
I'm all set! I got my glasses and ready to watch this fucker on Monday near the Adler Planetarium in Chicago. Finna ride my bike down there, get nice and toasted and check out this rare astronomical event. Remember folks, it's not a dragon, aliens, or jesus returning. It's simply the moon moving in front of the sun. Don't be afraid. Science can be scary. Remember not to look directly at the sun, unless you want to temporarily go blind, acquire amazing mathematical powers, experience blinding migraines and decipher the pattern of the universe in a 217 number code...



4:20pm. Press Return...

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I'm working outside on Monday. Have to rip some steps out and pour concrete. I got 20 bucks on me freaking out and wrapping everything up because I'll probably think it's going to start raining when it starts getting darker
Yo dogs, I'm right in its path!! Anyone else excited?!? How bout some eclipse facts or something, I'd start it off but I don't wanna. Riu fiends plz help!!

Damn I'm lazy.
hmmm, maybe fap at the moment of totality? ;)
PS: PM video please

But seriously. there is a phenom called shadow bands maybe you could photograph?
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I'm working outside on Monday. Have to rip some steps out and pour concrete. I got 20 bucks on me freaking out and wrapping everything up because I'll probably think it's going to start raining when it starts getting darker

Yeah, I had planned to get glasses but I blew it, none available now. Next one is 2024, but we are right in the totality path and by God, I'll be ready then!
There is an eye doctor right by my work that was giving them out yesterday, my coworker went on lunch to pick us up a couple pair. Are you on the list? Lol. What list?

We are now on the list for today's shipment.. we shall see
My local radio station is giving them away for free today. Just heard it. @BarnBuster maybe someone near you is doing the same kind of thing
Yo dogs, I'm right in its path!! Anyone else excited?!? How bout some eclipse facts or something, I'd start it off but I don't wanna. Riu fiends plz help!!

Damn I'm lazy.
Few facts: you can look at it when its at total cannot look when its partial..that will kill your eyeballs.
Back in the late 1800's eclipse they didnt have glasses..they would take a brown chunk of beer bottle and look threw that. With modern technology we can now get to see it and record it in many prospectives at different locations of its path.
Better than roofing. lol
i was on a roof the last two days fixing a chimney.. it was a piece of shit so i didnt even take pics. i told the people it needs to be demo'd. thing has a serious lean to it and its right on the gable end of the house. the whole house was fucked, but if they want to pay me 95 an hour to do pointless work, im not going to tell them how to spend their money. cheap, dumb people are funny. they got money but wont put it into the right stuff. i give that chimney 5 years tops until it topples over