If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

Well that's pretty stupid.

I voted for Hillary. The problem is you're a child that wants to blame somebody else because you dropped your ice cream.

The fact is, there is nobody to blame but Hillary Clinton. She had a decent chance of beating Bernie without all the underhanded dealing and cheating. She didn't want to risk it and cheated.

She got caught doing it.

That's going to upset some people, but it isn't the fault of Bernie supporters. Hillary still won the popular vote. The VAST majority of us who were actually looking at Bernie still voted for Hillary even after the fact just to stop Trump.

The voters weren't the problem. Hillary won. It was the electoral college that let Trump in.

That happened for only one reason: several of the electorates were upset with Hillary cheating, so they either didn't vote at all or voted for Trump to teach the DNC a lesson.

Lesson learned apparently, as the entire DNC was pretty much gutted.

All of that was brought about by one person and one person only: Hillary Clinton. Nobody else has a single thing to do with it.

So grow up. If not, change your diaper and get a fresh binky. You'll be OK.
Plus this; if Hillary actually had an agenda for the middle class as opposed to just her rich friends, she'd have won in a landslide.

Why was it close enough for the EC to make a difference in the first place?

It's not like the Cheeto Fuhrer wasn't eminently beatable. WHY WAS IT EVEN CLOSE?

Because she couldn't be bothered to throw the middle class a bone.

Cheeto did- of course he lied about that, as he's done with so many other things- but at least he said SOMETHING.
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I don't blame Bernie. I blame Bernie Babies like you. Deal.

Americans have the right to vote for who they think is best. That turned out not to be your anointed candidate. Don't blame them, blame your candidate and party.

Time to grow up and fight for a party that actually makes a better case for the majority of the American People. For what it's worth, both parties failed on this point.
Same exact story here.

What I said:
The "my way or I quit" attitude is one of entitlement and privilege.

Sanders is taking exactly the same course of action you and I did. Some on this forum are acting as if that never happened and continue to rage against Clinton and Democrats as if Republicans had no part in this. So, not only are they entitled, privileged bitches but also delusional.

Is not what you said:
So people should have voted for Clinton because YOU think she was the best option? You know what's in everyone's best interest?

And again not what you just said:
Expecting other people to vote how you do, and think how you do seems entitled and delusional to me.

As I said, you and a few others rage on about the past election as if it were still relevant. It's not. I point out that Sanders is making the case for opposing Republicans by finding common ground with liberals or moderates where common ground can be found. To take the position that a candidate in the upcoming election "must meet a checklist of requirements or I will cede government to Republican control" is the position of an entitled privileged bitch.

I think a politically confused liberal entitled and privileged bitch like you is fully able to cede control to Republicans and while doing so be convinced they are voting in their own self interest. After all, a person with money who is also male and white will not be affected by the Republican assault on healthcare, civil rights and public education. The my way or the highway attitude is one the entitled and privileged can afford to take.

@abandonconflict distinguished "objective interests" from "best or self interests". I'm saying self interest, not objective interest and I'm doing so purposely. Too bad you had him on ignore or you might have learned something. Attached is the quote. Don't worry he's not saying anything what would cause you to feel hurt from his words.

There are issues that I care about, and I cast my vote for the candidate that best represents those interests. I don't care what party they represent. Call it whatever you like, but no candidate is entitled to my vote. I didn't vote third party out of spite, or being entitled. That you cannot understand that, and continue to ridicule and wag your finger makes you the entitled baby, not me.
There are issues that I care about, and I cast my vote for the candidate that best represents those interests. I don't care what party they represent.

Please describe a scenario where you did this. What was the issue and who were the candidates? Which race?
Well that's pretty stupid.

I voted for Hillary. The problem is you're a child that wants to blame somebody else because you dropped your ice cream.

The fact is, there is nobody to blame but Hillary Clinton. She had a decent chance of beating Bernie without all the underhanded dealing and cheating. She didn't want to risk it and cheated.

She got caught doing it.

That's going to upset some people, but it isn't the fault of Bernie supporters. Hillary still won the popular vote. The VAST majority of us who were actually looking at Bernie still voted for Hillary even after the fact just to stop Trump.

The voters weren't the problem. Hillary won. It was the electoral college that let Trump in.

That happened for only one reason: several of the electorates were upset with Hillary cheating, so they either didn't vote at all or voted for Trump to teach the DNC a lesson.

