How many Water, and Steaks he has is the real question? You know, you are a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.
But you couldn't answer my question.
How many Water, and Steaks he has is the real question? You know, you are a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.
I don't know how many water and steaks Bernie or Trump have. You have obviously won the debate. Congratulations.But you couldn't answer my question.
I don't know how many water and steaks Bernie or Trump have. You have obviously won the debate. Congratulations.
I don't know how many water and steaks Bernie or Trump have. You have obviously won the debate. Congratulations.
The enemy is Trump and his minions, NOT Sanders supporters.
Do what work? I don't need to do any work to prove that Saint Bernard is a hypocrite for campaigning on income equality, calling it the great moral issue of our time, then turning around and buying a third home for an amount that would pay for 15+ people to receive a decent college education.
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^^^^^^Income Police^^^^^^^^
Metric?Bernie has 234 water and 1.27m of steak.
Trump has 7,984 water and 18.03m of steak.
Clearly, Trump is meatier and waterier.
So he bought 2 homes worth upwards of around half a mil, and used his wife's inheritance to pay for the third after spending months accusing others of being greedy? How is that not ironic?Don't let facts get in your way though....
-However, the original Seven Days report included information on how the Sanders’ afforded the summer home. O’Meara Sanders said that she had inherited a vacation home in Maine, but the family was unable to make use of it due to its distance from their primary residence in Vermont, so she sold it and used the proceeds to finance the purchase of a more suitable vacation home in North Hero:
“My family had a lake home in Maine since 1900, but we hadn’t had the time to go there in recent years — especially since my parents passed away,” she said. “We finally let go of it and that enabled us to buy a place in the islands — something I’ve always hoped for.”
-A separate outlet addressed rumors that Sanders had somehow banked campaign donations and used them for personal gain:
The thing is, candidates don’t just get to pocket all their extra donation money when they drop out.
“Here’s what a campaign committee is allowed to do with any lingering cash: it can donate the funds to charities or political parties; it can contribute $2,000 per election to other candidates; and it can save the money in case the candidate chooses to run again.”
You dirty traitor whore...
You should beat yourself with a baseball bat, draped in the stars and bars eating apple pie and drinking Bud Lite...theres clearly something wrong with your mind.
So he bought 2 homes worth upwards of around half a mil, and used his wife's inheritance to pay for the third after spending months accusing others of being greedy? How is that not ironic?
Right wing Republicans and those who vote with them are the enemy. Democrats are your friends. Sanders joined the Democratic party to run for prez because independents have no power when caucusing by themselves. Sanders knows that. His supporters don'tGood. Now that I've got your's time to get behind Sanders..quietly.
The enemy is Trump and his minions, NOT Sanders supporters.
Everyone else you've (Bucky) listed in past threads is still too green.
Think back..remember who I am.
It's really none of my business what he does or anyone does with their money. That's my whole point. But, he ran on income equality, "the great moral issue of our time", while spending millions on mansions that he doesn't even live in half of the year.What should he have done with the proceeds of his wifes family home (that has been in her family since 1900)? Light it on fire?
You're looking for shit to nitpick.
It's really none of my business what he does or anyone does with their money. That's my whole point. But, he ran on income equality, "the great moral issue of our time", while spending millions on mansions that he doesn't even live in half of the year.
Someone who owns 3 houses doesn't get to whine about other people's "greed".
As long as he's making the money honestly, matters not to me. I've seen a lot of fake shit about "establishment Democrats" slung about by Bernie and his supporters. Also speaking fees collected by Clinton when she wasn't in office, including after the election. Not saying you are but can't deny it's happening. If you throw poo, you can expect some coming back.So basically you don't want any Senator discussing income inequality. It's a dead issue, never to be discussed. Is that your position? The vast majority of them have a substantial net worth, Sanders being close to the bottom.
What should someones net worth be at where in your mind they are allowed to discuss it? 100k? 50k? 5k? Since you're anointing yourself the decider here, tell us what the figure should be....
And while we're on the topic, does this apply to racial inequality too? Only African Americans can discuss racial inequalities within their community? You have to be consistent here pinny. Wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite.
edit: btw, he has mortgages on his two other homes (the ones he didn't inherit)
I was just pointing out the irony in his whining and bitching about rich people being greedy while spending millions on homes he doesn't even live in for half the year.So basically you don't want any Senator discussing income inequality. It's a dead issue, never to be discussed. Is that your position?
Anyone is free to discuss whatever they want. Anyone is also free to point out the hypocrisy in accusing others of greed while being a greedy cunt themselves.What should someones net worth be at where in your mind they are allowed to discuss it?)
Not at all. But, when something like that IS being discussed, I would probably pay closer attention to someone who has actually been a victim of racial inequality as opposed to an 88 year old white man, who, in his entire life, has never had to deal with discrimination based solely on his skin color.Only African Americans can discuss racial inequalities within their community?
As long as he's making the money honestly, matters not to me. I've seen a lot of fake shit about "establishment Democrats" slung about by Bernie and his supporters. Also speaking fees collected by Clinton when she wasn't in office, including after the election. Not saying you are but can't deny it's happening. If you throw poo, you can expect some coming back.
It is an infantile argument to point at Bernie's nests and say "see, he's no better" but it's also true. I don't know when it started but Bernie's supporters talk about him in a way that make me wonder what man they are referring to when they name Sanders. Maybe infantile arguments are the only ones Bernie's supporters can understand. At least the shit about Bernie's homes is factual.
I was just pointing out the irony in his whining and bitching about rich people being greedy while spending millions on homes he doesn't even live in for half the year.
Anyone is free to discuss whatever they want. Anyone is also free to point out the hypocrisy of accusing others of greed while being a greedy cunt themselves.
Not at all. But, when something like that IS being discussed, I would probably pay closer attention to someone who has actually been a victim of racial inequality as opposed to an 88 year old white man, who, in his entire life, has never had to deal with discrimination based solely on his skin color.
I'd say the game is unfair. Rigged implies hidden conspiracy. It's all taking place right in front of us and it's all legal. A lot of things are unfair however. Such as the access to large paydays after running a surprisingly successful bid for president and in losing gaining a loyal following.His net worth is somewhere around 2 million, the vast majority of which came from the home he inherited from his wife's family, and a book deal he recently signed. I don't care what his net worth is either. I would like to see him, and other politicians continue talking about this topic as I too believe it's one of the biggest issues facing the country. The game is rigged, and the only solution to that is a political one. The Waltons aren't going to suddenly give themselves a pay cut.
When she wasn't in office, in 2015, when she was planning on running for president in 2016Also speaking fees collected by Clinton when she wasn't in office, including after the election.
I'd say the game is unfair. Rigged implies hidden conspiracy. It's all taking place right in front of us and it's all legal. A lot of things are unfair however. Such as the access to large paydays after running a surprisingly successful bid for president and in losing gaining a loyal following.
Bernie isn't the problem in Washington. I don't know about your reps but mine aren't either. They support exactly what you talk about. What I don't understand is why Bernie's supporters talk as if Democrats are the problem when Republicans have the worst record on real legal standard corruption as well as the unsavory legal stuff like whopping large campaign contributions from big donors and super sized PACS that keep their side's propaganda organ playing. Every Democratic Party Senator who was seated in 2014 voted for repeal of Citizen's United. Why tear them down?