Aussie Growers Thread

Also. If you notice mites in one area. Be careful not to spread them to the next. Pests can be like viruses. They just need to catch a ride to their next victim before youve got a bigger problem.
ye thats why i removed it from the tent gunna cleant out tje tent to morro tho i wanna do it now but i cant sen shit in there
Thats a good tip cheers there in the soil tho i dont wanna ad any thing cuse i drenched the soil when i transplanted it like a week or two ago if got it out side now tho i think im just gunna keep it there im hoping ittls start flowering i had it on 18 6
Sounds like fungus gnats not mites
Also. If you notice mites in one area. Be careful not to spread them to the next. Pests can be like viruses. They just need to catch a ride to their next victim before youve got a bigger problem.
If you can see mites they are already pretty well established the longer you leave them the harder it is to get rid of them. Azadirachtin Is the best natural defence and I found difocol the best chemical for mites,it's pretty heavy duty so I only sprayed it when they were in veg.
Derrrp. Completely missed that.

If they piss off when the medium is dry. And only return when it's damp. Then it's likely gnats.
theres some knats in there iv had a lot of exeprience with knats not worried about them i know once the mediem is dry thay will leave but i know theres mite there i saw them i think thay may be the ones that where in the tumbler im hoping thay fuck off when the soil is dry but and i can tell the diference between the two lol i heard theres mites that are beneficiol these ones are eather brown or red i cant realy tell but the plant doasent seemed stressed and there not flying maybe tere aeting the larvie of the knats i dont know as long as the plants growing tho
theres some knats in there iv had a lot of exeprience with knats not worried about them i know once the mediem is dry thay will leave but i know theres mite there i saw them i think thay may be the ones that where in the tumbler im hoping thay fuck off when the soil is dry but and i can tell the diference between the two lol i heard theres mites that are beneficiol these ones are eather brown or red i cant realy tell but the plant doasent seemed stressed and there not flying maybe tere aeting the larvie of the knats i dont know as long as the plants growing tho
Root aphids ?
Just checked and the last of my seeds have cracked 49.5/50 one split its shell down the side and that fucked it up but it had germinated so it gets 0.5 lol. The moon planting guide is on point again. Straight tap water soak for 12-18 hours wet paper cloth folded in half then half again inside of 2 plastic bowls,don't need humidity domes for seeds almost a sure way to dampen off your seedlings
Just checked and the last of my seeds have cracked 49.5/50 one split its shell down the side and that fucked it up but it had germinated so it gets 0.5 lol. The moon planting guide is on point again. Straight tap water soak for 12-18 hours wet paper cloth folded in half then half again inside of 2 plastic bowls,don't need humidity domes for seeds almost a sure way to dampen off your seedlings
i agree i use mine cuse it was a birthday preasent and i like it i find as long as itssufficeintly warm and moist thay will pop
so far i have only been able to find one might and the fucker ran away so i coildent look at it under the scope at this ping im 51 percent sure it is not a root aphid i ded not see any knats also the plant is not showing any signs of stress if any thing shes doing good also theres baby worms in there i found like 2 worm cocoons i dont know if that os and indicater of any thing good i know worms are good tho im defanetly not putting this back in the tent though o well as long as shes growing healthy ill keep an eye on her tho
i have been more succesfull germimg seeds in soil than i have paper towling them glad all ur seeds popped tho congrats man
Yeah I've been stressing a little over them that was $500 in seeds and I just didn't want to do something dumb and fuck them up
I've popped a few seeds over the years and I've never even tried planting straight into dirt lol everyone has there own little methods and if it works for you that's all that matters
so far i have only been able to find one might and the fucker ran away so i coildent look at it under the scope at this ping im 51 percent sure it is not a root aphid i ded not see any knats also the plant is not showing any signs of stress if any thing shes doing good also theres baby worms in there i found like 2 worm cocoons i dont know if that os and indicater of any thing good i know worms are good tho im defanetly not putting this back in the tent though o well as long as shes growing healthy ill keep an eye on her tho
You didn't have any mushies for dinner did you ?
i wish i want to grow some shromms one day but all that shit u gotta do fuck that ill probably try em if i ever go to ampsterdaam or some place where u can buy them comercially
We used to grow our own when we were 14 cow shit from the paddock inside a timber frame out side of my mates room lol homegrown gold tops