Lesson learned apparently, as the entire DNC was pretty much gutted.

All of that was brought about by one person and one person only: Hillary Clinton. Nobody else has a single thing to do with it.

So grow up. If not, change your diaper and get a fresh binky. You'll be OK.
Ooops Several leaps of faith here. Such as these statements:

She didn't want to risk it and cheated.

She got caught doing it.

I've gone through those e-mails looking for ties between Clinton and the crap that was in those e-mails. You believe Clinton was involved but there was not a single message that objectively establishes what you believe.

DWS, yes. DNC, yes. People connected to Clinton's campaign, yes. Clinton herself? No.

Then look at the content. It was back office chatter by no-names that discussed a smear campaign in W VA against Bernie. It never became reality. Just musings.

DWS did snipe at a new organization about some content. When asked about it, the news organization said it wasn't anything of note, that they get the same stuff from all campaigns, including Bernie's every day.

A leaked debate question. I recall that the question was obvious and unsurprising.

Was this stuff wrong? Absolutely. Should there be a shake-up by the DNC afterward? Yep, and there was.

Did this affect the outcome of the primary? Remember: e-mail chatter by nobodies that amounted to nothing, a complaint at a news org. and a leaked but obvious debate question. Come on man. You are grasping at straws if you believe that.

The leaks were powerful propaganda in that they gave the appearance of back office cheating. And so, I'm not doubting the effect the Russian spy effort to hack the election was a factor in Trump's win. I'm also in agreement that even the appearance of ethics violations should be a fire-able offense. Not just because I'm disappointed that the DNC in fact was biased against Bernie but also because dumb actions like the ones that led up to the DNC wiki-leaks scandal hurt the Clinton campaign.

But, there is no objective evidence that Clinton cheated and was caught. That is your belief and you are entitled to it. As I am entitled to point out that your belief is false based upon evidence.
Ooops Several leaps of faith here. Such as these statements:

She didn't want to risk it and cheated.

She got caught doing it.

I've gone through those e-mails looking for ties between Clinton and the crap that was in those e-mails. You believe Clinton was involved but there was not a single message that objectively establishes what you believe.

DWS, yes. DNC, yes. People connected to Clinton's campaign, yes. Clinton herself? No.

Then look at the content. It was back office chatter by no-names that discussed a smear campaign in W VA against Bernie. It never became reality. Just musings.

DWS did snipe at a new organization about some content. When asked about it, the news organization said it wasn't anything of note, that they get the same stuff from all campaigns, including Bernie's every day.

A leaked debate question. I recall that the question was obvious and unsurprising.

Was this stuff wrong? Absolutely. Should there be a shake-up by the DNC afterward? Yep, and there was.

Did this affect the outcome of the primary? Remember: e-mail chatter by nobodies that amounted to nothing, a complaint at a news org. and a leaked but obvious debate question. Come on man. You are grasping at straws if you believe that.

The leaks were powerful propaganda in that they gave the appearance of back office cheating. And so, I'm not doubting the effect the Russian spy effort to hack the election was a factor in Trump's win. I'm also in agreement that even the appearance of ethics violations should be a fire-able offense. Not just because I'm disappointed that the DNC in fact was biased against Bernie but also because dumb actions like the ones that led up to the DNC wiki-leaks scandal hurt the Clinton campaign.

But, there is no objective evidence that Clinton cheated and was caught. That is your belief and you are entitled to it. As I am entitled to point out that your belief is false.

They are the second biggest consumers of fake news behind Trumptards.
A few valid points does not a viable strategy make. Mostly, you jackasses are stone cold wrong. Deal.

The only one here that has a problem "dealing" is you. We're perfectly fine. We understand what happened and why it happened. That sort of happens when you're an adult.

One day, when you grow up, you'll understand and be able to "deal".

Or is it that you have some insatiable appetite for cards?
Have a sandwich. Your blood sugar is low and you're irrational.

Here's a good working title for a book about Bernie babies:

Trite, Feckless and Loud

I like Bernie. You fucktards have damned near ruined him for me. Good strategy.

The only one here that has a problem "dealing" is you. We're perfectly fine. We understand what happened and why it happened. That sort of happens when you're an adult.

One day, when you grow up, you'll understand and be able to "deal".

Or is it that you have some insatiable appetite for cards?
A belief is different from an objective understanding. I think you need to revisit that unjustified confidence you have in yourself.