Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military


Well-Known Member
want his address? i can give it to ya.

i also tracked his family ancestry too. either they were having a party in 1860 with 200+ people having anglicized names at one address, or his family owned the shit out of some slaves.
Eh, I honestly don't give a fuck if his own father owned slaves he himself is not guilty. I know their is a Christian thing about this too something like the son is not guilty of his father's sins.

I don't even blame white people for slavery but I thank them for being the first people on Earth to end slavery. We still have slaves in Africa even China.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I honestly don't give a fuck if his own father owned slaves he himself is not guilty. I know their is a Christian thing about this too something like the son is not guilty of his father's sins.

I don't even blame white people for slavery but I thank them for being the first people on Earth to end slavery. We still have slaves in Africa even China.
We still have pedophiles too.


Well-Known Member
does pretending my situation is bad help you justify your purchase? my little ranch is quite humble, sure beats making payments though.

how are those pmi payments feeling in your third year when your shit supposedly appreciated more than 30%?

do you not see the obvious lie youre caught in when we all know pmi drops off at 20%?

ah but youre rich, right? that couple hundred a month for mortgage insurance is no bother to the high falluten likes of you, and your new baby on the way huh?
So defensive. I was wishing you well in your mobile home purchases. I guess racist trailer trash can't take a compliment.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I honestly don't give a fuck if his own father owned slaves he himself is not guilty. I know their is a Christian thing about this too something like the son is not guilty of his father's sins.

I don't even blame white people for slavery but I thank them for being the first people on Earth to end slavery. We still have slaves in Africa even China.
Stfu pedo


Well-Known Member
Actually I believe all child molesters should be hung in public or worse I'd love to see a pedo quartered I'd drive all the way to Texas to see it. :)
Do you not think it would be better to try treat the (disgusting) disease they have instead of just executing people?