Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up, good to know you are a vile Nazi
Thanks for the heads up, good to know you are a vile Nazi
Wait, aren't you the goy who favors racial segregation and thinks civil rights were not a good idea?so they're defacto segregated by Democrat programs, ok.
Zeddd thinks black people have lower IQs and jews controll the world and still thinks your views are repugnant.
Is this true @zeddd ? The part about IQ and jews?Zeddd thinks black people have lower IQs and jews controll the world and still thinks your views are repugnant.
Shit! Ive not seen those.I have the quotes. Doesnt matter what he says.
no. the shooter was a thousand yards up in a window. if everyone was armed many possible innocents would have been shot. use your head,
dont confuse feeling with thinking.
so they're defacto segregated by hundreds of years of conservative enslavement, social and economic oppression, subjugation, and mandated segregation, ok.
Had to fix it for you.
Obama was President for 8 years the racists didn't stop him but then this crazy old white woman comes out and all the racists run out of the hills to vote for Trump..... Likely story please tell me more.It doesn't. But being racist likely means you are republican. How many racists are voting Hillary or Obama, defending Black Lives Matter, fighting against racial gerrymandering and voter ID Laws, or fighting for DACA/illegal immigrant rights?
The answer is 0, they are all voting Republican. Republican legislators jump at any opportunity to appeal to these people by blowing the dog whistle.
Do you have any proof??your nominee for president is a fascist white supremacist, that's how.
I personally thought Obama did a shit job the first term I just liked him better than Romney.Obama angered the racists. Obviously you are uneducated, but there is such a thing as political backlash.
But this is just another straw man from our RIU dumbfuck twonumbnuts. I already stated that being Republican doesn't make you racist, but being racist means you vote Republican. Dumbfuck.
It still doesn't work. There's really no way to work 'de facto' into that sentence and have it even reasonably used, let alone properly used.
The same reason trailer parks are almost entirely impoverished whites.Can you explain a little further? I'm referring to the why certain neighborhoods are almost entirely impoverished blacks.
Can you explain a little further? I'm referring to the why certain neighborhoods are almost entirely impoverished blacks.
Actually, it was 500 yards.
At 500 yards, an AR15 bullet (which is what he was firing) will hit you about 1.4 seconds BEFORE you ever hear it. What's more, from that distance and elevation, the sound will spread out so much that it will sound like it's coming from everywhere at once.
Nevada is an open carry state. The odds are that there were at least 100 armed people in that crowd. Probably a lot more than that, but I'm being very conservative.
It didn't matter. Nobody knew where the shots were coming from, nobody could tell, and when that happens you run like hell. A gun does you no good if you have no target.
It wasn't until quite a while after it was all over than anybody knew where the shots had come from.
do you believe that everyone being armed in the crowd would have likely caused more pain or stopped this attack?
He called nazis "very fine people", pedo.Do you have any proof??
Learn to read. I already said there were plenty of armed people already in the crowd. It made no difference at all. It never has.
To date, 544 people have died due to mass shootings since the year 2000. We are the most heavily armed society in the world. Not one single armed person even acted in a single one of those situations.
That makes the score -
Mass shooters: 544
Gun nuts: 0