What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Tell me more tell me more.
All done for the day, new clutch goes in tomorrow. All I have left to do is pull out the starter, and pull the motor.

I tuned it myself, it's running cobb speed density on the stock ecu.

not a whole lot of suspension upgrades, it's my daily driver. got wider wheels and tires, bilstein struts, group n everything (tophats, tranny mount, engine mounts, pitch stop, bushings).

bigass walbro fuel pump, id1300cc injectors, aquamist meth injection, custom air-to-water intercooler (about 70% less volume than a front mount, better dynamic response, no heat soak)

motor was built by rallispec, and then I dropped it in. (I don't have the precision tools necessary to build a motor, just enough to check a couple tolerances)

It's got about 40k on the block/rotating assembly now.


Well-Known Member
Car blew a headlamp bulb last night, so I went to get a new one and put it in.
Discovered my one Swazi girl had purple leaves, looks quite pretty. The others next to her are the standard colour.
Topped a plant, had a nap. Checked the clones. and nothing much of value. Even my wife's turn to make food for a change.


Well-Known Member
Car blew a headlamp bulb last night, so I went to get a new one and put it in.
Discovered my one Swazi girl had purple leaves, looks quite pretty. The others next to her are the standard colour.
Topped a plant, had a nap. Checked the clones. and nothing much of value. Even my wife's turn to make food for a change.
You fucking pepper Auzi.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not... I went to work, asked for a raise; got it.
Was asked to leave work early due to My attitude. Popped a few vitamins into My mouth.
Had a soda... Smoked some Dokha, got lifted as fuck, took a poop and realized I need to get ready for update review on cannabis seeds that turn turt.


Well-Known Member
Now I know how to get you to come help me trim :P....My tradition of one SSH grown just for you and named Annie will start next round.

To bad I already promised you cuts......and to bad I just reminded you that I promised you cuts.

@Diabolical666 do you still use your electric trimmers you bought a while ago?

If so, send me the info please....I love you long time.
Bonzai trimmers..they are out of Netherlands. Best if yiu have like 10lbs or more to trim..then they are worth it


bud bootlegger
About 2 weeks ago I was leaving the grocery store & I see a guy down in the parking lot - go ripping over in my truck & help him to his feet, pick up his Taco bell (in a bag). He's very weak, had stumbled in a small pot-hole in the blacktop. I offered him a ride but he refused saying he lived just across the street.

Not drunk or stoned as he was very coherent, but obviously not well either.

I hope he's ok.
awhile ago, i was driving home from work. the one road i take kinda is on the fringes of being the ghetto city kinda close to my house.. anyhoo. i turn off of the highway, and am coming down the road, when i see this guy laying across the small island that separated the road i was on to another that went back to the hood.. big line of traffic stopped because everyone is watching dude laying in the road... i jump out of my car and run up to the guy.. his head was all bloody and he seemed to be unconscious to me.. he finally came around and kept trying to stand up, and wasn't doing too well with that, so i kept telling him not to move, and i kept trying to guide him down to sit on the curb.. he was pretty resistant to my attempts to get him to sit. and finally he just went stumbling down the road towards a busy highway.. i didn't bother to chase him, figured i did all i really could, and started back to my car.. i finally start driving off and see a few popo cars coming in the direction of the guy i attempted to help.. i have no clue what happened to him in the first place, nor what happened to him when he left my eye sight.. hope he was ok..


bud bootlegger
or the time i stopped coming home from work to help an old lady who was pulled over with a flat tire.. she seemed a bit nervous of me at first, but i won her over and asked if i could change her tire.. she seemed nice enough once she let her guard down.. we on the side of a pretty busy road.. anyhoo, i get the trunk open, get out the jack, and look and see that there's a lock on one of the lugs.. i go back and talk to her and ask if she has a key for the lug.. she was clueless, but eventually we found it.. i get the tire changed, tell her she's good to go, be careful, blah blah blah.. she offered me a few bucks that i declined.. i got about half way home when i realized that i'm pretty sure i left her jack sitting on the side of the road.. i looked the next day on the way in to work, and didn't see it, so hopefully she noticed before driving off..


Well-Known Member
or the time i stopped coming home from work to help an old lady who was pulled over with a flat tire.. she seemed a bit nervous of me at first, but i won her over and asked if i could change her tire.. she seemed nice enough once she let her guard down.. we on the side of a pretty busy road.. anyhoo, i get the trunk open, get out the jack, and look and see that there's a lock on one of the lugs.. i go back and talk to her and ask if she has a key for the lug.. she was clueless, but eventually we found it.. i get the tire changed, tell her she's good to go, be careful, blah blah blah.. she offered me a few bucks that i declined.. i got about half way home when i realized that i'm pretty sure i left her jack sitting on the side of the road.. i looked the next day on the way in to work, and didn't see it, so hopefully she noticed before driving off..
I'm sure karma ignored the oversight. Karma understands intent. You are a very nice human. Few would have stopped.


Ursus marijanus
or the time i stopped coming home from work to help an old lady who was pulled over with a flat tire.. she seemed a bit nervous of me at first, but i won her over and asked if i could change her tire.. she seemed nice enough once she let her guard down.. we on the side of a pretty busy road.. anyhoo, i get the trunk open, get out the jack, and look and see that there's a lock on one of the lugs.. i go back and talk to her and ask if she has a key for the lug.. she was clueless, but eventually we found it.. i get the tire changed, tell her she's good to go, be careful, blah blah blah.. she offered me a few bucks that i declined.. i got about half way home when i realized that i'm pretty sure i left her jack sitting on the side of the road.. i looked the next day on the way in to work, and didn't see it, so hopefully she noticed before driving off..
Once upon a time I was on a multi-day ride on my touring bike. A lady was at the roadside and beholding her flat tire with some concern.

I pulled up and asked her if she needed any assistance.

Beholding a large male in leather and bearing his Gort helmet, she was reluctant but agreed.

I got her bad wheel off and her full-size spare one safely mounted.

She insisted on giving me $5 for the deed.

Burger 100 miles up the road tasted especially fine.


Well-Known Member
These stories remind me about the dish guy who ran my rolling gate over yesterday.....sure I was pissed he fucked my gate up...but I also like to put myself into other people's shoes, even when I'm pissed.....I built the fuckin thing myself and I knew a few minutes with my torch and welder it would be good as new...not worth a guy getting in trouble or worse at his job....he even tried to bend it back straight and finished breaking it....poor dude was already feeling super bad and embarrassed....then he broke it even more trying to straighten it ...lol....it's a giant gate that rolls closed and blocks my driveway...blocking access to my property...I wouldn't have reported him even if he didn't hook me up like he did...if he would have hit one of my cars.....things may have been different ...lol......I saw no point in punishing the dude or making him feel worse than he already did....he ended up being a nice guy, I even helped him pull some new cable so he didn't have to move his ladder 947 times.........and yes I did throw in several gate jokes while he was working......Example--he was trying to fish a cable through a tiny hole into the attic....I'm standing there smoking a cigg watching him.....after about the third time he missed the hole and got done walking all the way around the house again ....I said--- I bet if it was my gate you would have nailed it first try ...he laughed hella hard ..lol........I made several jokes like that through out him being here......point being, I treated him like I'd wana be treated.

And now I have TV in every room of my house.


bud bootlegger
I'm sure karma ignored the oversight. Karma understands intent. You are a very nice human. Few would have stopped.
it was on this one stretch of pretty busy road that i'd see probably one or two cars pulled over in the same 100 yard stretch at least every other day or so.. was some pretty nasty potholes that a lot of people didn't know about and ended up getting flats.. i think it's where i bent my front rim one night.