The Impact of Whiny Bernie Babies

How did Obama carry Michigan twice if it's 2/3'rds conservative??

Like _gresh_ said, Obama was really popular and most people seemed to like what he was saying. I'm somewhat conservative on some things, definitely not right or left, but in the middle (moderate?). I didn't agree with everything Obama wanted but I still voted for him on his second run at president. Some people are willing to make compromise.
The Democratic Primary was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton by having questions during debates given to her early by her supporters within the party leadership. In addition, the only reason she won the primary was because of superdelegates that are beholden to her for what they thought was a clear way to enhancing their political careers and personal checkbooks.

If Bernie wins the primary Bernie wins the election against Trump. What is so hard for so called liberals to understand about that? All of your Bernie bashing is ridiculous because it only helps keep people like Trump in office. Is that what you want? Wouldn't a President Sanders be much better for America?

Finally and most important to anyone on this website Clinton and the Democratic leadership will never legalize cannabis and they in fact are outspoken against it. Why the fuck would anyone on this website would support them, makes no sense. But you have no problem bashing should be President Sanders who actually created legislation to end the federal prohibition of cannabis. WTF!!!

You think Bernie is great. Bernie would have won. Obviously. How adorable.

This myth of rigged is pretty funny too. Bernie lost the primary because he was trounced in the South. He lost so badly that he was never able to recover. A large proportion of Democratic voters in the south are African American and Bernie hardly managed 20% of that vote. He also lost badly in Hispanic and women demographics. Across the country thereafter the trend was the same. By the end of the primary, Bernie wasn't even close. He lost by 12% of the Democratic vote. Rigging an election by that wide a margin? really? I know you aren't convinced, so let's go a bit deeper into why Bernie lost.

African Americans, Hispanics and women gave Clinton the majority of their delegations' vote by a wide margin. The only demographic that Bernie consistently polled well in was young white men. As I said earlier, Sanders was pasted in the South. Also lost bigly across the nation in the same Demographics that handed him the big losses in the south. Everybody had access to the same information. If the election was rigged, how come only African Americans, Hispanics and women were affected by this presumably evil act of rigging. If your theory is true, then why is it that only young white men weren't affected?

Maybe they weren't watching that debate where one obvious question was leaked and the entire primary was lost. (snicker)

So, tell me, how was it that only young white men weren't affected by rigged?
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The more quality candidates, the better.

Right there it is. I also would like to see a more diverse group of candidates. All the damn people in America and all we get are the same choices over and over. Tired of these career politicians. I want to see some new ideas and values, candidates that are open to working with each other instead of against each other. That's one of the most important things to me, a candidate that will work as part of a team.
If Bernie runs and I hope he does, I'll listen to him. The more quality candidates, the better.

But, really, he's not shown much ability to run an effective campaign.

so smug you are. i bet you are your favorite person, too.:roll:


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so smug you are. i bet you are your favorite person, too.:roll:

Does a confident man offend you? I've met plenty of women who want a submissive male. They didn't like me.

Bernie couldn't win the Democratic nomination. The 3 million more people that chose Clinton over Sanders would have filled 100 of those stadiums.
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I think Bernie should let all the Bernie Babies have a weekend at his lakefront home to celebrate the burn and summer.

Bring your own booze and then share it with everyone
Food will be provided by someone else
Cost : Free if you can get someone to give you a dollar.
The Democratic Primary was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton by having questions during debates given to her early by her supporters within the party leadership. In addition, the only reason she won the primary was because of superdelegates that are beholden to her for what they thought was a clear way to enhancing their political careers and personal checkbooks.

If Bernie wins the primary Bernie wins the election against Trump. What is so hard for so called liberals to understand about that? All of your Bernie bashing is ridiculous because it only helps keep people like Trump in office. Is that what you want? Wouldn't a President Sanders be much better for America?

Finally and most important to anyone on this website Clinton and the Democratic leadership will never legalize cannabis and they in fact are outspoken against it. Why the fuck would anyone on this website would support them, makes no sense. But you have no problem bashing should be President Sanders who actually created legislation to end the federal prohibition of cannabis. WTF!!!

