Trump blames the News (Really?)

Obama did not "rack up" $10 trillion in debt, dumdum. You probably need to study up on the difference between the deficit and the debt and how the former drives that latter. Carlin would call you a fcking idiot, by the way.

Uhhh, yes he did. The national debt was sitting at apx 10.5 trillion when he took office. It's around 20 trillion now. Do you know the difference between a budget deficit and the national debt?? Not saying it was all his "fault" or anything. He did have a huge mess to clean up after W left office, but the numbers in that meme are correct. 10 trillion was added to the national debt under Obama
Uhhh, yes he did. The national debt was sitting at apx 10.5 trillion when he took office. It's around 20 trillion now. Do you know the difference between a budget deficit and the national debt?? Not saying it was all his "fault" or anything. He did have a huge mess to clean up after W left office, but the numbers in that meme are correct. 10 trillion was added to the national debt under Obama
Congress passes the budgets, not the President. And how much was carryover from W's Iraq war?
Congress passes the budgets, not the President. And how much was carryover from W's Iraq war?

The meme was correct. Period. We accumulated an additional 10 trillion in debt during Obamas presidency.

I already stated above that a lot of that was due to cleaning up W's mess....but Obama making the Bush tax cuts permanent was kinda stupid, and didn't help. Neither did continuing to wage war in the Middle East.
Shit man, I thought i was over your hideous stupidity but still your posts make me wanna vomit with sorrow.
Heil Trump!!!
She lost the electoral college did it's job keeping NY and California from running the country their own way. Most of the states chose Trump and he won states by a landslide victory.


stop trying to deflect from the fact that the polls were right, fucking pedophile bitch.
nope. obama only lowered the deficit, by record amounts.

every single penny of debt under his presidency was due to the massive structural deficits left to him by a republican.

Yep. No matter how you want to spin it, the national debt increased by 10 trillion during obamas 2 terms. That's an indisputable fact. Now, I mostly agree with you that it was due to the mess that W left, but that's not what sammich was arguing.

Obama making the Bush tax cuts permanent didn't help though. That's on Obama...the rest I don't blame him for. He did a pretty good job all things considered.
because of structural deficits left to him by bush.

if he had inherited clinton's surpluses, our debt would be virtually gone.

As usual, the nation's fiscal health is harmed by (cough) fiscally responsible conservatives and then cleaned up by liberals while at the same time being laughably blamed for the situation. Fox News, Brietbart and Tits Limbaugh make people so goddamned stupid.
We accumulated an additional 10 trillion in debt because of Republican controlled Congress's budgets which just happened to be during Obama's presidency.

fixed it for ya. can't argue with it now. and it places the blame correctly.

add this to the Meme: Maya Angelou died during Obama's Presidency. Will you attempt to blame him for that?