Aussie Growers Thread

Guess you guys were right. She just needed to acclimatize. Though it's quite warm in there. Even with both lights turned down to their optimal settings. And the exhaust fan at full tilt. View attachment 4014539 View attachment 4014540 View attachment 4014541
It's good you noticed that it didn't look quite normal so quickly,if it had of been something major wrong you would have been on top of it before it became a problem that's a sign of a grower not just someone that is growing,nice work bro it's looking good
i like the temp humidity probe thing uv got thats heaps cool even tells you the moon phase awsome
Not that I know what the relevance of the moon phases are. But yeah. I wanted a unified temp and rh guage. And this one just happened to give two readings on both. One for indoor. The other for outdoor. Got it from bunnings for less than 50 bucks.
If your buds smell like a wankfest I'll know you fapped on them.
Lol in all serios tho u rekon if say i used a 20 l buket and added a teaspoon of rock dust witch im sure takes a while 2 braek down u rekon it would speed it up asding to tje bokashi bin than the vermihut
Not that I know what the relevance of the moon phases are. But yeah. I wanted a unified temp and rh guage. And this one just happened to give two readings on both. One for indoor. The other for outdoor. Got it from bunnings for less than 50 bucks.
Haven't you seen one of these before ?
Lol in all serios tho u rekon if say i used a 20 l buket and added a teaspoon of rock dust witch im sure takes a while 2 braek down u rekon it would speed it up asding to tje bokashi bin than the vermihut
You want rock dust to become available over a long period,that's its job in a soil mix
Haven't you seen one of these before ?
View attachment 4014549
I'm not exactly sure of the reasons maybe gravitational effects ? But I do know I get better germ rates and seedling growth when I plant seeds and strike rate on clones when I do them on the best times acccording to this poster,my old mans been buying them for years and years he's got some from the 80's with days marked out and little notes scribbled on them they're pretty cool
@OzCocoLoco guessing your the coco expert around here how is the coco brick stuff from bunnings? i want to shit off this soil having no end of dramas with it and switch to blumats and coco.
Nope. Looks like something you'd see associated with paganism.

Don't get me wrong. I like organics. But, I prefer to go with things a little more scientific than where the moon and venus are at in the sky.
I'm in the same boat but this isn't some mystical hippy thing it's what farmers were using in pre industrial farming days minus the acid inspired painting
Nope. Looks like something you'd see associated with paganism.

Don't get me wrong. I like organics. But, I prefer to go with things a little more scientific than where the moon and venus are at in the sky.
im pretty sure theres science backing up the moon phases its proban it effects the tide after all lol
@OzCocoLoco guessing your the coco expert around here how is the coco brick stuff from bunnings? i want to shit off this soil having no end of dramas with it and switch to blumats and coco.
No expert just a simple hillbilly lol. I wouldn't grow in it personally it doesn't look all that flash to me and I don't like all the re hydrating as pre charging it needs. I've used 5-6 different bagged coco's and all were pretty much the same,I like H&G coco the most it's a bit finer than Cana and Cana bought a shipment direct from Sri Lanka earlier in the year and it was absolute shit so I've wiped them.
I'd have to see proof to consider using it.

Probably a past aversion thanks to watching my mum wave around sage sticks, listen to crap music. And dribble garbage to strangers while looking at tarot cards.

And this crystal will ground you. And this one brings luck. And this one will generate wealth.... It's a rock. It's not going to do shit, but sit there.