Bro looks lk some nanners in the back get adhot from the other sideis this a hermie?
And btw "about a pound" is a default response to a weight question sooooo... maybe not about a pound... but bro u did good they're sparkly as fk!Bro looks lk some nanners in the back get adhot from the other side
Time to UNWATCH....Bout a pound = LOL.....he bought it too.....LMAO.
You guys
Maybe a Quadran, to a semissis.
Maybe 4 to 6 Deben
9 - 12 shekels, 18 - 24 Beka's, or 180 - 240 Gerah's
or even (my favorite)
88.2 to 147 Obals, 14 - 23.33333 Drachma, or as much as .25 Mina. This line of measurement is of course the Aeginetic standard and not the Euboic standard...
BTW, this is actually my estimate. Even though estimating yield is next to impossible. Too many variables.....