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This issue has been all the way to the Supreme Court. The Court ruled that the federal government CAN continue the raids against medical marijuana users/sellers even where state law allows its use. Its done.

A Defeat For Users Of Medical Marijuana


Hi mate, you know as well as me that Obama already pledged to back the feds off the states that have medicinal laws. Come on man, you guys should have enough without the bull ;)
Hi mate, you know as well as me that Obama already pledged to back the feds off the states that have medicinal laws. Come on man, you guys should have enough without the bull ;)

What O'Bama says and what he will do are two different things. The "War on Drugs" is a huge money maker for the federal, state and local governments. Think of the federal job losses if marijuana arrests fell. Man, there were over 800,000 marijuana arrests last year. That's a lot of income and job security for government bureaucrats. :leaf:

but as commander and chief it his responsibilty to have the military ready

It's Commander IN Chief, not AND chief.

Also, it's so much easier to read posts in which sentences end with periods, and are not simply strung together by strings of ellipsis (which, if you must use them, only have three dots.)
What O'Bama says and what he will do are two different things. The "War on Drugs" is a huge money maker for the federal, state and local governments. Think of the federal job losses if marijuana arrests fell. Man, there were over 800,000 marijuana arrests last year. That's a lot of income and job security for government bureaucrats. :leaf:


I hear you, but I'll take my chances with Obama anyday over 4 more years of this nightmare Vi. My family, my business, my way of life needs a middle class in order to survive. Obama is my best chance with the way things stand today. I live in OC, we have 14 M people here, and very different needs then the rural areas in this country. Relying on just our family when things get tough is not an option for most of us, most of us are transplants without much family, we need to be represented as well.
With all due respect to his supporters, I am sincerely very interested in knowing how anyone with a uterus (or anyone who cares about anyone with a uterus) can defend Ron Paul, who says abortion is "murder." I guess I just feel that American citizens should have the right to safe, clean, legal medical care, no matter what they choose to do in the privacy of their own doctors' offices, call me crazy. Paul's stance on medical marijuana is favorable, for sure, but to support abstinence education over sex education, tax incentives for Christian-based schools, teaching of creationism in public schools, and a Constitutional amendment supporting (Christian) prayers in school is just a little too close to abolishing separation of church and state for me. I don't want my government forcing its religion and the "values" thereof upon me.

Is it so difficult to comprehend that there are people in the USA who are NOT CHRISTIANS and don't want to be??? Do we just not have any right to be Americans anymore? And how many more pregnant teenagers do we need to see in all those red states before we admit that maybe, JUST MAYBE, just entertain the THEORY here, that abstinence education isn't working out so well? And how can anyone be a conservative and grow and/or smoke pot? That one's just baffling to me. Like working for Planned Parenthood and being a Sarah Palin fan, say.

Anyway, Kucinich all the way, dammit. I'm only voting for Obama because I can't vote for Mr. K.

And guys? It's not O'Bama. It's Obama. OBAMA. One word, no apostrophe, only one capitalized letter. I can let spelling and grammar mistakes go up to a point, but sometimes here on RIU it gets to a point that I fear English speakers are totally losing the ability to communicate in our own language.
Is there anyone awake 8:25am the race is on and do nothing dems.except tax, tax,tax, vote themselves a raise and go on vacation are going to loose, loose,loose,...obama's momma was a whore in the mid 1960's, when the blacks still could not vote! Yes she was in Hawaii, with her skirt up and her tits out waiting a big black dick....down in shanti' town

Just a few spelling edits to this one; I'm not even going to take on the syntactical errors or obvious racial slurs:

LOOSE is when something is NOT TIGHT. LOSE is the opposite of WIN.

1960s: no apostrophe. Apostrophes do not make things plural.

It's SHANTYTOWN. Shanti means "peace" and is pronounced SHAWN-tee. Shanty is pronounced "SHANN-tee" and is a crudely built cabin or hut; thus, "shantytown" is a makeshift community of crudely constructed dwellings. Also, that apostrophe? "Shanti'town?" Head/desk, folks. Could we even ATTEMPT to look like we have brains, here, even though we're pot smokers?

