STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

I believe they will posit with dispensaries there is no reason to cultivate your own any longer. First will be patients/cg registration termination, then cg's will cease. I don like it, as well as so many other things on earthI dont like.

I'm not sure yet if we were arguing? we both want the same things I think. I'm angry that the civil disobedience actually got patients prosecuted, defensible or not, families are broken now to 1-prove a point-2- believed an attorney-3- wanted to sell more pot... be pretty cool to be able to sell extra that I grow, be real nice if anyone could use/grow/sell this plant without fear of prosecution, but it isnt going to happen. We already know that if every person voted to tomato law cannabis ....they would not allow it. so what are we left with? the chance to token vote? the chance the state will learn and take it over? the chance we're imprisoned? =yep
hopefully the chance that we all will be able to continue to at least grow this herb for ourselves without prosecution=wishful thinking.
Taking away patient and caregiver rights is a lot to amend. They have been saying all this since 09 still nothing has affected my caregiver status. Maybe you just want to pick apart something that has been picked at since 09 and still nothing has happened. Now the state can make money off of permits. Good for them and bout time

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Taking away patient and caregiver rights is a lot to amend. They have been saying all this since 09 still nothing has affected my caregiver status. Maybe you just want to pick apart something that has been picked at since 09 and still nothing has happened. Now the state can make money off of permits. Good for them and bout time

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I don't want to pick apart anything. They have implemented a very advanced system to grow transport and sell themselves. I hope they fix our bankrupt hell with it.

But it is obvious they are making changes no?

They give a little allowance for concentrates to us and then take what for themselves?

They will want to send as many patients to their over taxed over priced stores and discourage caregiver supply. That's what is in their interest.

And Medical is fading into the background in recent states. Their governments don't want it. It costs them money.

I am just a realist. And yeah. I'm paranoid. Shits still illegal at the federal level and it seems our police are working with them now against us.

I don't think they will take caregiver/ patient growing away. I think they will limit it more.

I respect you very much if you have been a successful caregiver here since 2009. Kudos sir!
I used to be very active at the genesee county compassion club since 2009 so I've been around very knowledgeable people. I'm just a grower and I have not received anything in the mail from Lara stating any changes. I still am very aware of "qualified patient Qualified caregiver" If you have someone filling your head via the internet with false information and somehow don't want to believe anything else that's fine you have a right to that. But remember this our Supreme Court in Michigan does not write our laws they merely make judgments in cases. That judgement in that case does not rewrite the current law. Merely lets county's tell residents what they want, if you believe or take a plea then your either broke or too scared to fight for your rights. Wexford county tried the same BS with me. Worked so good prosecutor badovinic resigned. If you take the plea that doesn't necessarily make it the law, it just makes you very uninformed on your rights. Most people believe what they hear from others regardless it it's really true or not. Social media is the real cancer in our society

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So what your saying is they are going to do away with the law? Can you tell me the process that goes into that?

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nope, thats not what I'm saying. I am saying take a look at other states, and the way they amended their laws concerning patients and their caregivers and you'll see how they do this.

I dont say this to be paranoid, or to cause the same bs paranoia I've heard since 08 either, but you have to admit some serious changes are about us in the MMMP.
I know what you say, "everyone with a card is connected through the registry" I get it.
Has a carded patient gone won in court and has been expressly allowed to sell to more than five other patients with cards? please please show me the case/court? really, I wanna relish in it if it exists.

what I say is since I dont do that there wont be evidence suggesting it, and I likely will avoid the subsequent raiding, a very safe operating place for patients to be is without raids, not with the court cases they cant afford to fight to the win.
I used to be very active at the genesee county compassion club since 2009 so I've been around very knowledgeable people. I'm just a grower and I have not received anything in the mail from Lara stating any changes. I still am very aware of "qualified patient Qualified caregiver" If you have someone filling your head via the internet with false information and somehow don't want to believe anything else that's fine you have a right to that. But remember this our Supreme Court in Michigan does not write our laws they merely make judgments in cases. That judgement in that case does not rewrite the current law. Merely lets county's tell residents what they want, if you believe or take a plea then your either broke or too scared to fight for your rights. Wexford county tried the same BS with me. Worked so good prosecutor badovinic resigned. If you take the plea that doesn't necessarily make it the law, it just makes you very uninformed on your rights. Most people believe what they hear from others regardless it it's really true or not. Social media is the real cancer in our society

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Thank you for that story. It's appreciated. I am not under any misconceptions about our laws or system.

