Hello Guys,
I am new to the forum and to growing weed. After some research I decided that my first grow light should be a DIY EB-Series! Maybe you could help me out with some questions I have. First of all, I bought a 80cmx80cm (0,64cm² ~ 7sqft) growtent and I want to get close to the 50 Watts per sqft. Bidgelux' offical datasheet shows that running BXEB-L0560Z-30E2000-C-A3 at 700 mA gives 2410 lm and uses 15.5 W (156 lm/W). 20 stripes of these should give me enough light (15.5W x 20 = 310 W | 310W / 7 sqft ~ 45 W/sqft), what do you think? Would you run them harder and lose efficency? Would you go with 20x 3K or with a mix like 12x 3K, 4x 3,5K and 4x 4K? It will be used for veg and flower. I dont like the idea to only run one driver, i would prefer to use at least 2 or even 4, do you have any driver recommendations?
Thanks a lot guys! I already learned a shit ton from you all!