Oh, and how does one wait a dick?
Just a few spelling edits to this one; I'm not even going to take on the syntactical errors or obvious racial slurs:

LOOSE is when something is NOT TIGHT. LOSE is the opposite of WIN.

1960s: no apostrophe. Apostrophes do not make things plural.

It's SHANTYTOWN. Shanti means "peace" and is pronounce SHAWN-tee. Shanty is pronounced "SHANN-tee" and is a crudely built cabin or hut; thus, "shantytown" is a makeshift community of crudely constructed dwellings. Also, that apostrophe? "Shanti'town?" Head/desk, folks. Could we even ATTEMPT to look like we have brains, here, even though we're pot smokers?

Oh, and how does one wait a dick?
I doubt this Ruby person has the mentality of a 5th grader. Even aknowledging her is doing the site an injustice. She should be banned for that post. I wonder where all these rascist assholes are coming from??
I disagree, any one that finds new and interesting ways to get under your skin Medman ought to be encouraged to continue upon their path. :-)
Of course, you might be right, because she/he/it is an Obama supporter, and clearly a little anal retentive when it comes to the proper grammatical usage of English.

Some one really ought to explain to LittleBat that as a still living language it can only be expected that English will change with the times, and that unless it is a dead language she has no right to actually dictate how we use it.

With that thought I also think that well written posts are easier to read. (Even when they consist of pointless attacks on others.)
Of course, you might be right, because she/he/it is an Obama supporter, and clearly a little anal retentive when it comes to the proper grammatical usage of English.

Some one really ought to explain to LittleBat that as a still living language it can only be expected that English will change with the times, and that unless it is a dead language she has no right to actually dictate how we use it.

With that thought I also think that well written posts are easier to read. (Even when they consist of pointless attacks on others.)

littlebat's a she? I think i'm in love...
And guys? It's not O'Bama. It's Obama. OBAMA. One word, no apostrophe, only one capitalized letter. I can let spelling and grammar mistakes go up to a point, but sometimes here on RIU it gets to a point that I fear English speakers are totally losing the ability to communicate in our own language.

Oh, I'm SO guilty of writing the "O'Bama" thingie. My mistake ... I know he's half White and half Black ... so I was just assuming that the "White" part was Irish and that everyone else was in error. :lol:

Nice to have an English professor in the group though. :clap:

Sea-B, I'm not concerned in the least what you and duh-dave think about me. I think your "popularity" on this site has taken a big hit lately, so ramble on "Sweety".
That's why I call you Thumbelina. Because you dance. :hump: Again, seeing as how you still don't get it, you do realize that you regularly respond to both of us with equal vehemence and poorly disguised frustration, don't you? Just because you insist you don't doesn't make it so, as so easily evidenced by your quickness to toss out the Sea-B (go on, med, fill in the rest and call me a bitch, you KNOW you want to, and we all know you're already halfway there) and similar derogatory responses that have little else besides your typical insults contained within. And, the fact that you do respond as predictably as you do belies your own words.
We get to you, we get to you good. We get under your skin and infuriate you. For this, I am glad, I think you might pop! Poof! There goes medicinemange.

Oh, and if my popularity were really taking such a hit, why do I have so many backing me up, yet cracking on you? Why do I have all the rep points I do? You're a joke, and it's amusing to see you dance.
With all due respect to his supporters, I am sincerely very interested in knowing how anyone with a uterus (or anyone who cares about anyone with a uterus) can defend Ron Paul, who says abortion is "murder." I guess I just feel that American citizens should have the right to safe, clean, legal medical care, no matter what they choose to do in the privacy of their own doctors' offices, call me crazy.
I understand, it's something I've struggled with myself, among other issues. RP will not try to impose his own morality upon me, though. He would allow me and my fellow Californians to decide, do we allow women to control their bodies to this point? What types of sex education, if any, will we have in our schools?

