How to connect Meanweall driver to potentiometer?


Hi guys, I ´m not new here but mostly I found everything I need without questioning but now I´m stuck at the point. I´m building my own LED COB and I ´m not sure how to properly connect meanwell driver with led cobs and potentiometer? I ´m going wire them in series.

Maybe if you can draw me the right scheme? :)

Attached is what I have:


  • DRIVER.png
    11 KB · Views: 63
Just as a side note, Ive seen a few post lately with the solutions being provided as "attach colour x to colour y" etc. The advice has been technically correct, however from a procedural perspective you should always know what your Line, Neutral and Ground are regardless of wire colour. Just saying as you never know what screwy extension cable someone may be trying to connect and I have seen a variety of strange wire colours. Thats hooking up the power to the driver. (not the pot, but thought it relevant), the dimmers are simple +-,

On the three post pots you just have to decide which way you want to turn it.
Anyway to do it without a soldering iron?
Does one have to have a resistor ?
I guess you could use alligator clips ,but not very safe, fine for testing.
You can skip the resistor, POTs will have a 5-10% +- rating for their resistance, when you buy your POTs (ebay etc) buy a bunch of them, they are only a buck or less, some may be below spec. I think all that means is you may not get a full 10-100% dimming range.
Yepp, most of the B100k pots (linear ones) are below 100k. Sometime only 94k or lower. You need to use potis with at least 100k. (measure real k with a multimeter)
I got usually 2 or 3 good pot's with 100-102k from a bunch of 10...,Lol!
Thank god they are cheap..