
Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Youtube videos? You sure about the quality of that citation?

Remember when you hot banned for calling me a kyke, shitbag?
Looks like the same guy for sure of course Alex Jones isn't a trusted source but Reno, NV a guy protesting Trump looks a lot like the shooter in Las Vegas, NV and then he plans and targets a large crowd of majority conservatives.....

Do you remember saying you are agnostic and not a Jew at all? Do you remember saying Orthodox Jews are just as bad as conservatives which you hate? Which by default makes you a Jew hater....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Looks like the same guy for sure of course Alex Jones isn't a trusted source but Reno, NV a guy protesting Trump looks a lot like the shooter in Las Vegas, NV and then he plans and targets a large crowd of majority conservatives.....

Do you remember saying you are agnostic and not a Jew at all? Do you remember saying Orthodox Jews are just as bad as conservatives which you hate? Which by default makes you a Jew hater....:bigjoint:
You got banned for calling me a kyke.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that won't happen. The NRA has succeeded in ensuring that most states cannot even use computers to register their sales. All records are kept on paper, in order to make it nearly impossible to cross-reference gun purchases. I have to go through a more rigorous screening process to buy fucking sudafed.
Ncis check can now be done on a computer


Well-Known Member
Why can't you just admit the guy does look an awful lot like the anti Trump protester in the video.

Also get over yourself you ain't even Jewish buddy.
Why dont you want to talk about the time you got banned for calling me a kyke?


Well-Known Member
You think I even watch your pathetic youtube vids, jew hater?


stick to child pornography websites you fucking pedophile.
I'm sorry I'm a straight man who is not a pedophile or a sodomite we are all born differently embrace your latent pedophilia desires like your good friend Anthony Weiner.

Also you won't watch the videos because the shooter is from your side.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I'm a straight man who is not a pedophile or a sodomite we are all born differently embrace your latent pedophilia desires like your good friend Anthony Weiner.

Also you won't watch the videos because the shooter is from your side.
People who are not pedophiles don't have to repeatedly explain why they visited pedophilia websites like you do.

Why did you call me a kyke, bluntmassa?


Well-Known Member
People who are not pedophiles don't have to repeatedly explain why they visited pedophilia websites like you do.

Why did you call me a kyke, bluntmassa?
I explained that I did not visit the pedophile sites. Proof of me calling you a kyke please? You don't even know if I'm bluntmassa you seen me flip flop on my identity before.

In all honesty I'm FDD. :)