Aussie Growers Thread

Worms don't eat the food bro,they ain't got no teef
im thinking interms of the mycrobes eat the rock dust the worms eat the mycrobes eather way i thought it would be an easier way to ad the benifets of the rock dust like buy the time it goas thru the worm its more brokand down besides dont thay store small rocks in the gizzard to help grind up tje food im confused cuse some people say thay eat the rot true there skin other people say thay pull it in frheu theremouth and small grit or rocks in the gizzard grind it up o well
Guy at work was telling us about this moll at the club yesterday arvo had about 5 teeth and offered to blow him in the toilets for a schooner,I asked him how it was and he didn't take her up on it !!! I gave him an abusing,how could u pass up a blow job in a pub toilet for $5 the dude needs his head read lol
i would of taken that thats a good deal
i found my last auto i thru a andfull of worm castings in the bucket and some gogo jeuce and thrue the jiffy in it i bet itl start flowering before this skunk 1 germs lol im gunna dig it up tomorro and have a look i hope it aint ded
I dont understand u mean bears attack??

Australia sized spiders is my worst nightmare

Drop bears mate. There related to koalas but have fang like teeth and eat meat. We call em drop bears as they sit in trees and drop on their prey. They are not afraid of man and will drop on ya head or shoulders, hold on with their talon like claws and sink their teeth inta ya face, neck or shoulders.
they are mean fkrs.