CRAFT GROWERS them long LP shwags!!

Trying to engage in intelligent discourse is a lost cause. They simply repeat the same rhetoric, ad nauseum.

If you apply their own reasoning towards their own arguments, most of their arguments fall apart but they refuse to acknowledge it and start the cycle again, adding insults.
the product is tested.
It's also tested by independent labs and regularly by health canada labs.

You guys are all off your rockers.
You can't say "they're terrible they have a recall" and then try and say they don't test for pesticides.
They have the recalls because they failed an inspection. It's a simple system.
Until recently Hellth Canaduh never screened at all for pesticides, and only now screens for "banned" pesticides. They don't test for the 17 pesticides in use everyday, because Hellth Canaduh has publicly disclosed they can use them. If you don't think ShiTweed and all the other LP's use all of them, then you're the one wearing the tinfoil hat buddy.
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Until recently Hellth Canaduh never screened at all for pesticides, and only now screens for "banned" pesticides. They don't test for the 17 pesticides in use everyday, because Hellth Canaduh has publicly disclosed they can use them. If you don't think ShiTweed and all the other LP's use all of them, then you're the one wearing the tinfoil hat buddy.
its too late dman ..he already smoked the shwags ... he's been poisoned!

Interesting story.
Hate these guys too?
Co-founder and master grower Pete Young has been awarded every sphere of the cannabis community, including the Elite Medical Cannabis Karma Cup, High Times Cannabis Cup, and Organic Emerald Cup

Lol...all of which have been put on blast for contaminated entries. The Karma Cup has already had to pull moldy edibles and tainted concentrates out of this years judging kits. High Times is a joke btw....
Everyone is authorised to spray round up all over their lawns all year round, fact.

Ergo, everyone sprays round up on their lawns all year round.

I cannot argue your vulcan logic. You win, again.
Until recently Hellth Canaduh never screened at all for pesticides, and only now screens for "banned" pesticides. They don't test for the 17 pesticides in use everyday, because Hellth Canaduh has publicly disclosed they can use them. If you don't think ShiTweed and all the other LP's use all of them, then you're the one wearing the tinfoil hat buddy.
I tried telling him that...he just refuses to believe it....hahahahahaha...poison smoker we call him.