If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened


gps says a quarter mile between hotel room and concert venue
why was there a woman telling concert goers they were surrounded and they were all going to die an hour before the shooting?

There are no such thing as coincidence. Only CO - Incidents that happen for a reason. That reason is almost always pre- planned. The very times its not...the accidents and mistakes...you get a rare glimpse into the strange level and reality from where they "operate" from. Just like wtc #7 on 9/11. Just like the real estate and housing being bought up at Sandy Hook. I used to scoff at the kooks as well. Thought they were batshit crazy. This goes WAY beyond rogue elements of any government.
Slavery was in and of itself a segregated society from the very beginning. You can't have a situation of de facto segregation in a society that has been segregated from the outset.

What's more, a de facto situation can never occur in a mandated situation as the statement also describes.

The sentence as a whole is a complete, total failure.

Oh ok. So am I incorrect in stating we have de facto segregation today because of the mandated segregation that preceded it? Or am I correct as the segregation is a result of non-mandated actions such as white flight?
There are no such thing as coincidence. Only CO - Incidents that happen for a reason. That reason is almost always pre- planned. The very times its not...the accidents and mistakes...you get a rare glimpse into the strange level and reality from where they "operate" from. Just like wtc #7 on 9/11. Just like the real estate and housing being bought up at Sandy Hook. I used to scoff at the kooks as well. Thought they were batshit crazy. This goes WAY beyond rogue elements of any government.
'Da fuck are you on about? Jesus, take your meds.
Actually, it was 500 yards.

At 500 yards, an AR15 bullet (which is what he was firing) will hit you about 1.4 seconds BEFORE you ever hear it. What's more, from that distance and elevation, the sound will spread out so much that it will sound like it's coming from everywhere at once.

Nevada is an open carry state. The odds are that there were at least 100 armed people in that crowd. Probably a lot more than that, but I'm being very conservative.

It didn't matter. Nobody knew where the shots were coming from, nobody could tell, and when that happens you run like hell. A gun does you no good if you have no target.

It wasn't until quite a while after it was all over than anybody knew where the shots had come from.
Bullshit. If there was one armed man there. He could of stopped it. It was the safe zone designation that got those people killed
There are no such thing as coincidence. Only CO - Incidents that happen for a reason. That reason is almost always pre- planned. The very times its not...the accidents and mistakes...you get a rare glimpse into the strange level and reality from where they "operate" from. Just like wtc #7 on 9/11. Just like the real estate and housing being bought up at Sandy Hook. I used to scoff at the kooks as well. Thought they were batshit crazy. This goes WAY beyond rogue elements of any government.
Like a mystical sage you chose your words so carefully,. Could you explain plasma beings please. A whole group of us are interested.