Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Nope, the Nazis and KKK created the disturbance. They had an agreed upon plan to enable the police to keep the two groups separate by defining a clear and defendable entry and exit path for the Nazis. Nazis and KKK chose to enter the park in other paths, which made it impossible for the police to keep the groups apart. This was intentional on the part of the knuckle dragging white supremacists who were itching for a fight. Antifa defended. Police shut down protest. Hecklers rule doesn't apply.

I posted a press conference by the chief of police a few posts back. He very clearly says the Nazi and KKK protesters deliberately broke with the safety plan.

The strategy used by Antifa held the Nazis in checkmate before anything else could happen, which it would have had the police not been able to exercise legal authority to shut the protest down. Brilliant and beautiful plan by Antifa.

We had a protest by the same fuckers in Portland Oregon in June, just days after one of their own killed two on a public train because they defended two girls from him. Despite tension and plenty of hot heads on both sides, the police kept the two groups separate and the hate mongers had their fucking speeches said. Clearly, the intent of the Nazis in this case was not to maintain a peaceful assembly. So it was shut down.

didn't say the hecklers rule was applied. I said in general that that's what it is. are you pretending that bamn, black bloc, Antifa and others don't publish their plans of action and the intents of the actions one of which is shutting events down by raising as much hell as possible?
didn't say the hecklers rule was applied. I said in general that that's what it is. are you pretending that bamn, black bloc, Antifa and others don't publish their plans of action and the intents of the actions one of which is shutting events down by raising as much hell as possible?
Andy Antifa and his buddies were just out and about exercising their right to walk the streets. After purchasing a couple of vanilla mocha lattes at the local coffee house, they wanted to go see the Nazis at feeding time. Then some of the animals appeared in the crowd and started speaking fighting words. Andy and his friends were predictably upset, took insult and quite reasonably responded in the manner Nazis and KKK intended. Police broke up the fight. The lattes were a total loss, sad to say.

You are picking the wrong example for heckler's rule.

Had the animals stayed in the compound they would have been fed and gone back to their dens all happy. As we know, one animal got loose on the streets and wasn't caged until he killed and wounded people.
Andy Antifa and his buddies were just out and about exercising their right to walk the streets. After purchasing a couple of vanilla mocha lattes at the local coffee house, they wanted to go see the Nazis at feeding time. Then some of the animals appeared in the crowd and started speaking fighting words. Andy and his friends were predictably upset, took insult and quite reasonably responded in the manner Nazis and KKK intended. Police broke up the fight. The lattes were a total loss, sad to say.

You are picking the wrong example for heckler's rule.

Had the animals stayed in the compound they would have been fed and gone back to their dens all happy. As we know, one animal got loose on the streets and wasn't caged until he killed and wounded people.
@UncleBuck spilled his latte during a skirmish?
Who said anything about a war on skin colour, I said another "CIVIL" war.
Sorry to disappoint you ttystikk, I'm not a poor "dumb fuck" like your self
One thing in common that survivalists, end of times bible thumpers and economy doomsayers have is they all are losers in today's society. Yet these people who can't function socially or financially during good times all seem to think they will prosper after the crash.

Not going to happen. You are a loser now and will simply be cannon fodder loser in your civil war. The only way losers like you even survive at all is society keeps you alive.

Another thing about end of times wannabes is that every generation since who knows when has had them. They've been wrong for thousands of years. I'll take the opposite side of that bet. Dumbshit.
One thing in common that survivalists, end of times bible thumpers and economy doomsayers have is they all are losers in today's society. Yet these people who can't function socially or financially during good times all seem to think they will prosper after the crash.

Not going to happen. You are a loser now and will simply be cannon fodder loser in your civil war. The only way losers like you even survive at all is society keeps you alive.

Another thing about end of times wannabes is that every generation since who knows when has had them. They've been wrong for thousands of years. I'll take the opposite side of that bet. Dumbshit.

Cool you are probably right, lucky for me I'm none of the above.
"end of times" lol where do you get this crap from, you are as delusional as ttystikk
Enjoy being on the losing side of life
Cool you are probably right, lucky for me I'm none of the above.
"end of times" lol where do you get this crap from, you are as delusional as ttystikk
Enjoy being on the losing side of life
I've done quite well. Socially, financially and sexually. Well adjusted people are more likely to survive catastrophe that dumpster fire types like you.

I won't miss you either.

I heard you didn't do well after you ate that tuna fish sandwich you found in my trash can. I'll put the next one in the sun for while. Maybe it will finish the job.
Who said anything about a war on skin colour, I said another "CIVIL" war.
Sorry to disappoint you ttystikk, I'm not a poor "dumb fuck" like your self
You know almost nothing about me, and it will stay that way.

I already know you have little education and you're a foolish political reactionary, not worthy of serious conversation.

Proof? You can't even define you mean in your own post.
You know almost nothing about me, and it will stay that way.

I already know you have little education and you're a foolish political reactionary, not worthy of serious conversation.

Proof? You can't even define you mean in your own post.
Good for you ttystikk you are a legend in the making, enjoy your new life on Mars, where your absolute brilliance will surly save mankind
Hey you might call it education, but in reality its just brainwashing
I've done quite well. Socially, financially and sexually. Well adjusted people are more likely to survive catastrophe that dumpster fire types like you.

I won't miss you either.

I heard you didn't do well after you ate that tuna fish sandwich you found in my trash can. I'll put the next one in the sun for while. Maybe it will finish the job.
Thanks Foggy, appreciate the effort
Good for you ttystikk you are a legend in the making, enjoy your new life on Mars, where your absolute brilliance will surly save mankind
Hey you might call it education, but in reality its just brainwashing

You're one to talk about brainwashing!

Glorifying stupidity is a loser's game.

You're one to talk about brainwashing!

Glorifying stupidity is a loser's game.

Yeah ok gotcha , anyone want to live in space with ttyslickk
looks like your mate Hawkins might need a double wheelchair,
probably only you two retards, dumb enough to believe it will happen
sure it does. the hecklers veto is the very thing you praised as an effective Antifa tactic earlier.

notice I haven't argued with you that the permitted protesters didn't stick to the police plan.

the question is of the intent of antifa, which was to shut it down bamn..... you agreed earlier and somehow now it's not applicable.

of course this intent precedes any plans that were or were not followed and of course this intent is likely the reason things didn't go according to plan.

why are you still desperately trying to blame anyone but the skinhead nazis, like you and your fishing buddy, who were the only ones responsible for the mayhem, violence, and death?

do you get paid to spam this shit or are you just retarded?
nah, y9ou are a nazi subsisting in the desert scrub like the scrub you are.
Haha, its pissing down raining in me desert, bloody cold to
Correct me if I'm wrong Bucky, dont you need to be German to be a Nazi, it wouldn't go down well with the family tho
lots of German's/Nazi's killed amongst that lot
Continue to fantasize all you like, whitey
Haha, its pissing down raining in me desert, bloody cold to
Correct me if I'm wrong Bucky, dont you need to be German to be a Nazi, it wouldn't go down well with the family tho
lots of German's/Nazi's killed amongst that lot
Continue to fantasize all you like, whitey
how's your trailer holding up? just a few leaks?
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