Aussie Growers Thread

Fucking right on bro go ned Kelly on the dog's haha
im sure id be no match for all the shit theve gotta carry now but i can promise buy the time we got to lock up thayed be out of pepper sparay and there tasers would be flat i no alot of people would think its dumb over a couple plant that i most likely wouldent event fo to jail for but fuckem i hate coppers i fucken hate authority its the whole princeple of the matter
im sure id be no match for all the shit theve gotta carry now but i can promise buy the time we got to lock up thayed be out of pepper sparay and there tasers would be flat i no alot of people would think its dumb over a couple plant that i most likely wouldent event fo to jail for but fuckem i hate coppers i fucken hate authority its the whole princeple of the matter
Took 8 tasers to stop a mate of mine lol he's a big guy but 8!!! even one of the cops said they couldn't believe anyone would take that many and live
lol thay cant arrest me if there all on th ground throwing up off cum fuck em thay got there non lethel waepon if got my non lethel waepons
idk im kinda over the whole peacfull hippy stoner thing now lime im not a violent person but im not doing any thing wrong all the junkie cunts that should be loked up yet adictions a disease so thay get free methodone yet cancer is a disease and those poor basterds gotta pay fuck the world man its probably gunna be nuked 2 the nuts soon northe koria how the fuck are we in the middle east yet thiae cunts dont even have nukes yet north koria doas fuck that cunt man
when i bought those hemp seed meal last time there was a few whole hemp seeds i should get some more and save all the whole seeds i find and plant em every where lol not near the cop shop not when iv got plants goin anyway lol i think i know the best spot ay lol @Nugachino get some hemp seeds and throw em over that junkies back yard lol that would be funny