But I have already seen a caregiver raided and he is finished now because he chose to fight in court. He took every proper measure and had things in order. They saw it differently apparently.

Please understand. I am not from here my long time girlfriend is the country girl who brought me here.

I am old school. I have been involved with his for far longer than 2009. I do not trust the law. It is not a matter of fighting for my rights as a first action if the police come.
We should all be happy about our law. It's changed a lot in my life and others. Expecially the guy who got popped over here with 500lbs. Just goes to show now matter how juicy the law is someone is always gonna shine a shadow on it. But I'm in Michigan and only see positive things going forward. I mean look at Texas if they are producing marijuana for seizures then I guess I can't see an end in this only more research. Again another positive thing for marijuana

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We should all be happy about our law. It's changed a lot in my life and others. Expecially the guy who got popped over here with 500lbs. Just goes to show now matter how juicy the law is someone is always gonna shine a shadow on it. But I'm in Michigan and only see positive things going forward. I mean look at Texas if they are producing marijuana for seizures then I guess I can't see an end in this only more research. Again another positive thing for marijuana

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We should all be happy about our law. It's changed a lot in my life and others. Expecially the guy who got popped over here with 500lbs. Just goes to show now matter how juicy the law is someone is always gonna shine a shadow on it. But I'm in Michigan and only see positive things going forward. I mean look at Texas if they are producing marijuana for seizures then I guess I can't see an end in this only more research. Again another positive thing for marijuana

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keep in mind cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of documented years....yet those that wish to impose their will upon us are given the power to do so and they dont see these marijuanas as we do, or maybe they do and it scares them, either way....they keep getting exactly what they want, not what we want so much
Medical marijuana shops get a temporary reprieve from state

"... Two members of the five-member licensing board — chairman Rick Johnson, a former speaker of the House of Representatives, and retired Michigan State Police officer Don Bailey — said they still want dispensaries shut down sooner.

"I understand that LARA thinks that Dec. 15 is the appropriate date, but my date is Sept. 15," Bailey said. Operating a dispensary now "is a violation of the law, it has been. I’m not going to support someone who stays open."

The rest of the board, however, supported LARA's decision.

"My thought is we’re here to make decisions regarding (licensing) ... not whether we should be shutting down facilities," said board member Vivian Pickard."
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Now that we will have a "seed to sale" law starting to form in December it will never change the fact that shits serious now. There aren't one up my way that would be able to attract business after their product was tested. I see a lot of altered test results and fraud going on. Kalkasksa & grand traverse counties would be the first of many to go. Let's see them try to cheat powdery mildew and mites.

