It takes planning, savvy and a serious front person with a tight core of dedicated people behind. The money comes later. But you don't dare make a last minute decision and decide to run for President.
I'm 67, I know it's expensive. It's needlessly, uselessly too expensive; politics has become a cottage industry solely to generate income for parasites. It's a self-feeding model because it's allowed to be.
but it shouldnt be expensive.
this should be done on platform and grassroots donation.
people OVER profit now.
Trump finally made everyone look.
those that stayed home 2016, will not in 2020..oh hellllllllll no!
im still thinking we had to have trump to throw some cold water on faces. if hillary had succeeded we would have had 8 more years of elite. with trump we dont have this, we've broken away..a high price but its been done, NOW what do we do with?