Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
lol im probably the youngest cunt here buy the sound of it use are all old who wants to adopted me lol from my experince on any forum the assholes are always younge as fuck and the nice people are always older people
your dads not gonna kick in my front door is he? haha..i think your right man the older ones want to help and the young ones want to prove something by being know it alls.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah I had my first when I was 20 now I'm 25 and have 3!..i like fuckin.. I prefer the nasty seedy rubes .it takes away from all the but hurt leftys on here and I fuckin hate facebook so this is my social media
true a cant handle face book without weed makes wanna just go out and be a cmplete cunt just to restore the balence rui is quickly becoming my soical media


Well-Known Member
just keep out of the political section..i make that mistake every now and again
i went 2 tje toke and talk past night 2 see whats up fuck i forgot how many cunts there where there to im all for being a bit of a cunt on the net once and a while when somewone wlks into it but some peaple take it to far sometime lol thats tje net for ya i suppose


Well-Known Member
Hso if that humbolt then yeah mate.

Small buds but really dense.

And it Fkn stinks bad.
I ran that once pulled halfaway thrue flower tho im tempted to buy some more beans tbh may i ask how u maneged 2 get tne seeds out of the pack i had two break it lol the one that i dident manega to kill topped itself but ye iv haerd nothing but good things about hso


Well-Known Member
I ran that once pulled halfaway thrue flower tho im tempted to buy some more beans tbh may i ask how u maneged 2 get tne seeds out of the pack i had two break it lol the one that i dident manega to kill topped itself but ye iv haerd nothing but good things about hso

Bought mine as stealth so they already out of pack but 1 bean was broken

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
haha yeah I had my first when I was 20 now I'm 25 and have 3!..i like fuckin.. I prefer the nasty seedy rubes .it takes away from all the but hurt leftys on here and I fuckin hate facebook so this is my social media
Cancelled fb bout 4 yrs ago now to many friends got butthurt on there cos I speak the truth ...but I can take it as gd as I give it and thats what counts for a gd person in my books