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Thy cheat them tests ..obviously. Has been many independent investigators buying and sending what they bought off to labs and that shit fails...fails miserably. Not all...but enough to know the system does not work, and in reality is just another limiting wall to small operators. Fuck man..haha even here, i can not remember who it is, but some group is doing the same shit here. Checking to see if the label is even right and sometimes...its not. Anyway-abrogate..however unlikely..WE as a community need to pull together. A consitutional amendment is the best the people can do, and i have said that for many years. You can probably pull posts from 3ma from 010 where i say that. Anyway...if you are a caregiver, when this system goes live, i advise you to remove patients that are going to use them shops, because the second they do, your confidentiality is gone. It might even be that it is gone even if they dont, i am not sure how that system works with the mmma registry database, but from my reading..the mmfla creates a seperate database that is compiled from dispensary customers-free from the confidentiality granted by the mmma. Abrogate and all of this shit becomes meaningless..they will still do it, but you wont have to participate in it.
It's not even December and we got someone who's an expert. Listen you continue to pick apart something that I haven't seen any change in since 09. I haven't received a letter stating any changes. Really all you want to do is argue about a problem that isn't there just to argue with anyone who will listen. If your following the law and stick to "qualified Patients and Qualified caregivers" you'll be just fine. It almost sounds as you had a storefront and your mad it got shutdown. Your claim that caregivers are gonna be out of business is ludicrous. I'm sure Lara will be sending everyone letters soon huh. Find something positive instead of your fake news that you just continually push because your some kind of paranoid schizo. No proof at all just hot air and fancy wording

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I am not a registered caregiver now. I am considering not having a patient card either. They will eventually move on to caregivers when they are done controlling all the dispensaries.

Fuck them Doc! They can never stop us. We do not have to comply.

But we do have to admit it is their game and not ours. America!

+ REP! I'm with you Med!
Medical marijuana shops get a temporary reprieve from state

"... Two members of the five-member licensing board — chairman Rick Johnson, a former speaker of the House of Representatives, and retired Michigan State Police officer Don Bailey — said they still want dispensaries shut down sooner.

"I understand that LARA thinks that Dec. 15 is the appropriate date, but my date is Sept. 15," Bailey said. Operating a dispensary now "is a violation of the law, it has been. I’m not going to support someone who stays open."

The rest of the board, however, supported LARA's decision.

"My thought is we’re here to make decisions regarding (licensing) ... not whether we should be shutting down facilities," said board member Vivian Pickard."

Oh goody, 3 whole months.......Then no disp. till early 2019 (At least that's when they hope to have "some" open again. Well then, they better get the lic growers going first then eh?) ..... That's a year of people wanting meds with no where to go.... Grow your own or find a CG. CG's have been declining over the last cpl of years.

The 2 toads listed, on the LARA board are dead set against MJ.....They are there to temper the law with restrictions......People do not matter. They "know whats best for everyone" and MMJ is "fake news" to them....Schutte clones and supporters.

They "say" they are accepting apps on Dec. 15th. When will they choose? How much time does that give a "grower" to set up and begin? Do you really think these disp. will have available MEDS that are safe and properly cured for sale on this "Early 2019" unknown date? Lets see, commercial operations run big plants. So 180 days of grow alone. Now add 6-8 weeks of cure (yeah right). You think they will have growers up and running by April 15th 2018 to make that "Early 2019 date?" HELL NO!

FACT: The "Schutte" said the state would not pursue disp. approved by local authorities. LIE!

Now LARA has sole ability to decide the rules! "The state Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has the sole authority to set the rules that govern the dispensaries now and in the future." Andrew Brisbo, director of the state's Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation.

The "Non-refundable" lic. fee is a money grab! Mark my words (and read the application rules). If a disp. has been raided at any time. They will not get "approved"..... Even a misdemeanor for an "illegal" drug conviction, is grounds for disapproval. The fact that MMJ disp. are "illegal" by state law will be taken into account. Even if there was no charge given. They were in essence, guilty of a felony.....DISAPPROVED!

I hope that's not so but, we'll see won't we!

In the meantime, it's the actual patients that will suffer....

If recreational passes. It will be less then 5 years to "No personal growing" or "Severe limits will be imposed." Just like out west! CG will be eliminated and personal will go down to 6, then 3 and most likely eliminated. It's MI controlled by conservative ass holes....

why would anyone pay the lottery fee when they have no clue how much money is to be made at any level, except maybe the pos?

imagine you re chosen, need to build your room appropriately, vid monitoring set up with the msp, state inspections, financial background find out you get paid
5oo$ a unit, and need to pay the armored truck 100 bucks to transport it to the lab, and pay another 100 bucks