damn!! now those are an example of the trees I don't want to grow!! Nice but not for me. Plus, like I mentioned, I am partly on a time crunch here against the clock with my friend.
I was already thinking last night and when typing it tonight I never mentioned ethanol, and for a sublingual, it would be the tits!! The best for a distillation, my uncle told me about that 35 years ago, he built a homemade still from a pressure cooker. Not sure if you know what a soxhlet is but it's like a still but except the distillate comes back down into the collector, the material is in a chamber above the collector, the solvent chamber never boils dry, it is recycled and distills over and over forever if left to it's own devices.
There's an old weird hippie in Az on youtube that has a video and it decarboxylates as it extracts, rather than a 2 step extract and then decarb. He has to evap the acetone but if ethanol was the solvent, then no evap needed, not sure about vaping that though. Better for an ointment or sublingual or ingestion.
I got some minor nerve damage right hand, has totally ruined my typing career, so I know exactly what you mean there. I would do anything to get it back and it's trivial.
I had asked about the sips because the footprint is similar to my aerobuckets. And I am just getting used to this indoor stuff with space constraints and such. Plus I haven't worked with any of these strains yet so I have zero experience with judging when I should stop vegging and flip or suffer the results much as your sativas pictured above. If I weren't in such a hurry to get a large quantity in a hurry to make some kind of extract or oil, I would just take my time and play with it and learn it as I go. I will try at least 5, I think technically I could fit several more in there, but moving shit around would become increasingly difficult. Can you give me a ballpark guesstimate on height before flipping? I think I have all indica or indica dominant, of course.
Sorry man, I feel like I am dragging you offtopic, maybe I should take this private??