Canada could become the first country to allow unlimited possession of cannabis in private

..u r SO wrong they are getting away with abusing people who want tfree speech in this fk'd up SJW PC world

they are the extremists..i cannot believe how stupid young people are getting

tolerance..what bs..they are using viloence even more.,we are witnessing the end of free speech and if youcannot see it then you are part of it

its the same in our country..
I'm not defending their early violence. But I am giving them credit for maturing beyond it.

And they're certainly not 'getting away with it'. Violent Antifa activists have been will continue to be arrested. They've also had to answer for their early violent acts in the court of public opinion. In fact, I'm pretty sure that widespread denunciation of that very violence was a strong impetus for them to make the necessary changes.

It's important to keep up to date on their current activities.
i wish i could see them maturing..surely not here..surely not last week..

let see..they see some group that is protesting the right to free speech and they come and smash em with their jihad masks on

the cops run away because they cannot be seen defending anyone except violent minorities

and never mind europe..its basically lost..o yes but lets be tolerant

and lets erase history to suit the sjw crap

i used to be the left when they had scruples....antifa /sjws/blm ...they are facists
Sorry i stopped at the first paragraph. Antifa is a left wing terrorist group. Their motto should be fighting facism through facist tactics. Just search Antifa on youtube, 'nuff said
Their tactics are changing. The movement has officially repudiated violence, though some individuals will still be bad actors on all sides.
The last guy I voted for had the same effect - nothing changed. I hear what you're saying, but I have 55 years of abandoned election promises and increasing government control over my existence to fuel my cynicism. Where are these 'new' politicians with the power to change the system and return power to the people? I don't think they exist. I've been around awhile and I pay pretty close attention to politics - I think pretending you are going to take a century of increasing controls away from those with the guns and laws peacefully from the outside is futile, imo. I'd like you to be right, but I just don't see it.
I understand and respect your concerns. On this side of the border, America was too busy joining the corporatists to oppose them, and I suspect something similar was happening up north.

I'd like to think the times are changing and the excesses of the policies are now becoming unavoidably apparent, which is what it takes to create the needed support to effect change.

Then again, maybe this is inherent to humanity and is part of an inevitable and inexorable process of the collapse of civilisation.

I prefer to rail and fight the dying of the light than meekly accept the advancing darkness.
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i wish i could see them maturing..surely not here..surely not last week..

let see..they see some group that is protesting the right to free speech and they come and smash em with their jihad masks on

the cops run away because they cannot be seen defending anyone except violent minorities

and never mind europe..its basically lost..o yes but lets be tolerant

and lets erase history to suit the sjw crap

i used to be the left when they had scruples....antifa /sjws/blm ...they are facists

Their tactics are changing. The movement has officially repudiated violence, though some individuals will still be bad actors on all sides.
TTY i have big respect for your opinion

thanks for being so polite

for me its the politcal correctness that is out of control
Having more groups involved should help make progress happen. I can't prove it but I believe it to be true that when everyone's voice is heard, the best ideas can get their chance to rise to the top. It's as close as I come to an article of faith, lol
Human nature, I suppose? If you and I are on a street corner, and we see something (an event, a speech, a public beating) we don't like, you step in and say "Stop That"! People will assume you are against whatever it is you are intervening in. And me, just standing on the street corner, not saying anything, just watching, people will assume that I don't care about whatever is going on, and maybe even support it.

This is short-sighted and assumptive, yes.

I believe, and you don't have to obviously, that it's human nature. We judge people on action, and on inaction.

Just my opinion
It has nothing to do with you agreeing due to avoiding involvement. Its called not wanting to get involved. Suggesting complacency through simply saying nothing is false logic
Hitler wasn't a dictator, and neither was Mussolini. Both were elected by the citizens of their countries.

Don't conflate fascism with dictatorship. The two are very different.
Look up the definition of facism. Since i posted it verbatim. How many elections were held once they were in power again?............
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let me tell you how bad its

People stand on a street corner in London U.K.

Holding a sign saying

"Free speech"

Within five minutes he is being spit on
Sworn at

It gets worse

Here in Canada with this insane Justin t's

Anti hate law

any free speech that does not come from a particular minority is classed as hate speech

They can hold protests in Toronto carrying signs saying
Hideous things that are on video
Like "death to Jews and Israel "
but any attempt to even say
"This is wrong" and
You are hit with a hate crime

Canada is fk'd I am ashamed to have voted jt in I am ashamed more at the ndp

I will let you guess who this minority

Make no mistake
These are not accidents

There are many examples on YouTube

Free speech free speech free speech !!!
It has nothing to do with you agreeing due to avoiding involvement. Its called not wanting to get involved. Suggesting complacency through simply saying nothing is false logic

Interesting take on it. I don't agree, but that's what makes the world. Differing opinions.

This country managed to beat back the corporatists in the 1930s without bloodshed.

Taking our country back can and should be done through the polls, not armed insurrection.
That was a different time though and corps hadnt the.power they do now. Im a non violent type too, but i just cant imagine how folk can claw back anything from corps without throwing some molotov cocktails at this point...

Good thing im too old to really have to worry about it, but if any of you kids need a hand making
That was a different time though and corps hadnt the.power they do now. Im a non violent type too, but i just cant imagine how folk can claw back anything from corps without throwing some molotov cocktails at this point...

Good thing im too old to really have to worry about it, but if any of you kids need a hand making
The cops had similar power for the time.

We the People have the right to freedom of Assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This most certainly qualifies.
The cops had similar power for the time.

We the People have the right to freedom of Assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This most certainly qualifies.
Naw....i meant the corps as in corporations butbits possible i misspelled. L

Anyway...while corporations back then mightve had as far a reach into personal lives as tbey do now... they have never been bigger or more pervasive....personally and globally...
Naw....i meant the corps as in corporations butbits possible i misspelled. L

Anyway...while corporations back then mightve had as far a reach into personal lives as tbey do now... they have never been bigger or more pervasive....personally and globally...
They will convince you it is totally normal to find a Cockacola can in the African Sahara..
That was a different time though and corps hadnt the.power they do now. Im a non violent type too, but i just cant imagine how folk can claw back anything from corps without throwing some molotov cocktails at this point...

Good thing im too old to really have to worry about it, but if any of you kids need a hand making
Till something is done about Citizens United, which isn't happening, big money runs the show.