Sea-B, I'm not concerned in the least what you and duh-dave think about me. I think your "popularity" on this site has taken a big hit lately, so ramble on "Sweety".
That's why I call you Thumbelina. Because you dance.

Again, seeing as how you
still don't get it, you do realize that you regularly respond to both of us with equal vehemence and poorly disguised frustration, don't you? Just because you insist you don't doesn't make it so, as so easily evidenced by your quickness to toss out the Sea-B (go on, med, fill in the rest and call me a bitch, you KNOW you want to, and we all know you're already halfway there) and similar derogatory responses that have little else besides your typical insults contained within. And, the fact that you do respond as predictably as you do belies your own words.
We get to you, we get to you good. We get under your skin and infuriate you. For this, I am glad, I think you might pop! Poof! There goes medicinemange.
Oh, and if my popularity were really taking such a hit, why do I have so many backing me up, yet cracking on you? Why do I have all the rep points I do? You're a joke, and it's amusing to see you dance.
With all due respect to his supporters, I am sincerely very interested in knowing how anyone with a uterus (or anyone who cares about anyone with a uterus) can defend Ron Paul, who says abortion is "murder." I guess I just feel that American citizens should have the right to safe, clean, legal medical care, no matter what they choose to do in the privacy of their own doctors' offices, call me crazy.
I understand, it's something I've struggled with myself, among other issues. RP will not try to impose his own morality upon me, though. He would allow me and my fellow Californians to decide, do we allow women to control their bodies to this point? What types of sex education, if any, will we have in our schools?
He is also extremely consistent and persistent in his ultimate goal of removing much federal interference and giving it back to states. That's what the prayer in school thing is about, more than anything. More than anything his whole mantra, his whole focus, is on getting back to the Constitution and not deviating from that in the manner we have. It is upon leaving the individual to make their own decisions for themselves, and he backs it up with his votes and actions. One of those actions is to return his paycheck as representative. Do you think Mr's. Obama & McCain give back, as mensches, as men who know they don't need that income, so why not give it back to the taxpayers so we can reduce the debt they've helped us incur? Not on your life.
Obama surely ain't it for me, due to many of the things that I've outlined in this thread and others that all point to his disingenuous nature and willingness to distort even the truth of his own views simply to appeal to the widest audience possible. Ron Paul stands true to his values and integrity, and that actually means a whole lot more to me than platitudes. The latest and, honestly, most insulting, is the idea that he, an attorney, senator and (former) teacher, misunderstands the definition of 'decriminalization'. Give me a break, he knows DAMN well all possible definitions, and if they want me to really believe that, then I'll have to believe also that he is then just too stupid to be in the hot seat as POTUS. And that's not even beginning to address the man's integrity (or lack thereof, as it were) and inconsistency.
McCain? Oh. My. God. Bob Barr..? POSEUR. I'm a hair's breadth from completely rejecting my party for endorsing him on the ticket, it's disgusting to me.
Paul's stance on medical marijuana is favorable, for sure, but to support abstinence education over sex education, tax incentives for Christian-based schools, teaching of creationism in public schools, and a Constitutional amendment supporting (Christian) prayers in school is just a little too close to abolishing separation of church and state for me. I don't want my government forcing its religion and the "values" thereof upon me.
I think you're misunderstanding his stance on these issues. There is little he does that promotes his own personal values, but plenty that supports allowing states to decide for themselves and removing federal involvement. This is one of the reasons why he should be more popular with gays, as he fully supports their right to marry as it has no impact on those not married to them (just a for instance).
Is it so difficult to comprehend that there are people in the USA who are NOT CHRISTIANS and don't want to be??? Do we just not have any right to be Americans anymore? And how many more pregnant teenagers do we need to see in all those red states before we admit that maybe, JUST MAYBE, just entertain the THEORY here, that abstinence education isn't working out so well? And how can anyone be a conservative and grow and/or smoke pot? That one's just baffling to me. Like working for Planned Parenthood and being a Sarah Palin fan, say.
There's plenty of sex education in California, and that's not having a huge impact, either. Still
plenty of teen pregnancy and unwanted pregnancies.
Anyway, Kucinich all the way, dammit. I'm only voting for Obama because I can't vote for Mr. K.
And guys? It's not O'Bama. It's Obama. OBAMA. One word, no apostrophe, only one capitalized letter. I can let spelling and grammar mistakes go up to a point, but sometimes here on RIU it gets to a point that I fear English speakers are totally losing the ability to communicate in our own language.
I think it was another thread where the grammar nazis were called out, so I poked my head in and warned them they didn't want me going on patrol. I don't just stop with the grammar once I get going.