Dynamos Emerald Harvest coco run


Well-Known Member
I can find little to no info on growing in coco from seed in the way of step by step instructions. I know many scoff at step by step feeding instructions but i know many cant afford a fail including me. I prefer to start with step by step and tweak it for my area. By the third grow i have my own feeding scedule. On the 20th of this month i will be starting the first of 2 coco runs with emerald harvest 2 part as the liquid nute line with roots organic amendments. If there are any questions or comments please send them to my inbox and dont post on this thred. Thanks everyone wiss me luck!
Spent the last few hours testing the nutrient lines tds. Then double checked the results and labled the bottles
RESULTS in ppm. Tsp. Mil
Cali Pro grow a. 156. 33.5
Cali Pro grow b. 193. 38.6
Emerald Goddess. 100. 20
Honey Chome. 42. 9.5
King Kola. 62. 12.5
Cali Pro bloom a. 144. 29
Cali Pro bloom b. 230. 46
Sterilized the veg area figured it was a good time to go over the veg tent.
3X3x6.5 ft tent
Gro Pro US 315 cmh remote kit with a batwing reflecter and a shine max 4200k cmh lamp
Durabreeze 6 in 160 cfm booster fan suspended from the top vent extracting heat and humidity
2 six inch huricane clip fans provide circulation.
Almost time. just bought my rapid rooter tray, re-cleaned my dome. I will be useing the meggs co seed rub before sowing the seeds. i have done a side by side in the past and the rub did increase germ rates. i will be planting 24 seeds. 12 thc bomb fem that i created almost 2 years ago and 12 of a unique home made strain (death star/lemon drop fem).
You could have put this in the Journal section eh? I won't have Sunni move it though...up to you.

Do we own a grow shop Dynamo? Pic. looks that way.....;-)

EF eh? The line of the head Hort/Chemist formerly from AN. You know he quit because he didn't like Big Mike's style of cheating folks from their money.....
Met him at Growco. He had BM's ex GF with him.....smok'in hot melon smuggler!

At the time the line was not as large. We talked about the lack of need for so many bottles.....He agreed.

Saw and spoke with him again about a year later. He remembered me and we struck up the line increasing in bottles. He said while his start up line was getting some attention. The overall response from users and others was, "Why don't you have more to the line?" "We need more things"...... This all came before the full on public release.....Limited testing in focus area's..

The release came with the line you have now. While some things I don't understand why....He bowed to the pressure of the inexperienced grower, assuming they needed more to do better.....

In my recent testing of KIND. I only use the Base and Bloom. I add a 1/4 tsp of K sulfate per gallon and for some strains some home made "sweet raw" to retain the berry/grape profiles.....Been getting smashing results! Absolutely impressive...

I still don't understand the "need" for boosters and such...... It can be done for so much less....

It's sad when a company with such promise, has to bend to the will of the novice world....Even Dyna Gro has had to add bottles...and the CEO has complained that they were loosing mrkt share to the multi bottled demon nutrient corp.

AN has become a real scar on the growing community..Their impact - negatively, is becoming bigger everyday.

STILL, Looking forward to see how this product does!.... I didn't have the time to try it when it was offered....I wish I had not declined his offer now. I got the "gotta know how that works" curiosity back......Guess the KIND line sorta "re-fertilized" my brain for that again...

For the benefit of those novice folks watching......List your feeding pH values.....Include any increased use of CA/Mg for the Coco.. (sshhh, I want to know these details as you run to follow the plants results in that Coco)

Liking this journal for the EF product run! Subbed.....:hug:
According to Italian folk lore flowers planted during a solar eclipse are especially vibrant and aromatic. Cultures all over world hold to the belief that special unique energy can be channeled during this event. With this in mind i decided to drop my last thc bomb seeds only, 31 of them. Being the last of my seeds i will be using Tiresias mist to make more fem seeds.
According to Italian folk lore flowers planted during a solar eclipse are especially vibrant and aromatic. Cultures all over world hold to the belief that special unique energy can be channeled during this event. With this in mind i decided to drop my last thc bomb seeds only, 31 of them. Being the last of my seeds i will be using Tiresias mist to make more fem seeds.

After reading this ima go home and pop my last gdp seed as I'm watching the eclipse. Maybe this one will be a purple pheno lol.
ok i promised a step by step so ill try to make it as compleate and easy to repeat as possable. Remember there is no "right way" to grow this is just me! Hopefully i can answer 1000 questions before they are even asked. Not only will i tell you what im doing but i will tell you why.
Lets start with the best advice you will hear ever! WASH YO ASS! Many tell you to make sure to use clean equiptment. Its just as important to be clean yourself. Ever hear the saying an oz of prevention is worth 10 lbs of cure? Not only is your enviroment perfect for plants. Its perfect for pests to. Spidermites and aphids are notorious hitchikers. All it takes is checking your mail then an hour later looking in on your garden to start an infestation. Maby not the first time maby not the 1000th time. Eventually you will pick up a pest!
1503357542325.jpg Seed scarfing. a step that you can skip.
mooma nature beed doing this a long time. put a bag seed in with a tomato plant or any other a couple weeks later you will see it growing. I have a scarfing seed rub by MEIGS so I'm using it. I did a side by side with it and with out it in the past. it did increase germ rates. scarfing makes fine scratches on the seeds shell making it easier for moisture to enter and making it easier for the seed to pop.
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20170821_144204.jpg Usually i dont soak my seeds or use a paper towl to germ seeds. Today i worked and wanted to start during the solar event so i took my seeds to work and droped them in ro water at the begining of the eclipse and brought them back in after. Here they are soaking up some of that magic mid eclipse
1503358186940.jpg If your using a rooting cube like rapid rooters make sure the seeds are seated at the bottom of the hole. I also like to use a spare plug. I pull off small pieces to cover the hole so light cant get to the seed. I like to use a lollypop stick to seat the seeds. 1 down 30 to go
20170826_122611.jpg Expanding coco
Water from the ro machine is at 70 ppm
Charged water with 226 ppm of cal mag total ppm for solution used to expand the coco is 297. Used 2 gal of solution to expand GH COCO TECK. Then rinsed and added 3/4 gallon of Mother Earth perlite.
Many coco brands come with a bunch of built up salt and the 7.0 ph of coco can be hard to break so coco should be tested after expansion.
Mixed Botanicares cal/ mag in 2 gallons to 297 ppm (remember 70 ppm is from the re water) and phed to 5.0. (remember coco ph can be hard to break). Put in half gal to test before i added the rest to flush
Runnoff of the first half gal tested at a wopen 984 ppm and 7.0 ph
Flushed with the last 1.5 gal the end of the runoff tested at 478 ppm and ph.6.7
Mixed another 2 gal
Final runnoff tested at 310ppm ph 6.5