does this look good? and how much will i yield


Active Member
this is my first grow and i was wondering if it looks like its coming out good
so far i like how it looks
im saving up to buy 1 more light because as you can see theres not alot of light on the top
i have 4 cfls (1 you cant see is on top aiming on the right side top) and 2 ledz
all 100-120watts


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Wait till you see the difference between wet and dry weight. Big huge cola might turn out to be around 18 grams. The figure of 75%-80% weight loss to water is true.

You're gonna have to pump up the system. If you're smoking a gram a day. It takes 4 months to have smoke. Average 2-3 ounces per plant...Average grow 2-3 plants...

You're lights won't cut it.
Wait till you see the difference between wet and dry weight. Big huge cola might turn out to be around 18 grams. The figure of 75%-80% weight loss to water is true.

You're gonna have to pump up the system. If you're smoking a gram a day. It takes 4 months to have smoke. Average 2-3 ounces per plant...Average grow 2-3 plants...

You're lights won't cut it.
how much more light do i need
i got 2 100 wat leds
and 4 120 watts cfl
how much more light do i need
i got 2 100 wat leds
and 4 120 watts cfl
if u have 480 w of cfl plus 200 w of led then u have just shy of 700w.

In a HID grow 600w will do a 4 x 4 space. But im thinking due to the quality of lighting you have you may be able to do a 3x2 space??.

Vegging wont be the problem its the flowering that will be.

In saying all that it looks like you will get a harvest so congrats on that. Budget wisely for the next one.

O..and their is a difference in REAL W and "equal to".
sadly i cant afford lights over 30$ at the moment will my bud be over c grade with its current light

Look for HID lights. 150 and 250 watt are over the place. They light signs, parking lots, other crap. It's a relatively small light. Self contained with the ballast.

Back in the day. I acquired a 400 watt HID. Bulb with a long cord. Stand alone ballast. It was used to light one those huge air up blue gorillas. You see in a used car lot. YeAh...

I've found a few of the 250watt bulb and ballast laying about. Especially if someone crashed into a pole with a street light on it. It's used a lot for industrial accent lighting. Lighting up their main sign. Those are 150watt.

Check the want ads. You can find a decent light.
Search, "400 watt outdoor light fixture". Those are cherries. They're common in 250 watt. It already has a reflector. The thing even has a safety approved sheet of ~clear~ glass. Not that frosted, bubble looking, lense garbage. With some cord you can mount the ballast somewhere else. I stuffed the entire apparatus in a space...and have taken them apart. The reflector is a nice piece.

These things are abound.

Where there's a will there's a way.
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