Aussie Growers Thread

This is my third proper go with autos outdoors . my last one was just breeding this one there going strong. I'm testing out the heat. Trying greenhouses and full open sun. Each 45 pot takes 10 litres of water twice a week. I give my autos a half strength power feed at 7 days old. My biggest ones are about 20 inches tall. Some plants love the sun others don't . the smallest pot you should grow a auto in is 10 litres. Most of mine are in 25 to 45 litre pots. I also have 30 auto ultimates x ghost train haze 1 at least 50 percent of them will be auto flowering. The biggest pure auto ultimates should reach between 3 and 4 foot tall. I'm only after about 30 grams per auto. But other growers are getting between 110 and 250 grams per auto ultimate outdoors. The reason I chose it was because of the good reviews of outdoor yields. There very happy with powerfeed fertilizer. After seeing the pics of your plants indoors I'm sure you will smash it with autos outdoors.

Cheers for the heads up an advice mate an taking the time to give me heads up.

I'm gonna grow a few in my yard mate they will be gone before theifing cunts looking cunts
Have you ever thought about doing a horticulture coarse at Tate or something?. I think you would do great if you focus thisuch energy on plants... Not to mention it's a foot in the door for something in the legal mmj industry. youl get paid from the government while doing it and also sharpen your weed skills haha[/QUOTE ye i inrolled in a online course but its not for me as mutch as im passionett about growing any thing i rekon doing it in person woupd of been better still tryng to get past the first assingment one failed attempt so far ill get to where im going tho might not be from the online course but ultimatly ill get there thats the main thing plus its the journey not the destination
Just another tip. When you have finalised your plot/s spend a good amount of time exploring around it. You need to find at least 2 ways into it (preferable more) as tracks form surprisingly fast. Also its actually easy to get busy and not norice the time an its real easy to get lost if you havent sussed the landmarks out.
I did a grow in the mid 90s, about 50 plants and ended up lost as fk coming out on a cloudy night. Belive it or not i followed my dog who bushed bashed in a straight line to the car...still amaze's me to this day, we came out right on the old XD's bonnet.. Sub tropical tassie bush is pretty thick.
I have a hand held g.p.s and mark of way points as you go I like to do as much trekking in the early morning or of a night as I can it's cooler and lets you make the most of your time at the patch
I have a hand held g.p.s and mark of way points as you go I like to do as much trekking in the early morning or of a night as I can it's cooler and lets you make the most of your time at the patch
Night time treks will probably be a no go. We have serious pigs and snakes out here and the feral dogs can be an issue. It's them half bred mongrels that stalk ya through the bush not dingos.. I could take a pistol with me but I'd rather not get caught illegaly growing with a fire arm.
Very true but it's good thing to have a tight crew to do a grow with but it's not easy to find the right crew
That's my issue. I can't do it on my own. I have 2 people I can trust one is my brother who is slacker than a homeless heroin addict so I'd rather not and my old boy who I'm still Pissy at for fucking my plants haha my old boy will do it but he wigs out really easy. But money talks
Night time treks will probably be a no go. We have serious pigs and snakes out here and the feral dogs can be an issue. It's them half bred mongrels that stalk ya through the bush not dingos.. I could take a pistol with me but I'd rather not get caught illegaly growing with a fire arm.
Don't have pigs here thank fuck had a big pack of wild dogs a few years ago they are nasty cunts for sure luckily the y took to attacking farm animals so they have been baiting them for a while now so there numbers are right down.
That's my issue. I can't do it on my own. I have 2 people I can trust one is my brother who is slacker than a homeless heroin addict so I'd rather not and my old boy who I'm still Pissy at for fucking my plants haha my old boy will do it but he wigs out really easy. But money talks
Guys I do it with I've known for a long time but we arent really close friends,we don't hang out really or see much of each other when we aren't working but we all understand that to pull of a grow we have to have trust in each other and what will happen if that's broken. I've heard plenty of stories about guys spending a couple of nights tied to a tree in the middle of no where it's not my idea of a good time lol
Id love to have a patch way out somwhere where i could also go hunting if the pigs ill just wait up in a tre stand i rekon when i go hunting im gunna go with a bow couse there not illegal also cant go wothout a macthete ay @OzCocoLoco but id would be mad liven out there hunting youre own dinner and growing youre own dinner lol my old man was saying once he went hunting with my pop my pop was up in this tree shooting barra and making my dad swim out n get em what makes it funny tho is the river had sharks my pops there like dont worry ill shoot it lol u rekon theyed give someone a gun license when thay have adhd like if was a working member of society and uve got no criminal record
Id love to have a patch way out somwhere where i could also go hunting if the pigs ill just wait up in a tre stand i rekon when i go hunting im gunna go with a bow couse there not illegal also cant go wothout a macthete ay @OzCocoLoco but id would be mad liven out there hunting youre own dinner and growing youre own dinner lol my old man was saying once he went hunting with my pop my pop was up in this tree shooting barra and making my dad swim out n get em what makes it funny tho is the river had sharks my pops there like dont worry ill shoot it lol u rekon theyed give someone a gun license when thay have adhd like if was a working member of society and uve got no criminal record
Your learning hahaha.
I'll let you in on a secret,you don't need a license to own a gun ;)
Cheers for the heads up an advice mate an taking the time to give me heads up.

I'm gonna grow a few in my yard mate they will be gone before theifing cunts looking cunts
Yeah that's one of the reasons I'm growing autos to harvest around December before most of the rippers get out bush. Theres a grow journal on called maximising outdoor autos. Its a great read gives so much advice. Also be carefull if you transplant autos it can stress them and stunt growing.
Don't have pigs here thank fuck had a big pack of wild dogs a few years ago they are nasty cunts for sure luckily the y took to attacking farm animals so they have been baiting them for a while now so there numbers are right down.
We have wild dogs here . chased a bullmastiff x pitbull looking thing through bush on my moto away from the horses it was such an evil stinky looking bastard.
Best tip given to me about finding a good spot for a patch was to trek till your exhausted then keep going for another hour. It's all about prep for a good bush grow we move a lot of stuff in around April /May and that saves smashing a path in when you are actually growing,and use full mesh pens. Those little water pumps that run of a battery drill are handy to move water around to. And you can build your own dams in gullies and stuff and line it with plastic pond liner
Man, you've got the guerilla grows down pat hey! You would be my first pick if I were to ever do another one :-D
Yeah that's one of the reasons I'm growing autos to harvest around December before most of the rippers get out bush. Theres a grow journal on called maximising outdoor autos. Its a great read gives so much advice. Also be carefull if you transplant autos it can stress them and stunt growing.
cheers for heads up I'll start mine in small pots an cut bottom of pot out straight into my yard