What did you accomplish today?

It's always a good idea to hit them with some AACT.

And @Indacouch if you do top dress, makes sure to scratch it in. Some amendments will clump up if you don't.

Yeah I've top dressed with the DTE bat guano for some years now.

I was surprised how little N those plants needed with that mix...it was never intended as a water only soil by no means ....but holy shit it carried them good ...it's that heavy shit Gar.....I'm curious to see how they do compared to my normal technique as far as food/supplements.....will see, it's that time of year...

Guess you could say I'm Curious2Garden .....hehe
woke up to find my car's radio jacked. i got got, suckas.

for some reason they left all of my tools though. thousands of dollars worth. odd.

anyhoo, i took the radio out of my truck, wired it right up to the ganked wires (thanks for the wiring diagrams, google) and got 2 of the 4 speakers working (truck only had 2 speakers, so that's all i had). i trimmed it out in clear pine, compression fit the pieces in there, and stained it all in espresso. looks fucking great. sounds decent enough.

suck my dick, meth-wankers.
Someone just stole my nice 10 speed right out of the driveway. Wasn't out there but a couple hours. Fucking assholes.
So good morning everyone. I'm glad to see that @reddan1981 has decided to come back and grace us with his presence....incase you forgot.image.jpg

That's him

I can't wait to hear all about his new dirt bike adventures ...even though I've single handedly proven him to be a member of a radical white supremest group...it actually explains a lot imvho...usually people belonging to such groups aren't smart at all....in fact they're some of the dumbest people known to exist...which is another reason reddan is definitely a member.

He did purchase a used motorcycle in terrible shape...so at least I know there's a chance he could....well you know.

Helmets and brakes are for pussies reddan.