Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Too many stayed put. It's always like that when it's been a long time since the last big one. {not that I can talk, I've never left for one}

I heard one guy on the radio say he didn't know it was going to flood. If me and you were talking about it last week, I'm pretty sure some of the local TV stations mentioned there was going to be 30-50 inches of rain.
Not really. The storm itself went from a no name tropical depression to a category 4 monster in just 48 hours. No one was expecting THAT much rain unless they weren't doing anything else but listening to updates.

...which would be the prudent thing to do in the path of a hurricane, granted, but some folks have other concerns.

I was in Florida during the summer of 2005 when the state got hit by 4 hurricanes. Three of them actually hit where I lived, fortunately glancing blows. I had no way to get away. That's a very sinking feeling...
It's a little cooler here. I stayed at the camp last night, and it was already down to 79F when I went in the tent about 2200. I used the sheet the whole night. Wednesday night it didn't get below 80F until just before daylight and I didn't really pull the sheet up over me until I woke up the next morning.
Feeding the mosquitoes?
Not really. The storm itself went from a no name tropical depression to a category 4 monster in just 48 hours. No one was expecting THAT much rain unless they weren't doing anything else but listening to updates.

...which would be the prudent thing to do in the path of a hurricane, granted, but some folks have other concerns.

I was in Florida during the summer of 2005 when the state got hit by 4 hurricanes. Three of them actually hit where I lived, fortunately glancing blows. I had no way to get away. That's a very sinking feeling...
I've never been on the coast for one. Where I'm at it's mostly twisters. We did have a good deal of downed trees from straight line wind in one about 30 years ago. The name slips my mind, but it hit the day my niece was born. Mamma and Daddy were out in Co Springs while my aunt and I held down the fort. I got tore up and slept through it. One big oak tree fell away from the house. If it had been the other way. . . . . There were 15-20 small trees across the road going down to the house by the pond {where I lived at the time}. I had gone back over there to put some plants in the house about dark. Shit was flying sideways then, but no trees blocking the road. We lost 20-30 big oaks and pines and hundreds of smaller trees. But no real damage to any structures.

I guess it's better to be lucky than good.
We had a pretty hard rain start about 1300. It rained steady for a couple three hours, then slowed down to a drizzle. At 1740 it's raining, 75F with 95% humidity. Forecast high/low of 86/72F with 80% chance of rain. I'm spending 2-3 days on the trail this week, so I might have a damp hike.
Had more sunshine today than we have had in a good while. At 1430 it's partly cloudy, 90F with 53% humidity. Forecast high/low of 91/70F with 20% chance of rain. Starting Wednesday, my 10 day has mid 80's and low to mid 60's. Lots of sunshine toward the end of it. Maybe it's not too late for my rotting Poly Shunks.
We are still having good weather so far. Has been down in the 60's at night, and I had the week off, so. . . . . I went for a walk.

At 1520 it's partly cloudy, 83F with 50% humidity. Forecast high/low of 83/67F with 20% chance of rain tonight. Long range forecast calls for 75% chance of hurricane evacuees sleeping on my couch tomorrow night. Erma won't make herself known to us until then, with Monday being the real day to worry. I am keeping a close eye on the path. Anymore to the west and I may be looking for a couch to sleep on.
We are still having good weather so far. Has been down in the 60's at night, and I had the week off, so. . . . . I went for a walk.

At 1520 it's partly cloudy, 83F with 50% humidity. Forecast high/low of 83/67F with 20% chance of rain tonight. Long range forecast calls for 75% chance of hurricane evacuees sleeping on my couch tomorrow night. Erma won't make herself known to us until then, with Monday being the real day to worry. I am keeping a close eye on the path. Anymore to the west and I may be looking for a couch to sleep on.
Glad to hear from you. I'll be even more glad to hear from you after the old windbag has blown through!
Glad to hear from you. I'll be even more glad to hear from you after the old windbag has blown through!
I made it through in one piece. Lots of limbs down and a few trees, but no direct hits on houses or barns. Headed out now for a few days of hiking. Lots of time off from work this month. Loving it now. Not so much on payday.
We had a shower this morning, and one yesterday afternoon. But over all, there has been a lot less rain since Irma came through. Hope it stays that way for a few weeks.

At 2105 it's partly cloudy, 74F with 95% humidity. Forecast high/low of 89/70F with 20% chance of rain tonight.

My length of day is down to 12 hours 19 minutes, and will be 1 minute 49 seconds shorter tomorrow. It's almost like there is some astronomical event right around the corner. I'll try to remember what it is as I watch the leaves change colors.
Chilly and rainy in my neck of the woods today. A friend who lives less than two miles from here got hail.

I got a nice soak in the hot tub.
We had a shower this morning, and one yesterday afternoon. But over all, there has been a lot less rain since Irma came through. Hope it stays that way for a few weeks.

At 2105 it's partly cloudy, 74F with 95% humidity. Forecast high/low of 89/70F with 20% chance of rain tonight.

My length of day is down to 12 hours 19 minutes, and will be 1 minute 49 seconds shorter tomorrow. It's almost like there is some astronomical event right around the corner. I'll try to remember what it is as I watch the leaves change colors.
Wicca dancing naked in the trees day coming up, isn't it?