Canada could become the first country to allow unlimited possession of cannabis in private

Antifa being a prime example of such
I think Antifa are quickly maturing as a movement; they've already learned from their early mistakes of using violence as a means of political opposition and have been more disciplined and shown restraint in more recent confrontations with the extremist right.

As such, their own message is coming through ever more clearly; that right wing hate will not be tolerated in America and it's public expression will not be allowed to be heard without opposition.

The very fact that they're getting smeared so radically by the right wing media machine shows how effective their tactics have become.
Im by no means a staunch supporter but I have yet to see any proof hes a nazi. Then again, it's thrown around so liberally nowadays people seem to misuse it freely. Usually by people who are confronted by people who have differing views who would rather label someone a nazi to avaoid debate or criticism. Not saying you specifically. Just stating what Ive seen daily since his election. Also 40%+ of your population didnt vote so........
He's not a nazi but his father was a klansman, and on top of that taught him very prejudiced business practices
Sorry i stopped at the first paragraph. Antifa is a left wing terrorist group. Their motto should be fighting facism through facist tactics. Just search Antifa on youtube, 'nuff said
He's not a nazi but his father was a klansman, and on top of that taught him very prejudiced business practices
So hes not a nazi then? Hes certainly not responsible for anything his father did any more than you or I for our fathers. So I fail to see the logic
Then support candidates who will change it.
Great theory, but experience tells me it's futile. The Canadian system is much like an autocracy. The twit you vote for has absolutely no power to change anything. The leader of the party is very much a dictator and controls all that happens, and they are bought and paid for by outside influences. It'd be nice to live in a world of unicorns and rainbows, but history tells me we those that control the power are not going to let go without violence.
I guess I'm just cynical, but I truly believe we need to fight for anything we get, and bringing a stick to a gunfight isn't going to work.
Im by no means a staunch supporter but I have yet to see any proof hes a nazi. Then again, it's thrown around so liberally nowadays people seem to misuse it freely. Usually by people who are confronted by people who have differing views who would rather label someone a nazi to avoid debate or criticism or even discussion. Because its easier to dismiss someone then question or confront. Not saying you specifically. Just stating what Ive seen daily since his election. Also 40%+ of your population didnt vote so........
I agree with your points here.

I agree that more American citizens need to exercise their rights to get involved politically- an activity which ENDS at the ballot box, it certainly doesn't begin there.

There is no question that our current President is happy to pander to right wing extremists for political gain and is being held to account for it, the latter an eminently good thing.

Keep in mind that fascism is the confluence of official authoritarianism with corporatism. That explains the current political tone in America these days very well indeed.

We are seeing the beginnings of the People's first major political counter insurgency in the long running American class war of the past half century. It is overdue.
So hes not a nazi then? Hes certainly not responsible for anything his father did any more than you or I for our fathers. So I fail to see the logic

What Im basically saying is that people who are like that usually try to indoctrinate the same logic and hate into their kids. The fact is he may not be a Klansman but he is a white Supremacist Sympathizer
Great theory, but experience tells me it's futile. The Canadian system is much like an autocracy. The twit you vote for has absolutely no power to change anything. The leader of the party is very much a dictator and controls all that happens, and they are bought and paid for by outside influences. It'd be nice to live in a world of unicorns and rainbows, but history tells me we those that control the power are not going to let go without violence.
I guess I'm just cynical, but I truly believe we need to fight for anything we get, and bringing a stick to a gunfight isn't going to work.
The last guy who ran into the Parliament Building and started shooting changed nothing, he just got himself killed.

Has it occurred to you that maybe the political establishment WANTS you to feel like nothing can be done? That way, you aren't tempted to hold them accountable!

No one in power in a democracy is unassailable. Party leadership can certainly change. Talking about violence is futile. Get involved. I believe you'll be surprised by what you'll find.
What Im basically saying is that people who are like that usually try to indoctrinate the same logic and hate into their kids. The fact is he may not be a Klansman but he is a white Supremacist Sympathizer
And as such he can and should be held accountable for his words and views.
Keep in mind that fascism is the confluence of official authoritarianism with corporatism. That explains the current political tone in America these days very well indeed.
A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

You dont live under dictatorship. This is exactly what I meant with people misusing labels
In his repeated failure to clearly and categorically denounce them.
Lol seems logical........... So if I said you supported racist groups, provided no evidence and you said nothing, you are then a racists I gather? Glad we're clear...........

Simply stating "He never said he wasn't, therefore he is" is not an argument.
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The last guy who ran into the Parliament Building and started shooting changed nothing, he just got himself killed.

Has it occurred to you that maybe the political establishment WANTS you to feel like nothing can be done? That way, you aren't tempted to hold them accountable!

No one in power in a democracy is unassailable. Party leadership can certainly change. Talking about violence is futile. Get involved. I believe you'll be surprised by what you'll find.
The last guy I voted for had the same effect - nothing changed. I hear what you're saying, but I have 55 years of abandoned election promises and increasing government control over my existence to fuel my cynicism. Where are these 'new' politicians with the power to change the system and return power to the people? I don't think they exist. I've been around awhile and I pay pretty close attention to politics - I think pretending you are going to take a century of increasing controls away from those with the guns and laws peacefully from the outside is futile, imo. I'd like you to be right, but I just don't see it.
Lol seems logical........... So if I said you supported racist groups, provided no evidence and you said nothing, you are then a racists I gather? Glad we're clear...........

Simply stating "He never said he wasn't, therefore he is" is not an argument.

Human nature, I suppose? If you and I are on a street corner, and we see something (an event, a speech, a public beating) we don't like, you step in and say "Stop That"! People will assume you are against whatever it is you are intervening in. And me, just standing on the street corner, not saying anything, just watching, people will assume that I don't care about whatever is going on, and maybe even support it.

This is short-sighted and assumptive, yes.

I believe, and you don't have to obviously, that it's human nature. We judge people on action, and on inaction.

Just my opinion
I think Antifa are quickly maturing as a movement; they've already learned from their early mistakes of using violence as a means of political opposition and have been more disciplined and shown restraint in more recent confrontations with the extremist right.

As such, their own message is coming through ever more clearly; that right wing hate will not be tolerated in America and it's public expression will not be allowed to be heard without opposition.

The very fact that they're getting smeared so radically by the right wing media machine shows how effective their tactics have become.

..u r SO wrong they are getting away with abusing people who want free speech in this fk'd up SJW PC world

they are the extremists..i cannot believe how stupid young people are getting

tolerance..what bs..they are using viloence even more.,we are witnessing the end of free speech and if you cannot see it then you are part of it

its the same in our country..
A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

You dont live under dictatorship. This is exactly what I meant with people misusing labels
Hitler wasn't a dictator, and neither was Mussolini. Both were elected by the citizens of their countries.

Don't conflate fascism with dictatorship. The two are very different.