Aussie Growers Thread

theres no point iv got mental problems i should just get used to never getti g help and being treated like a fuck wit for self medicating cunts im fucken over em its okay to give a kid candy flavored adhd pills witch is all coke and meth but i cant have a cone fukem why is it if thay give someone pills and that person says it helps but if thay say i had a cone and dident feel fucking mental u get lueghed at fuck em over the cunts thayve never helped me and never will im fucken getting over it im a bludger apparently but yet no cunt seems to be able 2 do there job and help me fuck em all i tell u im npt hard but the next docter centerlingk person who treats me like shit im gunna smack em right in the head fuck em
I read into the lowryder2 strain some more. It might not reek like I thought. It apparently smells more like mint and coffee. Which is good news for me. Because I like both of those scents.
Just need a hundy spare.
I know exactly what you mean gigle. I've got some old twat telling me i gotta stop smoking pot too.

I was like- why? The shit helps me sleep, let's me unwind, keeps me from raging. And is safer than that other crap.

He says because only fuckin idiots smoke weed.

Guess I'm an educated fuckin idiot then.
All my mail comes thru a contractor. They will not leave their vehicle. Any parcel means a pick up slip is put into my letter box and I have to drive down to the local Aust post outlet- which is a IGA supermarket...
Not everyone here they get out walk to your front door if ur not there even after a quick knock only then do you get the slip left there and it gets put in the letterbox only
Not everyone here they get out walk to your front door if ur not there even after a quick knock only then do you get the slip left there and it gets put in the letterbox only
I dont blame em doing what they do here. Its all acarage blocks. My drive way is 100m long for eg. That would be an avg for the area. The battle axe blocks would be 3 or 4 times that on avg.
But if they cannot reach your letterbox from their car window you wont get any mail.
theres no point iv got mental problems i should just get used to never getti g help and being treated like a fuck wit for self medicating cunts im fucken over em its okay to give a kid candy flavored adhd pills witch is all coke and meth but i cant have a cone fukem why is it if thay give someone pills and that person says it helps but if thay say i had a cone and dident feel fucking mental u get lueghed at fuck em over the cunts thayve never helped me and never will im fucken getting over it im a bludger apparently but yet no cunt seems to be able 2 do there job and help me fuck em all i tell u im npt hard but the next docter centerlingk person who treats me like shit im gunna smack em right in the head fuck em
Just know that fkwts like me that carnt spell for shit ca do OK in life.
It just takes a break and some balls when the break comes.

If i can do OK (and im nit pretending to be a millionaire or nuthin) then you can to, never give up.
I dont blame em doing what they do here. Its all acarage blocks. My drive way is 100m long for eg. That would be an avg for the area. The battle axe blocks would be 3 or 4 times that on avg.
But if they cannot reach your letterbox from their car window you wont get any mail.
Yep I gotcha now ..thats the difference I guess me being in a country town no more than 15 is wide 20k ppl
Just busting your balls.someone with your enthusiasm will get good at growing no mater how dumb they are Hahaha
ye i know im just having one of those days man fuck i need a cone and my weed aint growing im thinking of ditching the two i got gowing now onse only getting its 2cnd set of true leaves after 3 weeks and the other is just kind of stunted tbh ill keep that but fuck the little seedling i might just wait till my autos get here and run those its gunna get up to like 40 in my tent it hasent seemed to phase my plants any other time fucket if i can mannage 2 grow a gram ill consider it succsesfull but i did good the last time i mean i had a p def halfway thrue flower but i was screwwing around with teas and stuff i dont know how the fuck i maneged 2 lose it but when i get the auto beans im gunna mix like 10 or 15 percent of some castings with some canna terra and stick with the bio canna nutes iv found them to be good bot nitrogen light exept for pulling early but this round will be good thay seem to be able 2 handle a bit of heat and if i run the lights only at night it shouldent be to bad im sure ill still get a decent yield
theres no point iv got mental problems i should just get used to never getti g help and being treated like a fuck wit for self medicating cunts im fucken over em its okay to give a kid candy flavored adhd pills witch is all coke and meth but i cant have a cone fukem why is it if thay give someone pills and that person says it helps but if thay say i had a cone and dident feel fucking mental u get lueghed at fuck em over the cunts thayve never helped me and never will im fucken getting over it im a bludger apparently but yet no cunt seems to be able 2 do there job and help me fuck em all i tell u im npt hard but the next docter centerlingk person who treats me like shit im gunna smack em right in the head fuck em
The system is broken bro if you don't conform to what they believe you are cast aside and forgotten,don't let that get you down that's exactly what they want fuck them do what you have to do to keep motivated and when an opportunity
Pops up grab hold of it
ye i know im just having one of those days man fuck i need a cone and my weed aint growing im thinking of ditching the two i got gowing now onse only getting its 2cnd set of true leaves after 3 weeks and the other is just kind of stunted tbh ill keep that but fuck the little seedling i might just wait till my autos get here and run those its gunna get up to like 40 in my tent it hasent seemed to phase my plants any other time fucket if i can mannage 2 grow a gram ill consider it succsesfull but i did good the last time i mean i had a p def halfway thrue flower but i was screwwing around with teas and stuff i dont know how the fuck i maneged 2 lose it but when i get the auto beans im gunna mix like 10 or 15 percent of some castings with some canna terra and stick with the bio canna nutes iv found them to be good bot nitrogen light exept for pulling early but this round will be good thay seem to be able 2 handle a bit of heat and if i run the lights only at night it shouldent be to bad im sure ill still get a decent yield
If you can get your ventilation and airflow right you'll be fine without a.c,it might not be ideal but they can they don't mind a bit of heat the buds might not get as dense but people have been growing for years without it and manage so there's no reason why you can't pull it of
The system definitely is broken. That's why I've got some old fuck telling me how stupid I am for enjoying a cone.

Meanwhile it's okay for him to smoke cigs. And his colleague to drag on a vape... I really don't get the logic.

You'll get a job gigz. Dress appropriately for the job you're applying for- or neatly that is. And do a bit of research on the company you're trying to apply for. It's good to have an idea of what they represent. And what the company gets into. Like charities and social events.
The system definitely is broken. That's why I've got some old fuck telling me how stupid I am for enjoying a cone.

Meanwhile it's okay for him to smoke cigs. And his colleague to drag on a vape... I really don't get the logic.

You'll get a job gigz. Dress appropriately for the job you're applying for- or neatly that is. And do a bit of research on the company you're trying to apply for. It's good to have an idea of what they represent. And what the company gets into. Like charities and social events.
o its broken alright. Always has been.

But thats no excuse on why you cannot do something. If someone tells you a million times you cannot do something then you can either belive them..or prove them wrong. Its all a question of will power and motivation.
No point lessening to people who put you down..ignore em. (yes, that is hard)