ye im also not tring to count days like im more going on doas it look happy doas it look healthy id if yes the i leave her alone since since that pic i posted earlier think it was takena couple days ago the lower branches have grown there catching up so i take that as tne new set of leaves a day i think shes a bit short compered 2 other plants that are her age but fuck it shes healthy thats wat i care about also up untilllike 2 weeks ago it coud get upto high 30s in the tent if i dident turn on the exaust fan on and 10 c if i dident turn it of at night now the temps are even id say around 20s i gotta get a new temp humidty reader also figured out my humidifiar not realy but i bumped it and it seems 2 be working now but no humidy reader so i dont have a clue what it is im sure its not like way to high or any thing tho all i gotta do know i guess is not over water her lol i want 2 get every thing dialed in while shes in veg then once its doaled in boom time to switch