She also won the popular vote in the primary, you seem to gloss over that.

Lol "President Sanders", he DIDN'T HAVE THE SUPPORT.

I'm sure the type of people in Charlottesville over the weekend would totally have voted Sanders.
It was only my opinion the 2/3 conservative comment, not saying that's fact at all. Michigan is a purple state I don't think there's any disputing this. It can go one way or the other easily.

Just from my own experiences, it does seem the entire west side of Michigan is very conservative leaning. Maybe mostly because demographics. Although there is quite a large Hispanic population over here due to agricultural jobs. Again, this is only my opinion, I think most of the Hispanic voters here vote conservatively for whatever reasons. I know for sure my girlfriends parents vote republican, they're Hispanic.

I think Bernie should let all the Bernie Babies have a weekend at his lakefront home to celebrate the burn and summer.

Bring your own booze and then share it with everyone
Food will be provided by someone else
Cost : Free if you can get someone to give you a dollar.

Hahaha. You heard of the Bernie Sanders drinking game? Everytime Bernie mentions a free social program, you grab someone else's drink and chug it lol
It was only my opinion the 2/3 conservative comment, not saying that's fact at all. Michigan is a purple state I don't think there's any disputing this. It can go one way or the other easily.

Just from my own experiences, it does seem the entire west side of Michigan is very conservative leaning. Maybe mostly because demographics. Although there is quite a large Hispanic population over here due to agricultural jobs. Again, this is only my opinion, I think most of the Hispanic voters here vote conservatively for whatever reasons. I know for sure my girlfriends parents vote republican, they're Hispanic.


Hahaha. You heard of the Bernie Sanders drinking game? Everytime Bernie mentions a free social program, you grab someone else's drink and chug it lol
Michigan is controlled top to bottom by elected Republican officials. Is it 2/3 republican? Some, I guess would quibble whether it's 60% or 67%. Same people get apoplectic when "their" is misused while missing the main point. The governor, lieutenant governor, atty general, secretary of state and both houses are controlled by Republicans. Who cares if it's not exactly 2/3 Republican. Your point was valid. Michigan might have been purple but is now fading to red.

Maybe people who live in Michigan are upset to hear you say Michigan is 2/3 Republican. That would be a good thing. They should go out and figure out how change that trend.
It's a purple state, and the landscape changed dramatically last year. Also because Obama and his message were extremely popular (obviously).

It's only purple due to gerrymandering by Republicans. Dems get majority support here, but due to district lines being redrawn we end up with a majority Republican state congress. If you look at past potus races it's been pretty consistently in favor of the dem candidate. 1992 until Trump the dem candidate carried Michigan.
It's only purple due to gerrymandering by Republicans. Dems get majority support here, but due to district lines being redrawn we end up with a majority Republican state congress. If you look at past potus races it's been pretty consistently in favor of the dem candidate. 1992 until Trump the dem candidate carried Michigan.

pretty sure hillary won michigan too if you actually count all the votes out of wayne county and give them voting machines that actually worked.
By this statement are you saying Michigan is not firmly in the conservative side of political spectrum?

The last 6 presidential elections (up until Trump) went for the dem candidate. I would not call that a firm conservative state, no.
pretty sure hillary won michigan too if you actually count all the votes out of wayne county and give them voting machines that actually worked.

Yep. There were several hour waits at precincts in Detroit. Malfunctioning voting machines, etc. Next to Wisconsin this state could be the worst for Republicans fucking with things.
Yep. There were several hour waits at precincts in Detroit. Malfunctioning voting machines, etc. Next to Wisconsin this state could be the worst for Republicans fucking with things.
i'm not 100% convinced that trump won the vote legitimately. our voter rolls were hacked by (who else would it be?) russian spies. change the middle initial or address for 3-4 people per precinct and a state can be flipped. wisconsin disenfranchised 10x more people than the margin of victory in the state. early voting versus day-of voting margins are ridiculously tough to believe, even giving the biggest benefit of the doubt possible.

it was real fishy but i have no doubt that we will eventually find out about it. i'm not gonna rant too much about it because it would make me look nutty. but there were major discrepancies.