Trump blames the News (Really?)

i disagree with your surmised conclusion that because the debt went up 10T under Obama, he was responsible for it.
congress passes the budgets, the gop had a majority in congress for most of obamas terms, and did nothing to reduce the debt.

at least obama and clinton were able to reduce the deficit unlike bush, bush jr and now trump.

wanna bet the GOP increases the debt ceiling in september?

No trumptard or teabagger on earth understands the difference between the deficit and the debt and how the former drives the latter. It's a rather simple concept too, yet somehow out of reach for these retards.
North Korea wants nuclear capability as a deterrent to invasions.

Yea, I always believe whatever NK says. When have they ever been truthful ?
Once they are able to use them, they will blackmail the entire planet.
And just a friendly heads up, I can assure you they will NOT target Alaska, they will target the Snow Flake homeland (Kaliforniya)
i disagree with your surmised conclusion that because the debt went up 10T under Obama, he was responsible for it.

That's literally the opposite of what I said, but ok. No point in discussing this further if you're going to ignore what I said and put words in my mouth.
Yea, I always believe whatever NK says. When have they ever been truthful ?
Once they are able to use them, they will blackmail the entire planet.
And just a friendly heads up, I can assure you they will NOT target Alaska, they will target the Snow Flake homeland (Kaliforniya)

Yet you do believe whatever Trump says, eh, jackass? They're both nuts and neither can be trusted. Great scenario we've got playing out here thanks to you retards.
Yea, I always believe whatever NK says. When have they ever been truthful ?
Once they are able to use them, they will blackmail the entire planet.
And just a friendly heads up, I can assure you they will NOT target Alaska, they will target the Snow Flake homeland (Kaliforniya)

One doesn't have to believe anything that North Korea says. One just needs to look at the situation. It is impossible to use a nuclear bomb against another nuclear power without receiving one or more in retaliation. All the talk by North Korea regarding 1st strikes against the US is an empty threat. Nuclear strikes aren't going to occur unless North Korea leaders are convinced the country is about to be invaded, at which time it won't matter to the rulers in Pyongyang if the US retaliates.

Alaska is just the closest target. I agree that it won't be bombed. There is nothing of value to hit there anyway.
Yea, I always believe whatever NK says. When have they ever been truthful ?
Once they are able to use them, they will blackmail the entire planet.
And just a friendly heads up, I can assure you they will NOT target Alaska, they will target the Snow Flake homeland (Kaliforniya)
He's already tried it and showed the world he can't be a trusted bargaining partner.

If he threatens the world with nuclear weapons he will find that bluff gets called.

The desire for self preservation will stay his hand. If not, then he fired the first shot and the world will support our overwhelming response.
He's already tried it and showed the world he can't be a trusted bargaining partner.

If he threatens the world with nuclear weapons he will find that bluff gets called.

The desire for self preservation will stay his hand. If not, then he fired the first shot and the world will support our overwhelming response.
I think that Trump could be forcing his hand with his threats. I think Trump is making empty threats but that doesn't make them any less dangerous.