He is also extremely consistent and persistent in his ultimate goal of removing much federal interference and giving it back to states. That's what the prayer in school thing is about, more than anything. More than anything his whole mantra, his whole focus, is on getting back to the Constitution and not deviating from that in the manner we have. It is upon leaving the individual to make their own decisions for themselves, and he backs it up with his votes and actions. One of those actions is to return his paycheck as representative. Do you think Mr's. Obama & McCain give back, as mensches, as men who know they don't need that income, so why not give it back to the taxpayers so we can reduce the debt they've helped us incur? Not on your life.

Obama surely ain't it for me, due to many of the things that I've outlined in this thread and others that all point to his disingenuous nature and willingness to distort even the truth of his own views simply to appeal to the widest audience possible. Ron Paul stands true to his values and integrity, and that actually means a whole lot more to me than platitudes. The latest and, honestly, most insulting, is the idea that he, an attorney, senator and (former) teacher, misunderstands the definition of 'decriminalization'. Give me a break, he knows DAMN well all possible definitions, and if they want me to really believe that, then I'll have to believe also that he is then just too stupid to be in the hot seat as POTUS. And that's not even beginning to address the man's integrity (or lack thereof, as it were) and inconsistency.

McCain? Oh. My. God. Bob Barr..? POSEUR. I'm a hair's breadth from completely rejecting my party for endorsing him on the ticket, it's disgusting to me.
Paul's stance on medical marijuana is favorable, for sure, but to support abstinence education over sex education, tax incentives for Christian-based schools, teaching of creationism in public schools, and a Constitutional amendment supporting (Christian) prayers in school is just a little too close to abolishing separation of church and state for me. I don't want my government forcing its religion and the "values" thereof upon me.
I think you're misunderstanding his stance on these issues. There is little he does that promotes his own personal values, but plenty that supports allowing states to decide for themselves and removing federal involvement. This is one of the reasons why he should be more popular with gays, as he fully supports their right to marry as it has no impact on those not married to them (just a for instance).
Is it so difficult to comprehend that there are people in the USA who are NOT CHRISTIANS and don't want to be??? Do we just not have any right to be Americans anymore? And how many more pregnant teenagers do we need to see in all those red states before we admit that maybe, JUST MAYBE, just entertain the THEORY here, that abstinence education isn't working out so well? And how can anyone be a conservative and grow and/or smoke pot? That one's just baffling to me. Like working for Planned Parenthood and being a Sarah Palin fan, say.
There's plenty of sex education in California, and that's not having a huge impact, either. Still plenty of teen pregnancy and unwanted pregnancies.
Anyway, Kucinich all the way, dammit. I'm only voting for Obama because I can't vote for Mr. K.

And guys? It's not O'Bama. It's Obama. OBAMA. One word, no apostrophe, only one capitalized letter. I can let spelling and grammar mistakes go up to a point, but sometimes here on RIU it gets to a point that I fear English speakers are totally losing the ability to communicate in our own language.
I think it was another thread where the grammar nazis were called out, so I poked my head in and warned them they didn't want me going on patrol. I don't just stop with the grammar once I get going. :twisted:
Of course, you might be right, because she/he/it is an Obama supporter, and clearly a little anal retentive when it comes to the proper grammatical usage of English.

Some one really ought to explain to LittleBat that as a still living language it can only be expected that English will change with the times, and that unless it is a dead language she has no right to actually dictate how we use it.

The head once again hits the desk. Does this mean that I should just totally stop caring about such things as root words? Like, for example, if we have a word such as "shantytown," which follows standard rules of grammar (it is a TOWN made of SHANTIES), should I say, "Oooo, English is changing!" and allow the substitution of the Sanskrit word for "peace," which has not only a different meaning but a different pronunciation, to stand in with no opposition? And even though all those excess apostrophes are confusing and connote heretofore unknown meanings of what may, just MAY, be non-words, I should just embrace their misuse because "English is changing?" Certainly I shouldn't despair that the under-21 population of my country is losing its ability to write in complete sentences with the advent of the text message -- text, a word that is now, apparently, spelled "txt." Oh, but vowels are irrelevant, right? English is CHANGING! Certainly it doesn't need to be, y'know, PRONOUNCEABLE or anything.

