Aussie Growers Thread

my goal for the vermicastings is to add as many minirals as i can as well as an npk source i dont have access to manure other than dynamic lifter iv used that before the worms seemed 2 love it thay defanetly did not die u rekon i can use neutrogs seamungus i think my local bunnings only seals seamungus
Search online and instagram for a guy caled Clackamans coot he knows worms
I don't think it's necessary I wouldn't put dynamic lifter in though especially without composting it first,crushed egg shells,bananas,kelp meal stuff like that is what I was putting in but just small amounts then I'd starve them for a while so they would work over the castings for a while and it came out really nice
ye i wouldent put a heap in there just like im goi g to experi ment ona good mix of this and that so far im really enjoying researching every thing id rather learn this way and put to gether a good worm food than say putti g all these diferent amenments and say composting it im not really worried about npk im more concermed with say enzymes and micros and macros this is also for my out door vegie patch
ye i wouldent put a heap in there just like im goi g to experi ment ona good mix of this and that so far im really enjoying researching every thing id rather learn this way and put to gether a good worm food than say putti g all these diferent amenments and say composting it im not really worried about npk im more concermed with say enzymes and micros and macros this is also for my out door vegie patch
Only problem is how do you know what is working when you add heaps of different things, experimenting is fine but it's good to try and add or subtract one element at a time and have a control that has nothing added that gives you a baseline to compare the amended version to
i dident mean on drop is a ml lol my bad i do have some pippets i believe there 3 mls would a dro from a 3 ml pipette b .01of a ml
Go down to your local heroin shooting alley and grab one of their used rigs they leave around and use the plunger,or go get a syringe from a chemist or vet or needle exchange.
i new it wouldent be long before i said fuck and expanded on having a soil mix as well im gunna get some hemp seed meal coconut meal some biochar palagonite azo mite and volcanic rock dust some langbeanite some neem some kellp meal and some crstacion meal these arn now the options im way in up defanetly gunna start with just what i can add to the worm farm its also i dont have alot of food scraps to add to it id rather just throw some amendments in ablender freeze em then add em i think i wanna stick to what i can ad to to the worm farm tho then add subtract somthing
so i thinking ill keep it simple at first i added hemp seed meal once the worms seemed to love it ill ad that some kelp meal maybe some coconut meal and some rock dust and some shell grit and grind it tje ad the castings to a base soil with maybe a bit of added airation
Go down to your local heroin shooting alley and grab one of their used rigs they leave around and use the plunger,or go get a syringe from a chemist or vet or needle exchange.
fuck that my fam would thing the worst straight away i hope jr jokingi dont want to have needles around fuck that i think ill stick to the rhizo
my goal is not just like minirals like i wanna have all those grwoth hormones and stuff i think ill stick to tje rock dust and mabe hemp seed meal cuse of the aminos maybe some coconut meal blend it up and feed it to the worms iv allready got some kelp meal so ill probly skip on that and use what iv got by diluting it u rekon kelp meal would be a good thing to give the plant when in the preflower stage
my goal is not just like minirals like i wanna have all those grwoth hormones and stuff i think ill stick to tje rock dust and mabe hemp seed meal cuse of the aminos maybe some coconut meal blend it up and feed it to the worms iv allready got some kelp meal so ill probly skip on that and use what iv got by diluting it u rekon kelp meal would be a good thing to give the plant when in the preflower stage
Gotto walk before you can run ;). You'll end up with some really expensive worm castings that's garaunteed,ask @Nugachino and @Joomby what a kg of castings costs them to produce then figure how much per kg it will cost u after you add all that stuff
my goal is not just like minirals like i wanna have all those grwoth hormones and stuff i think ill stick to tje rock dust and mabe hemp seed meal cuse of the aminos maybe some coconut meal blend it up and feed it to the worms iv allready got some kelp meal so ill probly skip on that and use what iv got by diluting it u rekon kelp meal would be a good thing to give the plant when in the preflower stage
kelp meal is probably the best organic amendment there is,I'd say definitely others might not agree but it'd be top 3 in most organic growers lists
my goal is not just like minirals like i wanna have all those grwoth hormones and stuff i think ill stick to tje rock dust and mabe hemp seed meal cuse of the aminos maybe some coconut meal blend it up and feed it to the worms iv allready got some kelp meal so ill probly skip on that and use what iv got by diluting it u rekon kelp meal would be a good thing to give the plant when in the preflower stage
Hemp meal ? Malted hemp seed maybe. Kelp,neem,crustacean,alfalfa meals oyster shell flour,gypsum,soft rock phosphate,basalt that's ALL you need