Aussie Growers Thread

hay doas this sound right if the mycrobes in the tea have eaten all the food source in this case suger that its safe to say im not gunna end up with a suger water with mycrobes plus iv got some em1 and some granular humic acid pottasiam humate any one rekon i could use that instaed of that maybe follow the directions and use the two teaspoons of the humic acid and whatever it says for the em 1 i dont want 2 bubble it for days im not that patiant lol ill give it just over 24 hours but ye fuck it im a go do it now fuck it
What your trying to do with compost tea is get the microbes to multiply the air pump helps strip them from the compost and also creates an oxygen rich environment which is what the good microbes prefer (aerobic ). Compost teas aren't really about the nutrients it's more of an inoculant. 24 -36 hours should be fine
What your trying to do with compost tea is get the microbes to multiply the air pump helps strip them from the compost and also creates an oxygen rich environment which is what the good microbes prefer (aerobic ). Compost teas aren't really about the nutrients it's more of an inoculant. 24 -36 hours should be fine
witch is pretty mutch all i want a good balence of mycrobes :weed:
That'd take me a lifetime trying to memorise haha good effort :). Give this guys podcast a listen he's got a 3 part interview with clackamans coot that's really good
will def give it a listen cheers for the share it will probably take me a life time to but fuck it if im gunna do somthing with this life im going to be the best grower i can lol i signed up 4 an online horticulture ceurse like at the beggining of the year i haven even done the forst assingnment lol im prob gunna end up doing it all in like 1 day last minute sort of thing like why the fuck do thay need 2 use big latin words academics and there latin words thay can fuck off pmsl
will def give it a listen cheers for the share it will probably take me a life time to but fuck it if im gunna do somthing with this life im going to be the best grower i can lol i signed up 4 an online horticulture ceurse like at the beggining of the year i haven even done the forst assingnment lol im prob gunna end up doing it all in like 1 day last minute sort of thing like why the fuck do thay need 2 use big latin words academics and there latin words thay can fuck off pmsl
Haha I hated plant identification when I did my hort 2 and 3 cert 1 letter out of place and it's marked as a wrong answer
lol my course is online id probably of been better off thats me fucked if it come down to grahmer lol my teatcher would probably have a nervous break down trying 2 decipher my hand writing lol owell if learned more self educating any way i wish i could drop out tho no sense in paying for it when im not planning on finishing it would of been stoke to have a qualification but fuck it i dont need a piece of paper telling me im good at somthing proof is in the pudding
lol my course is online id probably of been better off thats me fucked if it come down to grahmer lol my teatcher would probably have a nervous break down trying 2 decipher my hand writing lol owell if learned more self educating any way i wish i could drop out tho no sense in paying for it when im not planning on finishing it would of been stoke to have a qualification but fuck it i dont need a piece of paper telling me im good at somthing proof is in the pudding
Very true !