There's a difference between the evolution and the slaughter of language. I submit -- just humor me here on this radical concept -- that if one wants to be taken seriously, one might learn to spell. WTF, OMG, LOL!!!11111!

Let's say, for example, that I suddenly went about my day-to-day business on the assumption that 2+2=5. Let's say I went into a store to pay for a $5 item with $4, and when I was told that that wasn't enough, I submitted to the clerk that s/he ought to lighten up, math is changing, math's not a dead discipline, and I have every right to interpret it as I see fit. Would this get me out of the store having paid less than the cost of the item? Somehow, I think not.

And yes, I'm a female and published author. Not self-published, mind you -- I am with a major NYC house, have a reputable, AAR-affiliated NYC literary agent, and I write for national magazines to pay the bills. I have a master's in creative writing, two undergrad degrees in English and playwriting, and I've taught literature and composition at the college level for several years. If you have similar credentials, and a fairly advanced understanding of linguistics and syntax, and would really like to get into this discussion with me, let's do it. I'm assuming you wouldn't have made the comment you made if you didn't at least have a bachelor's degree in English or linguistics, n'est-ce pas?
Lol, I do believe that stating that you are authorized to dictate the usage of the English language just because you have a degree in it is a little bit absurd. Languages, excepting dead languages such as Attic Greek or Ancient Roman, change, but I do have to admit that I find the lack of people being able to spell a bit annoying.

Of course, I also understand the fact that Languages do change in their usage and their spelling, and that to attempt to prevent any such change is like trying to catch water in your fist.

As far as having a degree in philology (the study of languages) I have to admit that I do not, but as a user of the English Language I do believe that I have every right to express my opinion on changes that are happening to it.

Then again, thou might be one of those people that want to return to the olde ways of speaking, and spelling, which for sooth often appears to be confusing to modern English speakers.
lol....were not in your English class miss, this is an informal place where we do stuff like this :finger: ...........................maybe you should go around to every thread and correct everyones grammar, i bet that would be so much fun for you :clap:
Lol, I do believe that stating that you are authorized to dictate the usage of the English language just because you have a degree in it is a little bit absurd.

Wow, I said that? Where? Can you point me to that exact quote?

And since you're giving me this power, for which I didn't ask, can I do away with the acronym "lol?"

lol....were not in your English class miss, this is an informal place where do stuff like this :finger: ...........................maybe you should go around to every thread and correct everyones grammar, i bet that would be so much fun for you :clap:

What..........would..............really......................be..........fun..........for............me.......is........if..............sentences...........ended.......with........periods. Oh, and "everyone's?" Contains an apostrophe. Possessive, you see. And "were" can be used in a sentence such as "We were on our way," whereas "We're not in your English class," would contain an apostrophe, as "we're" is a contraction for "we are." Also, it's "I'll" bet, not "I bet."

I'm perfectly willing to take anyone seriously who can demonstrate a higher-than-third-grade level of English comprehension.
Littlebat, Math is built upon certain underlying principals, which languages are not. The root words you seek to hold onto are for the most part borrowed words from other languages.

Though, I am sure that the government would like to ensure that everyone spells the words how they were taught to spell them, because if they are not it makes mathematical analysis of encrypted communications a lot more difficult, because the statistical occurrences of letters can no longer be assumed to be the same.
I'm no fan of spelling or grammar nazis, and try to refrain from being one myself. But, as a matter of historical fact, did you realize that one thing that has preceded the collapse of all great civilizations is the bastardization of their native language? I'm not suggesting any direct cause and effect or anything, but it's surely not a complete coincidence either. Perhaps it has nothing to do with the language being bastardized, but rather a lack of focus on education, or an overabundance of tolerance for ignorance. I dunno. Just pointing out the history. (And when I see "Kin I get sum1 to hep me owt wit sum fat budz!!!' or something like that, I confess, I do cringe inwardly and worry about the future of OUR civilization.)
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