well-Known Member
Looks good so far, no burn, so your ppm is probably ok. Whats that other plant - soy?



Well-Known Member
Acutally, that other plant is a blackbean plant. It was just a bean I snagged out of the bean pen holder jar at bajio. I figured I would try to grow it(not expecting it to grow), sure enough 2 weeks later.


Well-Known Member
nice i have 3 plants that are exactly 4 weeks old today. Lookin good but they are not as far along as an HPS would take it. What nutes? Good job man


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can't afford a HPS ballast and bulb at the moment, So I am using CFLs.

Also, the nutes are FF BIG BLOOM, and FF GROW BIG.

So far so good, considering I don't have (can't afford) a ppm or ph meter.


Well-Known Member
u dont need to measure ph unless u have some problems and PPM doesnt matter unless u use C02 so ur chill


Well-Known Member
mine i will try to veg for 8 wks and the younger ones for 5 or 6, depends on how much room you have or how long you wanna wait. This one could go into flower in a week or so but you can wait longer but it will shoot up once u hit 12/12 for flower


Active Member
hey, atrumblood

2nd attempt how did the first one go. I've done a few DWC. Honestly I never checked the PPM or EC the whole time just watched the plants very closely:weed:. I also fed them slightly less then the recommended dosage and never had a prob. Although I'm back to soil so go figure.:-P

Determine sex yes it can be done before flowering but not 100% accurate. You have to wait until nodes start to alternate which means the plant has determined its sex. This is a good idea of what a female calyx looks like. Before that it doesn't know what it wants to be yet. That's based on early growth methods.

Some things I do to increase chance of female plants from seed:

  • Less light (16-18hrs/day)
  • More blue light spectrum
  • Moist seed bed
  • High Humidity
  • Early N feedings



Well-Known Member
The 1st attempt was a complete flop, not really sure what happend. It just turned yellow, and died.

I know that yellow means not enough N, but even when I was increasing the N dosage. It still shriveled up and died.

This one is doing alot better, and I think that it is due to the extra light it's getting.

Last time I had 1 CFL and no reflector.

This time, I have 3 just on this one plant, all with reflectors.

I also think that the addition of the extra air pump is helping with O2 levels in the water.


just some guy
u dont need to measure ph unless u have some problems and PPM doesnt matter unless u use C02 so ur chill
bad advice. If you don't have at the very least a PH meter, then you shouldnt grow hydro. Unless failure doesnt bother you.

look on ebay, you can get a PH meter for about 15 dollars.


just some guy
The 1st attempt was a complete flop, not really sure what happend. It just turned yellow, and died.

I know that yellow means not enough N, but even when I was increasing the N dosage. It still shriveled up and died.
if the PH is too high, or too low, certain nutrients will be locked out, so it wont matter if you up the dosage.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I understand that a ph meter is an essential tool for growing hydro. But when it comes to dirt, I suck.

I have been keeping a close eye on my plant though, watching for signs of ph trouble. So far it seems that my tap water is just about right considering how healthy my plant appears.

Soon as I can afford a ph meter, I will get one.

(also, as convenient as ebay is for finding cheap stuff, I have been burned once too many off that site. Too many untrustworthy sellers, not only that, but I would much rather fork out the extra dough on a good ph tester than to waste my money on something that might break after a few uses. Just my opinion.)


Well-Known Member
How many plants you got?
Just the one plant. The wife won't let me have any more.

What lights?
Lights are 27 Watt (100 watt eqv) 6500k CFLs

How long are you going to vegg, and are you going to topp?
I am still undecided on how long I am going to keep vegging, but based on the limited amount of space I have, I will be flowering within the next week to two weeks.

As far as topping, I think I won't need to topp it because it seems that the plant is very dominant on the indica side. So it should stay short and fat.


Well-Known Member
why dont you top.
cut off the top or just pull it off and 2 will grow in its place within 5 to 7 days.
then pull the 2 and 4 will come.
and so on.
i have 3 plants with 16 plus main heads.
i vegged for 20 weeks and kept my plant well low and fat, and have lots of main colas, insted of just the 1 lanky plant.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I guess I didn't fully understand the purpose of topping.

I wasn't aware that it would cause that much more growth.

I will have to try that.


Well-Known Member
bad advice. If you don't have at the very least a PH meter, then you shouldnt grow hydro. Unless failure doesnt bother you.

look on ebay, you can get a PH meter for about 15 dollars.
Hey I have a liquid ph test kit but I have never checked it. dont be talkin down cuz u have had problems with dro bro!