The Impact of Whiny Bernie Babies

whitewater started out as an investigation into one thing and ended up being about jizz on a blue dress.

trump's "modeling agency" (see: human trafficking of underage girls) will be in clear focus, as will his relationship with convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein.
you also thought hillary couldn't lose the election so your predictions hold no merit.
I guess if Kushner and the mercers steal voter information and send it off to russian spies and Cambridge analytics you can definitely micro target voters that way, even it is illegal and will get you a lengthy prison sentence.
we'll see what happens. but court for rich folks aint the same as court for us lowly citizens so I bet nothing happens, 7 more years of trump.
I'd say about 1/2 of my good friends are "minorities" and guess what type of person is a joke to them? the whites that think they can be down by calling other whites racist. Do you think they are actually dumb and can't see that's a manipulative tactic you use to gain acceptance from them? that would make you a " wonderbread cracker" as I've heard them say before. They don't like how you "goofy white boys" decided to lump together gay rights and them not getting shot by police. They see it as an insult about who they are. Anyway I don't wanna give you leftists too much of a clue about reality I have no problem watching the self destruction in action.
I'd say about 1/2 of my good friends are "minorities" and guess what type of person is a joke to them? the whites that think they can be down by calling other whites racist. Do you think they are actually dumb and can't see that's a manipulative tactic you use to gain acceptance from them? that would make you a " wonderbread cracker" as I've heard them say before. They don't like how you "goofy white boys" decided to lump together gay rights and them not getting shot by police. They see it as an insult about who they are. Anyway I don't wanna give you leftists too much of a clue about reality I have no problem watching the self destruction in action.
your head is knotted in your cat's ass, pussy.
thanks for contributing to the conversation. may I suggest lowering your salt intake. it appears you are mad at an internet person right now.

NO, pussy thank you. Poignant insights like these : "They don't like how you "goofy white boys" decided to lump together gay rights" and "I don't wanna give you leftists too much of a clue about reality" make it my pleasure to confirm that "your head IS knotted in your cat's ass"
I'd say about 1/2 of my good friends are "minorities" and guess what type of person is a joke to them? the whites that think they can be down by calling other whites racist. Do you think they are actually dumb and can't see that's a manipulative tactic you use to gain acceptance from them? that would make you a " wonderbread cracker" as I've heard them say before. They don't like how you "goofy white boys" decided to lump together gay rights and them not getting shot by police. They see it as an insult about who they are. Anyway I don't wanna give you leftists too much of a clue about reality I have no problem watching the self destruction in action.

cool totally true story.
I'd say about 1/2 of my good friends are "minorities" and guess what type of person is a joke to them? the whites that think they can be down by calling other whites racist. Do you think they are actually dumb and can't see that's a manipulative tactic you use to gain acceptance from them? that would make you a " wonderbread cracker" as I've heard them say before. They don't like how you "goofy white boys" decided to lump together gay rights and them not getting shot by police. They see it as an insult about who they are. Anyway I don't wanna give you leftists too much of a clue about reality I have no problem watching the self destruction in action.
If the Sanders supporters had pulled their heads out of their asses and listened to Sanders when he said support Clinton and vote for her, but instead say I'm not voting at all, we probably could have avoided the mess we are in now.
Fucking idiots
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary but I had hated Hillary Clinton since before she lost to Obama.