i am certain more Conceal and carry people would have prevented this needless death ,,,, ya right,, not

I'm licensed to carry weapons. That people still use that stupid, failed argument is really beyond my ability to comprehend.

The fact is, guns are an offensive weapon. The attacker has his gun out first and shoots you dead. That doesn't leave you any time to draw your weapon and return fire. By the time you realize you're being fired at, chances are, you're already dead.

The only way it helps at all is if you're very, very lucky; like you happen to have gone to the bathroom when the shooter opened fire, so you hear the shots and are able to prepare. But even then, your odds remain about 50/50 of him shooting you before you shoot him.
A former erstwhile Governor of the Great State of New Hampshire, Meldrim Thomson, once advocated for tactical nuclear weapons for the NH National Guard. What could possibly go wrong?


During his governorship, and thereafter, Thomson was criticized for a number of controversial actions:

  • having an aide examine his political opponents' tax records, a move later invalidated by the New Hampshire Supreme Court
  • suggesting nuclear weapons for the state National Guard.[10]
  • during the 1977 anti-nuclear demonstrations in Seabrook, he dressed in military fatigues and was brought in by helicopter to order in person the arrest of 1,400 protesters.[11]
  • personally arresting speeders from his official car.[12]
  • visiting South Africa in 1978 and then praising the government and its apartheid policy.[13]
  • threatening to veto all funding for the University of New Hampshire in 1974 after the Gay Students Organization held a dance and performed a play on campus.[14]
  • sending out a press release in 1977 saying that he wanted journalists to keep the "Christ" in Christmas and not call it Xmas, which, he asserted, was a pagan spelling of Christmas, despite being a representation by the Greek letter chi.[15]
  • petitioning unsuccessfully, in 1990, that candidate Dick Swett (for New Hampshire's 2nd congressional district) be listed on the ballot as Lantos-Swett, the name he had used in the telephone book, voter registration, buying real estate, and business.[16]

Of course, he was in a dispute with MA over state troopers arresting people who shopped in NH and returned to MA without paying MA state sales tax. So that is a good reason I guess.

Young people today have no idea how truly colorful life used to be. They think everything was sunshine and roses and we should go back to the past. Not.
Is he still alive? there is an opening in Health and Human Services. Does Trump know about his jib cut?
You godamn right
'Merica, god and guns. More guns means more love from lil baby jesus. If everyone would have had a gun at that concert that fucker would not have lasted as long. God bless 'merica and her freedumbs
It is shameful to this country that he was allowed to take his own life. America needs to embrace the ameliorating characteristics of overwhelming suppressing fire.
You godamn right
'Merica, god and guns. More guns means more love from lil baby jesus. If everyone would have had a gun at that concert that fucker would not have lasted as long. God bless 'merica and her freedumbs

Who would Jesus Shoot? Believe it or not, that is really a thing....


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