CRAFT GROWERS them long LP shwags!!

gb buddy.. how many LP buds have you seen, smelled or smoked?
You're killing me with your assumptions.

Either do the research yourself or continue believing everything you read on the internet and live with a tinfoil hat.
I understand you're a real patient and I've never met someone who is more passionate about protecting patients and their rights, but that doesn't mean that all LP product is bad or that it has poison on it.
gb buddy.. how many LP buds have you seen, smelled or smoked?
You're killing me with your assumptions.

Either do the research yourself or continue believing everything you read on the internet and live with a tinfoil hat.
I understand you're a real patient and I've never met someone who is more passionate about protecting patients and their rights, but that doesn't mean that all LP product is bad or that it has poison on it.
If they can spray it ...they will to save it.....they don't have to tell you....and why would they chase you away by telling you. That's bad for their business telling folks what they sprayed or used. I thought you were smarter than your appearing.
They've already been proved to be liars. Give your head a shake man.
Your smoking pesticides....maybe 17 of them.
gb buddy.. how many LP buds have you seen, smelled or smoked?
You're killing me with your assumptions.

Either do the research yourself or continue believing everything you read on the internet and live with a tinfoil hat.
I understand you're a real patient and I've never met someone who is more passionate about protecting patients and their rights, but that doesn't mean that all LP product is bad or that it has poison on it.
noo assumptions odd one..all 100% true to fact
STart reading again need more learning..come back when yer all informed please,
If they can spray it ...they will to save it.....they don't have to tell you....and why would they chase you away by telling you. That's bad for their business telling folks what they sprayed or used. I thought you were smarter than your appearing.
They've already been proved to be liars. Give your head a shake man.
Your smoking pesticides....maybe 17 of them.

the product is tested.
It's also tested by independent labs and regularly by health canada labs.

You guys are all off your rockers.
You can't say "they're terrible they have a recall" and then try and say they don't test for pesticides.
They have the recalls because they failed an inspection. It's a simple system.
noo assumptions odd one..all 100% true to fact
STart reading again need more learning..come back when yer all please,
cheers...slow ears

I've given up on you gb.
You're the Trump of this forum (competing with Hippy) and that won't change.
Enjoy your personal paradise, where everything is exactly how you perceive it.
the product is tested.
It's also tested by independent labs and regularly by health canada labs.

You guys are all off your rockers.
You can't say "they're terrible they have a recall" and then try and say they don't test for pesticides.
They have the recalls because they failed an inspection. It's a simple system.
what part about SPARY have you missed out on MMJ here ODD one!?
I've given up on you gb.
You're the Trump of this forum (competing with Hippy) and that won't change.
Enjoy your personal paradise, where everything is exactly how you perceive it.
maybe you need more time out and away...sure seems that way

bye bye for now Odd one


I understand what you're saying and it's a genuine concern.
I've read the piece by Pritchard and I don't disagree with the argument.
What I disagree with is that you think the black market product is cleaner/healthier/less pesticides.

If you are arguing in favour of home grow, we agree 110%.
If you're arguing the black market knows better, I disagree.
I've seen more than enough to churn my stomach.
I understand what you're saying and it's a genuine concern.
I've read the piece by Pritchard and I don't disagree with the argument.
What I disagree with is that you think the black market product is cleaner/healthier/less pesticides.

If you are arguing in favour of home grow, we agree 110%.
If you're arguing the black market knows better, I disagree.
I've seen more than enough to churn my stomach.
YOU DEFFINATELY DO NOT UNDERSTAND... lol and that's more than obvious
I know for a FACT what I BUY is CEAN!! and can easily test it CHEAP if need be

NEXT STUPID DUMB ARGUMENT PLEAE fool .................. geesus

PLEASE...answer that question 100% and ill listen to you lol
I know for a FACT what I BUY is CEAN!! and can easily test it CHEAP if need be

NEXT STUPID DUMB ARGUMENT PLEAE fool .................. geesus

if everything in this discussion was about you and the guy that you buy from, that's great.
I happen to care about others besides just you. I know they're getting fucked over by product they think is clean and safe.
I also know that LP product is being sold in the BM too, so the shit goes full circle.
LP's are FUCKING POiSON ING PEOPLE AND SCEWWING THEM oVER what part have you missed ?

answer the last question Odd one...
PLEASE...answer that question 100% and ill listen to you lol
I also know that LP product is being sold in the BM too, so the shit goes full circle.

yack !!!!!!!!!
I give up on ya
you know very well what the LP's have been caught doing but deny it basically as safe now.....keep on dreaming
done informing you as it apparently it is too hard for you to comprehend.
lets hear it :)

There are numerous aspects to it and I've seen most of them far too close for comfort.
The bulk of the supply is coming from junk, but if you're in a good market then you're getting excess product from a DG that is sent to a regional broker. The broker sells to the middle man, who splits it and either sells direct to customers or sells to their own crew who disperse it. The smart brokers are moving online, selling their product through "secure" websites that get hacked every day, revealing customer information so often it makes me sick.

There's also the boys on bikes. I won't get into it, but they support, supply and protect a large portion of the market.

Your local BM might be the guy down the street who grows more than he needs, but the market across Canada is very connected and the spiderweb is massive. Product comes from BC to Toronto and is distributed in an auction style system, going to both dispensaries and the black market.

I'm not going to sit here and explain to you all day so that you can tell me I'm an idiot because your dealer isn't from this system. This is the system that stretches from coast to coast. These are 200 light facilities littered all over the country and the biggest brokers are doing deals across every province.